Newbie Safety - Do's and Dont's
I was reading the thread regarding camping off the grid and some of the comments got me thinking. As new people coming to the islands we'll be adapting to a new way of life, a new culture, and as with anywhere in the world, a new crime element. Outside of the obvious precautions like, "If a guy with an eye patch pulls up next to you in a cargo van with a unicorn on it and asks you if you want a puppy, run away," what would you guys recommend as general things to watch out for?
Also, would it be sensible to have a firearm for home protection? We live in Arizona right now which is the wild, wild west for guns. We've always had a handgun and had discussed bringing it but I don't know what the perception of guns is there.
Thanks for any insight!
My grandson and daughter-in-law were murdered with a well-hidden gun the robber found in their house. More people -- by far -- are injured or killed with their own guns than with other peoples' guns.
I stay away from the rougher areas (especially at night) and have an alarm system at home. I've lived here for almost two years and haven't had the first hint of negativity or threat of violence. Maybe I'm just lucky or maybe you get the treatment you project. I treat everyone with respect and they(all of them) treat me the same way.
Others will give you different advice.
My grandson and daughter-in-law were murdered with a well-hidden gun the robber found in their house. More people -- by far -- are injured or killed with their own guns than with other peoples' guns.
I stay away from the rougher areas (especially at night) and have an alarm system at home. I've lived here for almost two years and haven't had the first hint of negativity or threat of violence. Maybe I'm just lucky or maybe you get the treatment you project. I treat everyone with respect and they(all of them) treat me the same way.
Others will give you different advice.
I'm so sorry that happened to you and your family! That had to be awful. We've always been very safe with keeping the gun locked. It's always close, though, just in case. I, unfortunately, have had negative experiences on the other side of the fence where the threat is coming from outside. My viewpoint on guns and personal protection has completely evolved over the last 5 years, but that doesn't mean that there is always a place and time to have one.
Are there certain areas that are more prone to problems than others or is it just sporadic pockets? And I agree on your second point. It's the golden rule, right? Treat others the way you want to be treated and it will typically be reciprocated. 🙂
I like guns, so I'd say bring it. I don't personally have one, because I'm an emotion person and I like to drink, so it's not smart, although I would like to buy a shotgun.
Just don't be an ass. You can tell the neighborhoods you should worry about. Don't hang out blasting music from your car at midnight at the gas stations and talking trash. Also, if you're buying drugs from a crackhead, don't follow them into the alley.
You'll do fine.
Don't leave your valuables unattended in your car or on the beach. Those are prime targets for theft.
Don't lock your car while it's parked, or thieves will have to break the windows to see what's inside.
Don't go alone on foot to beaches, streets, etc. where there are few or no other people.
Don't stay out late, drunk.
Put up multiple layers of security at home: fence, cameras, dogs, alarm, etc.
I, too, am a "gun" person and have had CCPs in multiple states. My advice = skip the gun. Far more hassle than it is worth. And, guess what? If you use it in justifiable self defense, there's a better than average chance you'll be prosecuted anyway (history of that here), and you'll also probably be advised to pack up and leave the island for fear of retribution (also history of that here). So, there you go.
Just get a dog, lock your doors, mind your own business, don't be out late, and don't be a drunken fool and you should be fine.
That's terrible! So sorry to hear about that horrific ordeal!!
You'll need to take your advice and get to the Animal Shelter8-) And you did say dogs, as in more than one(tu)
I believe Raven and Axel would do just fine!,....available at the St Croix Animal Shelter
If on STT I believe Oreo, from their shelter would be happy to greet your "guests"
Pretty good advice here. If you decide to transport a gun don't just "bring" it. Search the archives of this board for many long discussions addressing gun ownership in the USVI. The rules are very different here.
And sometimes, even when you live in a "good" area, violent crime still happens. We live(d) next door to a 73-year-old man who was killed in his home in broad daylight. This is only one of the reasons we're leaving island at the end of the month.
I've lived here for 8 years and have never had any first hand experience with violence or property crime.
However...that doesnt mean it won't happen to me sooner or later.
i have lived here since 2004 and we have been burglarized a few times, had our cars broken into a few times, someone walked into the house when i was home alone and took a camera case-fast eddie.
that does not mean i don't usually feel safe. i do watch where i go and what time i am out at night. there are places we do not go at night.
i have heard horrible stories from others about crime done to them or their friends.
reality of life.
mgpilot, any word on the police solving that crime?
Where in AZ are you ?
I'm in the Phx area. I'm a tweener, I split my time between AZ and STX.
Which island are you moving to?
Must be something in the water with AZ and wanting to go to the USVI! I'm in Surprise and just scheduled our PMV to STX for July. Where abouts are you? What island are u looking at?
Terri do you have a place there that you rent or own? What island?

They have water in Arizona?
Where in AZ are you ?
I'm in the Phx area. I'm a tweener, I split my time between AZ and STX.
Which island are you moving to?
I'm in Phoenix. We're looking at St. Thomas. I just don't think I can do one more summer here 🙂
They have water in Arizona?
We did, until the NPS took it. Whomp whomp whoooomp. :p
Khakimack and AandA2VI,
Maybe we can all get together and we can answer many of your questions about the VI, STX in particular.
i have lived here since 2004 and we have been burglarized a few times, had our cars broken into a few times, someone walked into the house when i was home alone and took a camera case-fast eddie.
Fast Eddie. He burglarized my complex several times. Idiot. I don't know why they can't keep him locked up.
iris, i have heard some stories about him. he is very brazen. physically harmless from what i hear. but all the same....
when i lived up north in MD, we used to have a guy come around my work named snowball. he would always do something so he could get locked up in the colder months and then get out in the warmer months. nice guy but the drugs got him. maybe something similar to fast eddie.
sooo..where does fast eddie hang out? what part of island?
Wow, Phoenix reunion here! I live in Phoenix, too. I moved from here to STX two years ago, lived there for a year, and then moved back to Phoenix. Terry and his wife were kind enough to meet with me before I moved to STX to give me some insider info, and we continue to get together occasionally, either here or there. I'd be happy to "pay it forward" if anyone around here wants to get a group of us together. (I do still have a connection to STX, as I own land there and go back to visit whenever I can. (And since we've been talking about camping, although I am a hiker/camper, I don't camp even on my land on STX!) Next trip is coming up in a couple of weeks!)
I'm TOTALLY up for a get together!! First rounds on us! We're in Surprise but realize that's like CA to east sidets so let us know when and where and we will be there, Sat nights work well for us.
fast eddie when he is not in jail hangs out in christiansted
AandA, I just looked at my calendar... my work schedule is all over the place, so the next Saturday night I have free (and not on STX!) is June 23. Not sure if that would work for the others, or if there are other days of the week that would do... might want to move this to PMs so we don't completely take over this thread!
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