Paintball in STX?
My son would like me to ask whether any of the kids in STX are into paintball? I did a search here and through Google with no luck. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

The boy scout camp will be good for that...I have to ask around.
That would be awesome!
Don't know about any kids but my hubby sure loves his paint ball. Well he is a big kid. Most recently he has been shooting centipedes and mice with his paint ball gun. Yuk.
I turn into a total kid around paintball also... something about hunting and being hunted at the same time... very cool.
I used to turn the velocity down and plink the cats that would crap in my landscaping. I know it seems cruel, but like I said I turned the velocity down to the point that it mostly just scares them; and... for those that garden, isn't it wonderful to be digging in your soil and lift up a cat crap. I can deal with once or twice a season, but when it seems that every cat in the neighborhood only uses my landscaping (that's what I get for bringing in soil instead of just living with the clay of N virginia)... it's just too much.
OK, so we're up to at least three, it sounds like. If my daughter the ice hockey player comes to visit, then we're up to four.
If I remember correctly there use to be, like a out door place for paintball, I never went myself. I think it closed down sometime after I moved to the states though.
Has your husband shot the paint ball gun off in the house lately?

There used to be a company on STT that had paintball. They took you over to one of the Brasses (I think) & you'd shoot at each other there. Not in business any more as far as I know.
I think the short answer is no, no paintball on STX.
Lol Juanita. The last time is when I told him there was a mouse in the kitchen. He went in with his paint ball gun and when he came out he said, "Don't go in there".
I will talk to hubby. He may know a place a group could get together on STX to play paintball and he has a group of friends who would love it.
Ummmm... yes I remember the one and only shot in the house. I had emptied the canister... but forgot the one round in the chamber. White carpet, yellow paintball. Luckily my wife was out of town for a whole day. Splattered about 2 ft on the rug... but, also managed to throw yellow specs all over the wall, windows, etc. Kids had a great laugh at me... renting the steam cleaner (it never really came out completely.... duh). So, I can only imagine what a mouse hunt in the kitchen would look like. You might as well bring the hose into the kitchen after that one.
we have a field on monte cristo rd in edinburg tx anyone can come and play if interested contact me a
We used to have paintball over by the new Costuless on St. Croix. It was an open field and a couple of boards to hide behind. i remember my classmates coming in with huge bruises, lol. This was around 1997 and later (i was 12 or 14, i think). It would be awesome to have that going venture, perhaps?
The owner of Caribbean Printing & Marketing in Gallows Bay- Mike Taras. His son is an avid player . Maybe you can contact Mike and ask some q's. 773-3001
Hello! I was wondering if there was any paint ball OR airsoft on St.Croix. Went paint balling once in the US and fell in love. I'm more experienced at airsoft though, because my friends in the states would play in our neighborhood! unfortunately, there is really no where for me to go! If you could recommend something, or know someone who wouldn't mind some responsible teenagers and adults "playing" on their lawn? If they wanted us to pay, maybe everybody interested could pitch in a few dollars. Anyways, let ME know what YOU know! Thanks for your time!
I was just about to say, a lot of the kids at Country Day School are into airsoft. They have big battles at each others' houses. I just know about the current middle school kids. I don't know how you would get involved... does your son play sports? He could meet them through little league or school sports...
Just go into Csted about 2AM. Oh yea, I forgot, they use the real thing.
Where do people that have painball guns on island fill their CO2 tanks?
there is a welding supply store in Castle Coakley
Just go into Csted about 2AM. Oh yea, I forgot, they use the real thing.

I was on St Thomas/St John today and noticed a sign that I believe read "WALA Paintball"... I didn't catch it fast enough to read the phone number but I think the sign also said "behind Ace Hardware"...
Ring any bells for anyone in the area?? I'm on St Croix so I don't know the details over there. I was recently approached here on STX by someone who had brought down several markers and was toying with the idea of starting up something (I'm a master airsmith). Plenty of business paperwork to do and insurance coverage to take care of officially, but at least he had the right idea.
I've noticed a few markers around the island, so I know there must be a few youths who play but nothing regular. It would be quite difficult to properly store paintballs for very long down here in the heat (and humidity is not nice to the gel shell) and to further compound that you'd have to order cases by the pallet just about to justify the shipping I would think... but I find I do miss it. 8)
I have talked to someone involved in the old field area near Cost-U-Less that was active years ago and he regaled me with tales of action and adventure. Some things never change, even if the technology has. hehe
Anyone on this board still active or was? Anyone interested?
My son and many more plat air soft every Saturday at AZ academy. It's a big event and everyone loves it.

I'll have to swing by and check that out... what time do they get going and/or quit?
They start at noon. They are also renting out equip. Etc... Contact Mauree Heller at AZ Academy.

I've never been closer than the highway but I know where it is... I'll try to swing by there tom'w after I get done at work. 8)
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