Pet Chicken
Not a joke, Someone please help.
I'm planning on moving back stateside soon and have a pet chicken.
I really love chicken.
What would I need to do to take my chicken home with me?
I'm sure it is going to be a little more difficult than taking a dog stateside, with everyone paranoid about the avian flu.
I am planning on taking her to the vet to make sure she does not have the flu, does anyone have a recommendation for a chicken vet?
Would the vet know the rules about taking a chicken stateside?

Oh please - get a life! A pet chicken? Must really be a boring life you've led in the VI!
Island Paul,
I have not had a boring life in the VI. I have had a blast. I have always thought you have been helpful on this message board, why would you say something like that? I bet when you lived here you sat around in your underwear at home, ate sardines, and surfed the internet.
Chicken is way cooler than you will ever be.
I dont know of any chicken vets but I do know of a few great chicken chefs!
I've always had pet birds, have several now. I knew a woman once who had a pet chicken in metro Denver. She would take it out for walks like a little dog. That chicken was way nicer than most people I've met in my long life.
I do not know of any of the legalities of transporting a chicken, nor have I had one for a pet, but do understand having a fondness for them. Being born and raised in NYC, I lived for a bit in the country and did have chickens, geese, rabbits, etc. and feel that I have come home in a certain way.
I think this board is helpful, but folks do have different opinions on subjects.
Best wishes,
You didn't say which island you are on but call Dr. Andrew Williamson on STT. Recognized as being an excellent authority on birds, he may be able to provide you with the information you need. 775-3240.
Thank you STT Resident, I am on STT. I will call him today.
What goes peck, peck, peck, boom?
Island Ed,
A chicken in a minefield.
What do you get when you cross a chicken and a Pit Bull?
A Barbeque Pit? Paul - Don't be so mean.
Oh my, mean to have an opinion?!!! AND to try to inject some humor into these proceedings of GREAT seriousness.
Sorry AGV, my apologies, I type faster than my brain really thinks sometimes. Not a good trait - sorry.
My very first adult pet was a parakeet named PrettyBirdie, and when I relocated from Chicago to Long Beach, California for a job, he rode along with me in the car - perched on the seat next to me - OUTSIDE his cage!
So, I wish you best of luck in your transportation situation.
Just a Pit Bull.
Paul and Ed'
If you guys don't watch it I might have to crack a smile.
i love chicken jokes....keep em coming.
i accept your apology. i also apologize for my sardine eating underwear remark.
thanks everyone for your help in my unique situation!!!
There is this sly old rooster on a farm. One day the farmer, thinking the old rooster is just not servicing the hens like he used to, decides he needs a younger rooster. So he goes and buys one and brings it back to the farm. The old rooster says to the young cock, "I bet I can race you around the barn 3 times and win". The younger rooster says, "You're on!" Then when they start the race, the old rooster jumps ahead, with the younger rooster staying right on his tail. One lap... two laps... 2 and a half laps... then BANG... the younger rooster is blown to smithereens!!! The farmer was on his porch lowering his shot gun and says, "THATS THE 2nd F******* GAY ROOSTER I HAVE BOUGHT THIS WEEK!"
Now I've heard everything!
What did one lesbian frog say to another lesbian frog?
"You know, we DO taste like chicken."
Pants ON - I am up early every day taking my 6 month old Golden Retriever puppy out for "morning business"! Wouldn't do for the neighbors to see me without pants! Don't want anyone having a heart attack, now do I? LOL!!!!
Another chicken farmer has the same problem – old aging rooster. He goes to the Chicken Guy who raises chickens and explains that he wants the horniest rooster the guy has. The Chicken Guy point to a cage – almost a jail - and says that one is the horniest, but you don’t want him as he is just way over the top in horniness – hence the strong cage… The farmer explains that is exactly what is he looking for.
Back on the farm the farmer open the door of the cage and the rooster sprints to the first hen and nails her – then right on to the next. And on and on. Grinning, the farmer goes in to lunch. He smiles as he hears all the ruckus coming from the chicken coop.
After a while he notices that all noise is gone – and the barnyard is void of any chicken noises. He goes and finds white clumps of feathers – dead hens lying everywhere. They have all been screwed to death.
He goes in search of the rooster, while noticing vultures circling overhead. He finally finds him. Laying on his back and apparently dead. The farmer yells at him. You no good SOB. You have killed all of my hens. I glad you screwed yourself to death as well.
The rooster turns his head and says – shhhhhhhhhhh - I think they are going to land.
Ohhhh Noooo!!!
This post is going sideways into the ditch... and hitting every chicken trying to cross the road. I hope no one gets upset. LOL
I know for a fact that this is not the first post to "go sideways", or astray from the original posted question, but I must confess, I was probably one of those responsible for sending it off into a sideways area.......however, I do believe that agv's original posted question was answered by a vet referal from STTResident.
Perhaps we should start a new thread, titled: Chicken Jokes! or Special Pet's.
This one to Tony,I lived in the greater Denver area for nearly ten years and met alot of very nice people.I never met not even one chicken the whole ten years!How did you two meet?
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