Random Kenny Chesney stuff...
So, I’ve mentioned before that I do construction work, but I also have a cool little side gig that I do every so often, which is stagehand work for a local production company. They do most of the big touring acts that come through the ATL, as well as corporate and sports gigs, and when I see something that appeals to me (or if I just want to make a few extra bucks), I’ll get on the call.
Well, the extra bucks are needed right now, so I’ve been picking up gigs at the arena downtown, and thought I’d mention I loaded in Kenny Chesney today, as I think there are a few fans of his on here who might find that mildly interesting. Not a big country music fan myself, but I’ll probably shoot back down tomorrow afternoon to see what the big damn deal is with this guy. Hell, he sold out 3 nights here, so he must be doing something right. The tour is a ginormous production, as well, so... after loading out Destiny’s Child last night, then coming back after 2 hours of sleep, unloading 17 trucks worth of crap (the stadium shows get 22 trucks)(one truck was designated as "Kenny’s Tings"), I feel like I’ve had my ass handed to me.
Anyway, when I do these gigs, 9 times out of 10 I meet the artists, so I figured I’ll try and corner Kenny sometime around sound check tomorrow and get him to sign something to the board and get a few pics, then post ‘em to my flickr.com thingy. It'll be my little contribution.
Sorry for the long ramble.... thanks for indulging me.
he is amazing. i was willing to pay up to 200 dollars to go to his show here in PGH next week, but tickets just werent around. he could easily sell out two nights here also. anyways, ill be on st. thomas when he is playing here, so i'm sure i wont be missing it too much...haha
we have a guitar signed by him. he's a great guy who does a lot of charitable things. and a good musician.
Mr. Chesney knows well of his popularity here in the U.S.V.I. He mentioned in an interview that the masses of people going to St. John to find him has made him retreat to his boat and stay away from his old haunts. People still come to St. John hoping to run into him even when he is on tour.
It is fun to meet famous people, no? No matter how cool a person thinks he/she is, when you meet a celebrity it is exciting. Mr. Chesney seems like he would be likable in person. Good luck having a talk with him! Timing is everything, don't bother him when he is busy. 🙂
He was just on CBS Sunday Morning. They did mention his Caribbean retreat, no word of St. John. Maybe his request?
Ok, Saturday night excesses prevented me from getting up and going to the arena today, but I'll get down there tomorrow and see if I can get a minute or 2 with him. Post sound check is normally the best time to grab someone, so I'll hit him up then.
I've met more people than I could remember, so it's not that big a deal to me anymore. They're just people, like the rest of us, and most are pretty approachable. I had a chat and coffee with Bette Midler once while I was smelly and dirty from the load in, and she could've cared less. Very cool woman. Elton John is another story. I'm betting KC will be up for talking island stuff, so... maybe I can make it a vinow.com exclusive.
Or better yet, maybe and audience with him in STJ! He may be looking for another on island rep!
Maybe I come from a different generation or something. I've had very close (some VERY close!) encounters with some of the "biggest" over the years. ranging from royalty to pop stars, film stars and all inbetween. And during my 20 years here including 10 years in what I do now, many "famous" people have crossed the portal and I keep my mouth shut about it all.
One of the reasons they come to the islands is to both enjoy a taste of island life and try to be a bit anonymous and not have to deal with the continuous fawning of "fans" who so often go beyond all limits in snapping photos and otherwise encroaching on their privacy.
Yes, it was "big news" a while back when Kenny Chesney bought a house on St. John and the gossip line got started about where the house was, etc. And then he married Renee Zelwegger on St.John.
Give these people some peace, for crying out loud! They come here to get away from it all!
Steve, I'm sorry if I offend you by saying this, but your posts really offend me. The "stars" who come here spread the word to their friends, knowing that they can visit here and not be mobbed.
Your stance on "grabbing" Chesney and "hitting him up" leaves me VERY cold.
Ummm... I'm not exactly sure where that came from, but I think maybe you're taking something the wrong way Stt Res. I'm PMing you.
Hmmm... seems I can't PM you, so....
Why on Earth would you be offended by the fact that I'd want to talk to someone if I get the opportunity, and why does my "stance" on "grabbing" Chesney and "hitting him up" with a couple of questions leave you VERY cold? I said "corner", by the way, not grab.
Most of these people do a meet and greet everyday, anyway, but I've found the atmosphere before and after sound check to be a little more relaxed and you can usually find your favorite celeb milling around catering. Most of the time, they're all too happy to have a little chat about something non-work related, sign your pass, and do a photo.
Like I said... I don't know why you'd be offended and it certainly wasn't my intention. I just though some of the regular readers might be interested if I got an opportunity to ask him a few questions about his interest in the islands.
Kenny's sport/fish boat is docked at the marina in Red Hook.
We saw his show here in Memphis this past Friday. He didn't play much of his "island" stuff at the show. I was hoping he would. It was still a good show and we enjoyed it very much.
In defense for Steve, he is performing a service for Kenny...i don't see anything wrong with him talking to him...i think you took his writings as a bit literal..i am sure he won't pin kenny into a corner! gosh people need to lighten up a bit..i personally would not turn the corner to meet him nor any other celebrity..cause they all sit on the toilet the same as i do!
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