Seaborne Airlines.....
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Seaborne Airlines...All Pet Owners!

Posts: 457
Reputable Member
Topic starter are going to see this on the Classified section too, was on the wrong one for this type of posting, sorry! But anyways....

As our move finally gets closer, June 1 I have been trying to figure out a way to get my 80 lb pooch into STT! The major airlines all have temp requirements of no higher than 85F, but of course as we all know we can reach that temp pretty quickly. So with a call to Seaborne, who I must say were extremely friendly & patient with all my questions and re-questions, I found out that I can get her in without a problem. The quick rundown of charges goes something like this: you are allowed 30 lbs pp of baggage, which if you don't have a carry on can be the dog or portion of the dogs weight and kennel, anything after that is charged @ $1.25 per lb. There is a $45.00 pet fee, and of course the cost of the humans' ticket. The reservation agent quoted me the rate of $175.00 pp RT and there is a one way rate if that is needed, she stressed that when you call in to book you simply ask for the "lowest possible rate". After I hung up with her I called right back and purposely did not request "the lowest rate" and was quoted a fare of $255.00 RT....good to know!
They do not have temp restrictions, do not require health certificates ( but you will have them anyways for the major airlines). So, if you take an early flight out of SJU the temps wont be too hot and the flight approx 40 min to STT
This works for me, I will take a MIA to SJU early morning, connect to Seaborne on their next available morning flight before it gets real hot for my fat, lazy yellow lab! Yes, it is pretty pricey to get our beloved pets there, but if you are like me they are part of the family and worth the extra effort and cash!

Just thought that this current info might help others!

See ya soon!!

Posted : March 18, 2009 11:22 pm
Posts: 3904
Famed Member

Good to know. Best of luck moving that lab.

Posted : March 19, 2009 9:48 am
Posts: 457
Reputable Member
Topic starter

Thanks! Fingers crossed that it goes as planned....and that she doesnt put on any weight she nees to be under the 100 lb mark for American Airlines

Posted : March 19, 2009 6:22 pm
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