Should we do it?
I am 22 years old and my husband is 24. we have seriously been considering moving to st. thomas after a cruise we went on that stopped there and we loved it. But we have lived in Ohio for our entire lives and have no idea what moving to the island will consists of. Financially I dont know if we could make it because all I've read is that you get paid less and everything is more expensive there. Plus we have no idea what it will cost to get our stuff there. I would really appreciate some input from someone who has done this already. We have to wait a while because we have to sell our house but we really want to make this a reality. Can any one help us??
A: Look at the navigation bar above. Under "The Move", click "What to expect" and read. Actually read through most of the stuff up there. There is a lot of info already posted. Then you can ask some specifics related to your situation. Happy hunting!:-)
If you both work, have no kids, very little debt, don't own a house, and don't need to live a pampered lifestyle, then come down for an extended vacation ("Pre Move Visit") and see what it's really like to live here.
And if you come, don't bring a lot of stuff with you at first.
Definitely don't bring your stuff right away. Mail a few boxes of things you can't live without but don't send furniture, etc. Most apartments come furnished.
I would suggest a cushion of about $10,000 to start.
thanks, we do own a house and we dont have much debt but i didnt realize that there are so many apartments. Do most people live in apartments or are there affordable 3 bedroom homes for purchase. Just for the fact that we plan to have a couple children
It all depends on what the definition of "affordable" is. Don't buy anything straightaway.
Live here for AT LEAST 6 months before you purchase anything.
Wait a year before you buy. Most people move back stateside after living here a year or two. And if you think it's hard to sell a home stateside you will be in for a eye opener here. Plus you are not prepared yet for what owning a home here really cost, unless you live seaside now. Take your time and see if you really like the islands. Also it takes about a year to really find out which part of the island you really want to live on.
Do not move most of your stuff. Put all your furniture in storage. Most places are furnished. Bring stuff like linens, cooking supplies, hobby stuff, etc... Stuff you really need. Don't burn any bridges back home.
Hard to say if you can afford it without know what you do. The economy is hurting here just like stateside so it may be harder to find a job. The service industry is usually always hiring before season or during with turnover. But if you're young, hardworking, smart, no kids, and come with a small nest egg you should be able to make a good start.
For anyone to really help you, you need to give more details about yourself and what your specifically worried about. Read this message board like it was a book. And you will find answers to all your questions. Also up top there is a search feature. There are also tabs about making the move, what to expect, moving stories, etc, all good places to start.
Good Luck.
well i am a dental assistant and my husband is a welder we make about 80,000 a year and we currently own a home that has 3 bedrooms and a full basement that cost 100,000. i dont even know if its possible to find something like what we have there for the price we paid here. were not millionares just some average joes trying to get out of ohio every thing is so busy and we just want to slow down and enjoy life. I'm mainly concerned that we cant afford to live and raise children there.
i doubt you will ever find a home comparable for the same price, even condos are getting hard to come by at that price and with condos you have condo fees
Don't worry about being able to afford children, take a year or two to see if you like the islands first. Its a totally different culture and even though you may think stateside melting pot has prepared you for it, chances are much more likely it has not. The pluses of living here are obvious, the minuses are not. Take your time, what is the hurry. Don't let your excitement for moving here put you in a financial hole. Besides you don't need to own a house to have children. And trust me you will not find anything you want to raise children in for 100k. Middle class houses really start in the 300k. But you can easily get (in good neighborhoods) 1 bedroom $1k and under, 2 bedroom $1600 and under, 3 bedrooms $1700 & up.
You really need to do a PMV (pre move visit). It sounds like you have not been here before. I'm not sure about dental asst needed here but medical billing usually is, as well as office manger type jobs. So brush up on those skills or think about service jobs. Remember your first job will mostly likely be far from your dream job, but it's all about getting your foot in the door. Good jobs come after you network and get to know people. I'm not sure about welding, it used to be great, but Hovensa keeps laying off and not hiring, so there may or may not be a glut of them.
Most likely this will not be your forever home. So think long and hard about if you really want to give up good jobs in this economy. Also if you raise kids here you will not have your stateside support system (family). And usually with the first kid that's pretty important. But many transplants do it down here. So I would strongly suggest not putting your eggs in one basket, but you're young with no kids, so if you really want to do it have an adventure and move down.
We're from Ohio and living here (on STX) with 2 incomes and 2 kids. If you want the low down, feel free to send a PM.
The OP said they wanted to live on STT not STX. Much Higher cost on STT!*-)
Life is a lot different here. If you think you want to live the life- and lots of people who moved here had the same dream- come down and try it for six months or a year. Speak to Charlotte at Dr Pomeranz's office (340-775-1826) re: dental assistant work. I can't help you with welder work, but if he is a good worker and competent, he should be able to find something. Worry about children when it happens. For many couples, children are the deal breaker because of the expense of school. But many raise perfectly happy children here, too. 🙂
I've sent you a PM
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