Is a week long enough to find a place to live?
Hi everyone. I have been planning a move to St. Thomas for almost a year now. I just finished my Master's in Teaching and want to teach in the Virgin Islands. I have my sub license in Ohio and am currently in the process of getting my initial license from the state of Ohio. I have two little boys (5 yrs and 7 months) and my husband is currently overseas working. It is up to me to find us a place and basically set up shop. I am leaving my boys with my mom for a week in April to scout out St. Thomas and find a place to live. I felt it would be easier for me to find a job once I fully relocated there so employers would know I was serious about staying. My question is, is a week long enough to find a place to live? I want to bring my family down in May. I already have money in the bank for the first and last month's rent plus security. I have been planning this for a year. My husband's income will get us by until I secure employment. Thanks ahead of time for your help.
PS. Ideally I would like a two bedroom (furnished)
Answer is maybe. We came with a 2 week reservation in a hotel and left after 5 days because we found an apartment. If you do find something, sign only a short term lease, either 3 months or 6 months. That will give you time to look around to see where you really fit in.
So, are you and the kids moving and your husband coming later? Or are the kids staying with grama while you get set up here? This sounds like a huge undertaking if you are by yourself with the kids. Maybe it would be better to wait in the states until you can all come as a family.
Hi. It took me about a month to find a house I really liked. I rented short term until I found something on STX. I'm a widow with two kids. It may take shorter or longer. Just depends. With the economy tanking and stuff on the market forever and summer coming, you can hold out and make a great deal for what you want. It does take about two months adjustment time.
dreamer: Be careful about April. The weekend around Easter (Thursday through Monday) will be a long government holiday. The last week is Carnival; the world pretty much stops for that. Come early in April.
I hope you have contacted some of the schools to have interviews set up. Montessori, Antilles, All Saints are all pretty good private schools. The department of Education also may need you, although the governor is threatening a moratorium on hiring.
And yes, you can find something in a week.
Thanks for all the feedback. I was planning on coming April 9-15 (the week before Easter). I have researched the three schools you have mentioned. I really like All Saints. The plan is to find a place and then bring my two kiddos with me. My husband would be meeting us later in July/August. It's exciting and nerve-racking all at the same time. I totally forgot about carnival. Thanks for the reminder. And if anyone knows of a great place that is looking to rent in May/June please let me know.
It is a huge undertaking, but I have had to this this before being from a military family only last time I had one kid not two. Thanks for all the help:)
Since I went to both Antilles and All Saints, I would say both have quality teachers and offer excellent education. I liked having a cafeteria at All Saints, but the facilities at Antilles are generally better, otherwise. If you are living on the east end/south side, Antilles is much easier to get to and come from. Not that it really matters, because All Saints has its evening events off campus, but you do not want to be on Garden Street in the area of All Saints at night.
Oh yeah, edit: I hated after 3rd period Wednesday Mass at All Saints - the only time I ever went to Church.
Edit edit: and I should add that Antilles encourages, but does not force, some extra-curricular activities with the Synagogue.
As one who in the past provided temporary housing for people moving to St Thomas I would say yes. I encourage you to take the time and really seek out a place that would fit all of your needs. Most times grabbing one right away may have you ending up in the wrong place. You may get a job in the East and if you live in the West, it would create a problem also having the school to think about as well. Someone suggested a short lease of 3 months if you can find it, would be ideal.
But, yes, folks who were going to stay for a month have been known to find a place in a week. Others who heeded my advice sometimes took two or three months before settling on a spot.
Even though I have been planning this move for what seems like forever, I now feel torn between STX and STT. Even though I am currently in Ohio, I have kived in high traffic areas, (NYC, LA, DC, just to name a few). I just want to slow down and raise my family in a place where I can truly enjoy them. The more I read about STX, the more I think I should visit there instead of STT. It also seems to be a lot cheaper. I always knew this, but now as I prepare to make this dream a realitiy it is really hitting me. If anyone on here has children, which island has the better schools in your opinion? My 5 year old will be starting kindergarten.
Schools are a very touchy subject on this board, and everyone has their opinion. You'd be best to do a search for "school" over the last year and read everything you can. It's an extremely important decision. Please feel free to PM me for school information on STX.
Thanks. I will do that and PM you after.
Well, I am currently on STT. I got here on Saturday and I have found a place in Fortuna and a job teaching at one of the private schools. Thanks for all the help and imput. Being on island is definitely the way to go to get things done.
Welcome!! Keep us posted.
I knew you could find something! Welcome to the VI and keep us posted on your views on moving and living here.:-)
Congratulations and welcome! Echoing EE and Linda, keep us posted. 🙂
Good job! I thought we did pretty well finding a place within two weeks (I think it tookk us 10 days to find the "perfect" place.) Welcome to the Island.

Wow congratulations on getting it done!! Seriously that's so awesome 😀
What does your husband do?
Thanks everyone for the well wishes 🙂 I am back in Ohio preparing to relocate the rest of the family.
David, my husband does contract work overseas for the military. He eventually wants to go back to school once we get residency which I think takes a year.
All I can say is I can't wait to return. I will be back for good on Mother's Day weekend. I'm pretty bummed that I am missing Carnival.
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