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Skype Anyone?

Posts: 62
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Good Afternoon,

I live in San Diego and have an interview with JFL tomorrow morning via Skype. I have never used the service before, so I went out and bought a camera and got the program downloaded. The problem is that I don't know anyone on Skype to make sure it is working. Is there anyone out there willing to call me to make sure I have everything properly configured? My user name is "briantroyweiner". Thanks!

Posted : September 2, 2013 6:05 pm
Posts: 428
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All you need to do is log on and use their echo/sound test service. You call the number and then leave a message. It then plays it back for you. It you can't here the playback, then something is wrong.

You can also call any cell phone or land line to test it out. SKYPE just doesn't work computer to computer but if you use this feature, it's free. You can call a cell phone or land line but you have to put a few bucks into your SKYPE account which is very easy to do..

Good works great and we use it all the time when we are travelling abroad to eliminate all the roaming charges.

Posted : September 2, 2013 6:10 pm
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I did the test call and that worked fine. But, it didn't have an option to test the video. I don't see the use in calling a land line or cell if that isn't going to test the video either. I just want to be as prepared as possible so I don't look like an idiot at a job interview. Thanks!

Posted : September 2, 2013 6:13 pm
Posts: 5404
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briantroy: Good luck with your interview!

As an aside, am I the only one amazed that JFL uses Skype? 😮

Posted : September 2, 2013 7:21 pm
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I sent my application, license to practice, identification and other documents as .jpeg files to HR. They were not able to read them. I had to fax them and it took 20 minutes for 5 pages. I get the feeling they aren't exactly high tech.

Posted : September 2, 2013 7:47 pm
Posts: 5404
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Posted : September 2, 2013 8:19 pm
Posts: 6523
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A lot of attorneys here use them now for depositions, etc. when one of the parties is off island. I had it for a short while and only used it once to talk to my family in the UK but it really didn't work that well. I think it's improved since then - I know several people who use it regularly to keep in touch with family stateside.

Posted : September 2, 2013 9:07 pm
Posts: 5404
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Attorneys are different from territorial government organizations. *-)

Posted : September 2, 2013 10:13 pm
Posts: 62
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Cancel that request. Found an old friend with Skype and she called me. Everything is up and running fine. Now I just have to pull off an interview wearing a jacket, tie and pajama bottoms.

Posted : September 2, 2013 10:43 pm
Posts: 94
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good luck on your interview. Funny I also will have a phone interview tmrw with JFL.

Posted : September 2, 2013 11:11 pm
Posts: 483
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I have heard of companies

Posted : September 2, 2013 11:29 pm
Posts: 483
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Oops! I have heard of companies using Skype for interviews to avoid interview fraud. A friend of mine that works in the medical field told me she had a Skype interview and the employer told her it was because people pay people interviews for them and skypeing prevents this from occurring.

Posted : September 2, 2013 11:33 pm
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I heard about that on NPR recently. Candidates hire someone more qualified to give the phone interview and after the employer hires them, they are shocked when the real candidate shows up for work and doesn't know anything.

Posted : September 2, 2013 11:38 pm
Posts: 2138
Noble Member

Skype is popular for remote employment interviews, mainly because of the video capability. Watch out for the ambush, where the employer wants to interview you with 5 minutes' notice, and you haven't shaved, showered, or any of that sh** yet!

Posted : September 3, 2013 10:59 am
Posts: 84
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A lot of attorneys here use them now for depositions, etc. when one of the parties is off island. I had it for a short while and only used it once to talk to my family in the UK but it really didn't work that well. I think it's improved since then - I know several people who use it regularly to keep in touch with family stateside.

I also have found that Skype didn't work that well for me when calling the UK. Does anyone have experience with Magic Jack? is that any better than Skype? I don't use the video, just phone calls

Posted : September 4, 2013 11:27 am
Posts: 5404
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How did it go briantroy?
Inquiring minds and all....

Posted : September 4, 2013 12:00 pm
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I think it went pretty darn good. But, I can't read minds; they could have loved me or hated me. I just don't know. I was impressed with the professionalism and courtesy they displayed and I felt like I established a rapport with them. They are getting back to me next week. I will keep you posted if you are genuinely interested!

Posted : September 4, 2013 12:25 pm
Posts: 46
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I interviewed last week too! I sent you a PM!
The hospital is really trying to turn things around and are trying to bring in quality people.

Posted : September 7, 2013 2:39 pm
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In regards to my job at JFL: I didn't get the job. They wanted someone with NICU experience instead of an MBA. Good luck all.


Posted : September 28, 2013 10:43 am
Posts: 8871
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sorry to hear that.

Posted : September 28, 2013 10:54 am
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I'm cool with it. I see why they didn't choose me. They were very nice and explained that someone with NICU experience and an AA, is better than someone with an MBA and zero NICU experience. That is their choice and I respect that. I'll check back with you guys in a year after I get my training in NICU..

Posted : September 28, 2013 11:02 am
Posts: 46
Eminent Member

Sorry to here that man. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors. We are here now and I just toured the hospital the other day. Great group of folks, so possibly in the future!

Posted : September 29, 2013 12:30 am
Posts: 3
New Member

Sorry to here that man. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors. We are here now and I just toured the hospital the other day. Great group of folks, so possibly in the future!

Hi John
My wife is an RN with 23 yrs experience and want to apply to work at JFL. She printed out an application and will be faxing it. Any advice? As soon as she can find work, we will be relocating.

Posted : September 29, 2013 1:12 am
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