So sad... Sea grape trees being cut down.
Does anyone know why they are cutting down the seagrape tres along the beach just past cottages??? I went to the beach further down and on my way back see two men in a truck with a chainsaw. I wanted to cry especially since I just got done pickking up two entire trash bags full of garbage on the beach. Half of the trees are gone now.
I assume that has to be approved? Dpnr? God it's so sad!!!!! No pride, no value to nature.
I know mangroves are protected but don't know if Sea Grapes are.
You could call DPNR to find out.....?
Rumor mill says the landowner is clearing the lot with plans to construct a private residence there.
Are there any ordinances protecting trees on the VI? Do the individual HOAs have any too.
Here, I deal with tree ordinances which are specific to each municipality as well as HOAs within. Most are the same but some want to be a little different (dbh, re-planting specs, etc)
compliance is enforced through several steps and by everyone with a cell phone.
Olassee Davis and others have been lobbying for years for a tree/forest management policy for the territory. They also oppose cutting down so many trees.
People have protested against plans to cut down some trees, and those protests helped to save a few. I've complained to the senate, but I think we all need to voice our concern about removing trees.
We were just there and I asked why they were trimming them so much and I was told the new owner did it to keep people from hiding in them. I was also told she is going to build a small retirement community there. They weren't cutting alot of them down but they wete trimming them pretty heavily. It is such a beautiful area and was very busy on the weekend.
Sea grapes grow fast. no worries.
Removing and trimming way back are very different operations.
im with gatorsmom, i thought they grew back fast and furious
There is a development going in there. Its private property and the owner can do whatever she wants with her sea grape trees. They grow like bad weeds anyway. No need for tears.
I'm not a legal resident yet, but will be soon. I'm all over this, sign me up. My heart is broken over this. Very sad. Keep me in the loop, I arrive Sunday. I'll be very proactive with environmental issues.
Why is your heart broken? These are not endangered trees, apparently they're not being yanked out of the ground willy-nilly and they grow back very quickly (like every other species here) when cut back. Knowledge is a required base for environmental issue proactivity. What next, protecting catch 'n' keep? 😀
if a tree is over 3" dia ( think that is the size) you need permission from DPNR to remove it even on your own property.
I didn't think you could build on the beach.
Seems in the VI, laws don't apply to the wealthy.
Wonder where their septic leech field will be located or what type of wastewater system they'll employ?
Leaping into the fray when facts are simply being speculated upon is just plan daft. Someone's apparently cutting back vegetation on their STX property so all of a sudden and knowing absolutely no details, it segues into (a) the assumption that they must be wealthy and thus can avoid local laws and (b) that they're probably going to pollute the environment with their waste. Too funny!
Always delighted to give a laugh.
You got that right OT. I know the landowner very well. She is a lovely person. I will let her know what has been posted but doubt she will care to respond, she doesn't do drama nor gossip.
" it segues into (a) the assumption that they must be wealthy and thus can avoid local laws and'
That's right because only the wealthy are ruining the islands and can avoid laws:-)
Frankly, I was considering the mega building project across from my sister's home and vacation rentals in STJ, where there is jackhammering going on from early morning until 7:30 at night, so much dust and noise that you have to keep the windows closed, no setback and on her property, the views are being obliterated as the building increases in size and no requests for reasonable work hours or other objections are considered. This has had a huge impact on her businesses, her home life, the entire neighborhood and a once comparatively quiet location .
It happens all can own a lovely, quiet property, someone buys land in front of you and after enduring a couple years of construction, you are now looking at the backside of someone's monstrous project and no more lovely views.
The zoning laws here are a joke. There is no comprehensive zoning plan that have been being begged for, for decades.
I will be attending a seminar next week about proposed changes to current zoning laws so that should be interesting.
Sure it's messy and an inconvenience and disruptive but is there anything in any zoning laws anywhere that says when you buy a property with a view that that view is guaranteed to you in perpetuity? There are certainly zoning restrictions here on the height of buildings but to say that zoning laws here are "a joke" is simply not so in my opinion.
Are these the last sea grape trees on STX? Is this even for real? 1 billion people on earth go to bed hungry and we are getting emotional over a weed tree? K. Namaste
Are these the last sea grape trees on STX? Is this even for real? 1 billion people on earth go to bed hungry and we are getting emotional over a weed tree? K. Namaste
I hate to see any tree cut down. It leaves one less to hug, and a little less shade. But there are about a gazillion of these left. So I'm not torn up about a property owner exercising her rights.
Sure it's messy and an inconvenience and disruptive but is there anything in any zoning laws anywhere that says when you buy a property with a view that that view is guaranteed to you in perpetuity? There are certainly zoning restrictions here on the height of buildings but to say that zoning laws here are "a joke" is simply not so in my opinion.
Tell that to all the people in homes that SIRENUSA built in front of and the way a restriction for a 3story building goes to 4 by a loophole of adding a basement and all the spot zoning that goes on, willy nilly. There is no comprehensive plan. The CZM and DPNR are woefully inadequate when it comes to permitting and allowing things here that would never happen in the states, including cutting mangroves, dredging, wastewater and septic systems. That is my opinion.
Bringing up Sirenusa is going back almost 10 years and still doesn't alter the fact that unless there's a zoning law in effect which grants homeowners the right to a view in perpetuity, it's a moot point. Obviously you're more concerned right now with the loss of your sister's view than anything which has to do with a property owner trimming down and/or removing a few straggling sea grape trees.
If you seriously believe that the USVI stands alone ("things ... that would never happen in the states), in, "permitting and allowing things ... including cutting mangroves, dredging, wastewater and septic systems" then living stateside is going to be a real eye-opener for you.
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