st. john
will be in st. john in august. looking for apartment rental in jan or feb. I know thats the worst time to look and probably the worst island for housing.. any help/ideas??? Thanks
Dear lauren: Your chances of finding an apartment on STJ in August are pretty good - if you were moving here in August. But the chances of finding something in August which will be available in Jan/Feb are pretty bad.
Are you looking for something on STJ because you have a job lined up there? If so, an option is to look into living on STT's East End with a view to commuting over to STJ to work. However, it's not likely either that you'll find something on STT in August that will be available in Jan/Feb.
If this sounds confusing, my point is that there's more plentiful and more affordable housing on STT than on STJ at any time of the year and you might want to use your PMV to scout out the different areas of STT's East End to see which areas you might be interested in. Then when you move at the beginning of the year you can stay temporarily at somewhere like Pirate's Cove which is on the East End and go from there.
Hope this helps, and good luck!
Hello Lauren,
I agree with STTResident that it is going to be difficult to find something 5-6 months in advance. If finding an apartment is the primary purpose of the trip you might consider pushing it closer to when you actually plan to move. If an apartment is vacant when you are here in August the landlord isn't going to hold it for you unless you want to pay for 5 months and have the place sit empty. And then on the flip side, landlords that may have openings in January may not know that yet when you are here in August unless the tenant has given then advance notice that they are leaving or aren't renewing their lease. If the trip is to do other things as well then you can come as planned and scout out areas, talk to people about rentals and see if you get some numbers for landlords that you can follow up with closer to your move date.
what you might do regarding an apartment while visiting STJ in August is to meet with a couple of Realtors who do property management. Get on THEIR list for winter openings. If they have met you in person, they will likely take you more seriously than the many people who call or email from the mainland asking about rental availability. If you then stay in touch with them and they know what you are hoping to find, they can let you know as apartments come available and possibly email you photos and info on locations so that you may be able to arrange to rent something through them prior to your arrival in January.
Also, try to make some contacts with people you meet while on the island and stay in touch after you leave. You never know which one of them may know someone who will be vacating an apartment when you need it. Networking is the most effective way to locate rental housing in the USVI.
thanks not looking to do the "forever" move, as my occupation just isnt around (in the words of Jimmy Buffett). No MRI machines on st. john-maybe one in st. croix.. just looking to do a move for 6 months or so and get any kind of work to feed me and drink whilst im there. GOod suggestions about the networking though. I will give it my best shot at talking to everyone I meet while im there. thanks again
Lauren: There is an MRI machine on St Thomas. Please don't just "feed and drink yourself" without talking to Dr George Rosenberg at St Thomas Radiology 340-774-0265.
thanks for the tip. I did not think they had an MRI machine on st. john. I know there is one on st. croix.. it wasnt my plan just to partake in gluttony. Just am willing to do any kind of work to keep me in food and shelter. Thanks again.
I only said that, lauren, because there seem to be professionals, technicians, etc who have needed skills, but they overlook searching for work in their area. These islands do need MRI techs, teachers, respiratory therapists, early childhood specialists, nurses, physical therapists (see my post somewhere.) These are skills that really will make a difference for the better in these Virgin Isles.
no problems.. thanks for the reply. i am going to attempt and contact them tomorrow.. and yes i totally overlooked the idea of searching for a job in my area of so called expertise.
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