Starving Horse!
Sunday, my husband and I were driving on the east end and stopped dead in our tracks when we saw a horrible thing. On the side of the road in Solitude, there were two gray horses. One appeared thin but not too bad, but the other is skin and bones. I mean seriously, on the verge of death any day now, from starvation. You can see every rib and every bone in its body. The horses are fenced in a large area, but the area is all dirt. There was a woman there, also stopped, and she said she saw the horses there Wednesday....the water was almost gone, no food, but there was evidence of food having been there once. She has been feeding this horse everyday since. Does anyone have any idea what the story is or who the owner is. I have been asking around and someone said that "Fatty" who is an exec at WAPA owns the horse.
Did you call the animal shelter - did you call the police?
We have been in touch with the race horse rescue folks, I just hope they can respond in time. They haven't come yet, but we are keeping our fingers crossed. I do think it was a race horse at some point in time. It is a young horse, maybe 2 1/2 yrs, with exceptionally long legs (although maybe because it has not stomach they look longer). One of his legs is injured. The Humane Society said they deal with dogs and cats only and referred us to the Agricultural Dept. So far, no action from them yet. I will be taking over feeding and watering the horse as of Sunday, after the woman who is now feeding it goes back home to the states. We have had to keep the one horse occupied with carrots and apples, while we try to feed the thin one, which sometimes is a hard task.
You may want to try calling Dr Duke Deller. He is the main large animal vet on island and might know who the horses belongs to or what could be done with them. Give the office a call from 9am-12pm or 4-6pm when he is in. The number is 772-4781.
God Bless You!:)
I am not a Vet, But it sounds like this Horse is in alot of trouble. I have owned, breed, raced and boarded horses in New Jersey for years. This Horse could have something as simple as worms, you can get a paste from a vet and give it to him yourself this will not hurt the animal. His teeth might have to be floated (filed) this could be the reason he's not eating. He must have plenty of water, pinch his skin if it doesn't return quickly he is dehydrated. Look at his hooves if they look like pancakes at the bottom he is foundering. If you can't find a Vet try to call a blacksmith on the island (sometimes their just as good as a vet and even better). It sounds like ST Croix doesn't have an SPCA, so try to get as much assistance from the police to locate the owner of these animals. Large animal vet's are available on the island because they have cow's.
The horse of course is in a lot of trouble so HOUND the vicctre people, HOUND the VIPD because animal abuse laws are now on the books under VI Law but the majority of police officers don't have a bloody clue about them, and HOUND local vets. If the horse was on STT I'd be right there.
STX animal people, get your arses out there and try to save this horse by whatever means. WATER, WATER, WATER! He may not be able to be saved but at least give him a chance. He needs veterinary attention IMMEDIATELY because he probably has worms bigtime and he probably has bigtime blood parasites. DON'T go crazy taking sweet feed to him. Sweet feed in excess can kill him via colic. If you want to help him, just give him one cup of sweet feed and LOTS of water.
This from someone who used to be a horse farm owner in Connecticut who rejuvenated many track horses and afforded them a life extension teaching adults and children and the handicapped. 20+ year resident of STT rescuing countless animals over the years.
Enough said. Cruzans step up to the plate.
Right on ST Res! This is not the only (or worst case) of horse neglect on the Islands, but let this one be the one that the people who care take a stand - the obvious thing to do here is to go to the media - TV, Daily News, Avis - make a stink, a big ugly stink - get people over to this field in protest over the puny VI laws - the TV will always cover a group of people with signs. Humiliate the owner.
Let this be the hill that you choose to die on.
Wish I was there to help.
I have had dealings on the same issue with the Ag. Vet - he is a good guy but don't let off the pressure.
Thanks for the support and advice, as I rescue Golden Retrievers and know nothing about horses, but am an animal lover all the same. I will try and call the vet, as I do believe he has worms. He is eating, but I think that there isn't enough food and the healthier horse is dominate and hordes it. We have been taking out 10 gallons of water/ day to the horses and that seems to do it the trick. We have brought alfalfa (I think that is what it is) and pellets for them to eat. We try feeding them twice a day.
Please PM me, I want to send a donation to help you with the food costs.
Have you already called the vet or any authorities? If not, I will do so in the morning. We also saw the horses that are about a mile from our house. We will also help with food and water. I have never seen such a pitiful animal in my life. Please post or pm me if you have already called someone.
I repeat again - call the media - the newspapers etc. Make an example of the owner - get the idea across that this cavalier treatment of animals isn't going to fly in 2007!
What happened to the horses. I went over there today and they were gone. Does anyone know.
I imagine someone told the owner that you were looking etc at his horse and he has moved it somewhere more private. There re dozens of horses just like it all over stx - look in the brushy areas around back of the projects in Golden Rock and you will see any number of the pitiful beasts tethered in the hot sun - no feed no shade no water. There seems to be a general lack of compassion in some areas.
OK, seems we have a communication problem here. I'm on STT but have legs to the media but can't do anything unless I have a location. Exactly where on STX were these horses located and were previous posters responsible for their removal to "safe pasture" either via the STX Humane Society or VIPD or Fed Ag or vicctre?
Did previous posters take photographs?
A response will hopefully be posted here in short shrift! Cheers.
Hi All,
We finally got ahold of the "owners" who didn't want to claim ownership, but claimed knowledge. When we told them that all we wanted were the horses signed over to us, they agreed. The Ag Dept. picked them up today and will be putting them in quarantine and getting tests run, vet, etc. Once they pass, the vicctre has agreed to take them in. Thanks everyone for all your help. Just proves that everyone working together can get things done!! WHOO HOO!
Thank you Christeneg, You are a saint.
Thanks so much for the update, christineg. Tears are fogging up my glasses. Thanks - and do post an update when you can, regardless of the outcome.
The owners signed over to you so thus acknowledged ownership? Take photos of the horses and get affadavits from all concerned. If those owners have signed ANYTHING acknowledging ownership of these two horses then get a copy and take it to your local precinct on SXT and ask them to charge these people under the new animal abuse laws. Horses are required to be tagged under VI Law as are any livestock. Hint?
As I said in a previous post, a lot of police officers don't have a clue about these new animal abuse laws which were passed over a year ago to protect animals but these laws are now on the books in the Virgin Islands.
Thanks again. And please go ahead to have these owners held responsible for animal abuse. Cheers!
Well done, well done. I am so excited , once again, well done.
Wonderful job!!! Wow! That was a great collaborative effort!!!
You are an angel Christeneg,
Poor horses, let me know where I can send a small donation.
We had a story on the news last night about a man who saved a dog that got on a frozen lake and went under the ice, the dog was saved and doing ok, the man was rushed to a hospital and he is ok too. It wasn't even his dog...
I think there is a special place reserved in heaven for people like that man and Christeneg.
The owners of that horse need to be charged with animal abuse. Anyone that can desert a poor creature like that should rot in jail.
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