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stateside jobs

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What type of jobs are available stateside that a person could do and live in the VI. Just trying to get ideas

Posted : April 17, 2014 3:42 pm
Posts: 8873
Illustrious Member

anything using the computer or call type jobs

Posted : April 17, 2014 5:49 pm
Posts: 6523
Illustrious Member

Butchers, bakers and candlestick makers! Or are you talking about living here and doing some sort of online business? If the latter, our internet speeds are nowhere near as fast or dependable as you're likely used to stateside and that's a big factor to take into consideration.

Posted : April 17, 2014 6:10 pm
Posts: 3554
Famed Member

Bartenders, cooks, wait staff, hotel front desk staff, water certified jobs, grant writers and administrators, health care givers, jewelry sales.

A few legitimate jobs are frequently posted on craigslist.

Posted : April 17, 2014 11:03 pm
Posts: 68
Trusted Member

If you're talking about telecommunting from the islands...I doubt it would prove feasible. To VPN into a corporation intranet you'd require a high speed connection.... and as other posters have indicated here--- reliability may be an issue. I've yet to see a boss who doesn't want some 'face time' with their employee they're paying afar.... so either flying back stateside, or doing online conferences (again- speed/reliability) may be is$ues.

Writers and online commerce are options--- but best when established. I work online-- but that's after 10 years of due dilligence of cubicles and working my way up thru the ranks. I had to start my own company to do so.....not easy.

You might be better off looking in sea-side communities of the southeast coast, gulf coast or SoCal if you want to work and be close to water/beaches...because unless you've got the re$ources or connections to set up a sat internet or high speed set up..... and fly back and forth may find you dread trying to do USVI to the US for work.

Just my $0.02. Cheers!

Posted : April 18, 2014 12:03 am
Posts: 1341
Noble Member

My husband and I both telecommuted quite well from STX for ten years. BBVI high-speed internet is more than adequate for work, including video calls and cloud service and so on, and during our time was VERY reliable - down maybe three times in two years that I can remember. We had battery back-up for our computers and a generator for power outages. I have an online business and all my clients are stateside - and my best paying clients I have never met in person. Hubby is a consultant with clients all over the US. I also have friends who telecommute from the VI and there is a telework initiative on STX.

However be aware that good-paying telecommute jobs are generally competitive. If you're looking for a telework job, you're competing with people in the states as well as the USVI. There are quite a few of these jobs out there these days - and more every day - but still competitive. Consider it just as hard as finding a job in person - you need to be able to market yourself and make yourself stand out from the competition.

If you can start your own business and leverage your networks to build a clientele, that's a better bet. It's all about skillset and demand.

Posted : April 18, 2014 1:17 am
Posts: 427
Reputable Member

I vpn into california from St Croix each time i visit for work(move coming soon) and have no issues at all.
Including webex.

Posted : April 18, 2014 4:02 am
Posts: 644
Honorable Member

If you're talking about telecommunting from the islands...I doubt it would prove feasible. To VPN into a corporation intranet you'd require a high speed connection.... and as other posters have indicated here--- reliability may be an issue. I've yet to see a boss who doesn't want some 'face time' with their employee they're paying afar.... so either flying back stateside, or doing online conferences (again- speed/reliability) may be is$ues.

Writers and online commerce are options--- but best when established. I work online-- but that's after 10 years of due dilligence of cubicles and working my way up thru the ranks. I had to start my own company to do so.....not easy.

You might be better off looking in sea-side communities of the southeast coast, gulf coast or SoCal if you want to work and be close to water/beaches...because unless you've got the re$ources or connections to set up a sat internet or high speed set up..... and fly back and forth may find you dread trying to do USVI to the US for work.

Just my $0.02. Cheers! don' t live here but you are giving advice?
you are very wrong.
Broadband VI has quite a few customers who telecommute via VPN's to the states.

Posted : April 18, 2014 12:10 pm
Posts: 213
Estimable Member

I use a VPN every day to work through servers in the states too. It's not fast right now (I would call it slow but effective) but we're supposed to be getting Innovative's new higher speeds set up this quarter, which hopefully will help.

Posted : April 18, 2014 12:22 pm
Posts: 26
Eminent Member

I don't live in STX yet, but I will soon. I will say this much about telecommuting: Depending on your skill set and the company you work for, you can pretty much be any where.

I will be using an At&T hotspot to be connected, thanks to the advice on this board, I will, most likely, be in the Christiansted harbor area. I am using it now, and my connection here, in the states, is actually worse than it will be there! And that's per At&T themselves.

I work as a computer programmer for multiple hospitals. I VPN to their systems all day every day. I have many clients that I have never seen face to face, and never will. (My apologies to my client in Buffalo, NY, just too cold there). My boss, who I have known for 18 years, we have seen each other maybe 5 times, and 3 of those times were before I ever even considered working for her. If we passed each other on the street the best we would get is "Hey that person looks really familiar." and many of her employees have NEVER seen her.

I would say though, and again, this is me saying it without the actual knowledge of living there, but I would think that it would be easier to get the job first, then take it with you,instead of getting there and finding yourself having to find a job that will let you telecommute 100% of the time.

Posted : April 18, 2014 3:11 pm
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