"Stealth" camping on STX?
Good day Islanders. Is there anyplace on STX a person can pitch a tent for free and live for a short period, while trying to locate permanent digs? Possibly in a wooded area? Of course, personal safety and law enforcement would be two major concerns. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
There is a place and time for free camping on STX: On the beaches during Easter. It's a big tradition here. Beyond that, I don't know.
Check with Camp Victory. They might let you pitch a tent for a fee.
Thanx STXBob, and SkysTheLimit. Being the cheap-o I am, I'm really looking for a couple of weeks (maybe a month) for free. Hard to believe nobody sneaks off in the bush for a little "off-the-grid" camping.
It's possible that people do stealth camping on STX, since there are lots of wooded areas with varying degrees of remote-ness. But discussing it here would not be "stealthy." 🙂
Also, camping alone in the "woods" can be dangerous. You never know who else is out there. I think this is a VERY bad idea.
i second linda j on this one.
I wouldn't have done it before I moved here, but now that I'm here, you could do it, but it wouldn't be easy. I love to camp too, I have a lot of experience and understand that camping is never easy to begin with.
Stealth camping invites a host of problems.Theft, personal injury and a host of bug bites. Find someone to rent a cheap room from you can't be that poor since you have access to the Internet to post this question
Ha...good one East End Doug. Even cheapos have access to public library internet. After hiking the Appalachian Trail, I'm used to injury and bug bites, even though the tent is screened. Plus, I'll be packing mace and a machete for personal protection. Think I'll take my chances with it, as it's only for a short period. Thanks for your input everybody. Have a great day!

Ha...good one East End Doug. Even cheapos have access to public library internet. After hiking the Appalachian Trail, I'm used to injury and bug bites, even though the tent is screened. Plus, I'll be packing mace and a machete for personal protection. Think I'll take my chances with it, as it's only for a short period. Thanks for your input everybody. Have a great day!
Heh - Appalachian Trail is Disney Land compared to here, another thing - criminals are a bit more sophisticated than you give credit to, think they run around with big knifes down here? Never bring a knife to a gun fight!
Aside from the obvious - that you have never been here before - listen to what 99% of the people who live here are telling you in this forum, otherwise be sure to monogram your name on the tent so that the newspapers can at least tell us who's tent they found in the "woods" 😮
Hope this helps . . .
Isn't stealth camping the same as trespassing? You can't legally use anybody's property without their permission.
Why don't you volunteer at a camp facility in exchange for your board? Check the Sustainable Farm Institute.
Good day Islanders. Is there anyplace on STX a person can pitch a tent for free and live for a short period, while trying to locate permanent digs? Possibly in a wooded area? Of course, personal safety and law enforcement would be two major concerns. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Check with Bryan and Jill Updyke at Virgin Kayak at Canebay.
They have 'eco' cabins for rent just back from the beach.
If you want to pitch a tent, I would suggest asking Bryan about doing that on the private property they manage there at Canebay. I'd bet he'd allow it for a day or two, and it would be safer than 'on' the beach.
Are you going to have a CAR? If not, you'll want to pitch in Csted, and then I would agree with others...be careful.
do not "stealth camp" as your first move on island. Or your second. You may not have the luxury of a third move. Check mate. game over. Not worth it. Sleep in the day and stay up at night if you must. but don't just wander off in the bush and go uncoscious and hope it turns out okay. There are a lot of people who have lived their whole lives here, and know the bush like their hand, and don't like strangers flopping there. How would you feel if you owned some property stateside and someone just decided to live on your lot for free, and not introduce themselves. Well, times it times twelve if you are from a tourist destination, and get two million visitors a year... no free rides on island. Pay your way. work, cash, barter, do SOMETHING of agreed upon value, agreed in advance and it could possibly work out okay for you. Teef a place to sleep, and you get what you deserve.
Ha...good one East End Doug. Even cheapos have access to public library internet. After hiking the Appalachian Trail, I'm used to injury and bug bites, even though the tent is screened. Plus, I'll be packing mace and a machete for personal protection. Think I'll take my chances with it, as it's only for a short period. Thanks for your input everybody. Have a great day!
Holly Crow!
1) Camping with in 200 ft of the AT is completely leagel. Did you thru hike? I completed mine in sections before graduating high school. No tent--hammock and tarp.
2) Are the mace and machette part of your checked luggage?
3) Will you leave the machette back at camp or will "pack" around town and at the beach and on job interviews?
4) Stealth is pretty much impossible even in the densly "wooded areas". STX is not an easy island to hide-out on, unless your are "gang affilited".
5) Walking around with a big back-pack will highlight you as target. Hopefully you'll get arrested. If not, you stand a really strong chance of getting a world class VI beating.

I knew a guy that decided to move off the grid...sold all of his stuff, bought a tent, pitched it down near a beach...and started growing marijuana for a living...but, then someone 'happened' onto his place when the plants were just reaching maturity and they took all of his plants... and all of the rest of his stuff...
I really want to hike the AT. Maybe next summer I will.
Apparently if you camp on the same VI property long enough and no one notices, you can end up owning it.
I really want to hike the AT. Maybe next summer I will.
Good for you. It will change your life. Start training now.
I did it in sections, starting at 12 and finishing two weeks before my high school graduation. I even did several "day sections" x-country skiing. As a 15-17 year old, I did many overnights "solo". In retrospect, it was CRAZY!!! I'd never even consider repeating the trip, not because I'm older, but because I,m wiser.
What a terrible idea!
You run a very high risk of being arrested for trespassing on private or gov. property, being mugged or assaulted as well as
having all your belongings stolen.
Let's not even consider the sanitation issues involved with a lack of bathroom facilities and water in any area where you camp.
Take people's good advice and rent a campsite, a room or temorarily share an apt. until you find a permanent place and a job.
You won't easily find a job if smelly, dirty and disheveled from camping on your own.
Good Luck.
To the original poster: Please remeber most people making these comments have never camped a day in their life (or for a long time) and can't imagine having to go without TV, running water, etc for a few weeks. You can camp here for sure. It will be tough finding a spot without having been here before and with no transportation. But my family and I go camping usually once a month. Its safe, fun, and great to be "off grid" for a few days. However, we could go for weeks if we wanted. In fact at one of our spots, ther were people camped there for about a month. If you would like you can PM me and I can suggest a few places and some dos and don'ts.
There are a lot of negative posters on this message board so you have to take what they say with a grain of salt.
I have camped and hike most of the western states. From the Sierra Nevada's to the desert and carried it all on my back. I've spent months at a time camping. My comments are about the reality of "stealth" camping in the VI. Camp where you want, do what you want. When you ask the people on island who know, don't expect a "no problem mon" answer. We are only telling it how we see it. Haul your trash and bury your scat.
To the original poster: Please remember most people making these comments have never camped a day in their life (or for a long time) and can't imagine having to go without TV, running water, etc for a few weeks......
There are a lot of negative posters on this message board so you have to take what they say with a grain of salt.
Hold on Cowboy! I've camped in the VI (as a kid before the bougsee invasion), Puerto Rico, Costa Rica as well as finished the AT, camped in the Sierras, Big Sur, Baja Mexico,,,, Just reserved my wilderness permit for Yosemite. I think you get the idea.
STX isn't like Costa Rica, where "informal" camping is popularly expected.Or even like pre-2005 Baja. I really think that arriving for first time on STX without a place to sleep, take a crap, shower-off or funds is a stupid idea. The service for "homeless" in VI aren't that plentiful. Sorry if you feel my honesty is negative.
I agree with Linda J....bad idea. Who will watch your stuff at camp when you need to go to the grocery store, apply for a job, get ice, fuel for your camp stove, etc., etc.? Terrible to think that your "stuff" might disappear while you are not at camp. Or worse yet, someone sneaks up on you at night while you are sleeping. I've lived here for 12 yrs. And wouldn't think of it. Find an affordable place for a week or two while you find a decent apt., condo or rental. If you've never been here before, DO YOUR HOMEWORK! Just my opinion tho. Listen to the posters on this board. Most of us live here, or have lived here. Good luck!
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