isn't there a movie coming out end of month or july with that title?
about two sisters, one of whom has cancer?
four good movies i have seen lately...not new, but good....
nights in rodanthe
the rabbit fence
door to door
love actually (i love british films and comedy)
i like reading thrillers.
lisa jackson, kay hooper....along those lines, but then i like a nice romance or comedic book now and then to balance it all out.
i DO NOT like books and movies about the divil or satanic things, nor bloody things like saw......i do like action movies though....exampling shooter for instance.
blessings to all
We had to take JJ to the doctor yesterday to get tested for swine flu. He was in the same class as the child who came down with it at the Country Day School camp. He has been coughing and running a high fever. He tested negative and he has ear infections. Says his ears don't hurt however. Whew!
i work at 2:30 today but even if i'm not there you can still drop it off,he's having screaming fits about it.
my wapa bill was only 96bucks this month,all that unplugging stuff really helps.
I love British films,too. I esp love the old tv show Absolutely Fabulous (Ab Fab)! I've finally got all them on dvd. I wish they'd make more.
TRW I don't pay for WAPA but didn't I read on this board that the bill previous to the rate hike is deliberately estimated at the lower price so next month when the rates are higher they can charge you the new rate with the actual billing?
i have not read that one yet. i think thats the one they made the movie out of thats out in theaters? it should be good.
marlene this was a real bill not an estimated one,we were there the day they read it and watched them like hawks as they did it
hey STXsomeday your husband picked up today,nice meeting him and i really like the northshore website he put together.
hey i watched the movie "talk to me" when i got home last night,really really good,i walked from the drug tree all the way over to the arawak inn a couple of days ago,you really realize how beautiful and majestic that stretch really is when you walk it and take the time to look at stuff instead of speeding past at 30 miles an hour,try it sometime.
While I took a break to eat lunch I decided to finish the last few chapters of "My sister's keeper" by Jodi Picoult. I haven't sobbed this hard over a book since I was a child and read, "Where the red fern grows". I usually avoid reading sappy sad books and have no clue why I picked this one up. If you like these kinds of books, it was a pretty good read although I felt the relationship between characters a bit unlikely. All in all a good book. I will not, however, go to see the movie. I refuse to have snot running and swollen shut eyes in public.
LOL tammy,i just had lunch at microwave magic,was actually quite good today and the chickens were entertaining as usual,but then i had to have the AC so i went back to the cafe for chocolate cake
A hug iguana just came in our yard. I ran in to get JJ and we fed him lettuce and bananas. It was great. JJ was beside himself. Then a car came and scared him into the bush.
I meant to write "huge" iguana not a hug iguana. Also the car scared the iguana into the bush. Not JJ.:@)
I'm so glad JJ doesn't have that awful swine flu!
Your iguana reminded me of my first swim in the ocean in St. Thomas. We were returning from our swim in a little ocean kayak, when we saw a bunch of huge iguanas. I was so amazed by them that I wasn't paying attention and fell out of the ocean kayak, promptly stepping on a sea urchin. Of course, this was after I had already smacked into fire coral and got stuck on a rip tide. I must say that Lake Michigan swiming is much safer.....KJ
KLJ555,you live!!!!!!been along time.
KLJ555, that sounds like something I would do. I am an accident waiting to happen.:P

WOW...Michael Jackson and Farrah dead on the same day! 🙁
It is breaking my heart. Michael and Donny were my poster boys as a teen and of course we all longed to look like Farrah. I feel old today.

I had a Farrah poster up in my room.
The red bathing suit was pretty hot.
They won't end up in the same place if all of the little children have a say.
the old folks say that death comes in threes
ed mcmahn
i watched johnny carson
all we girls wanted farrah hairstyles
and i danced to ABC123
life passing by..........:-(
I just watched all 13 minutes of the thriller video. Awesome. Back when Michael was black and not too altered. He was such a beautiful little boy. RIP. I will miss his contribution to the music and dance world. I don't know what this mans personal life was. If he was bad, he was bad. If he was falsely accused or if he was guilty but I enjoyed his music. A very talented man. I had a chance to meet him about 5 years ago. A sad but gentle person was my impression. I do believe in karma. What you put forth will come back. For now, I am sorry that he has passed as I am at anyone passing. If he was a bad guy then, well, he died.
Yeah, I heard about that, trw. He got to meet one of my favorite people on here. 😎 Sorry the ride was so short! Glad you like the site.
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