I thought of a 'lawyer joke' ,but since you're both good guys I'll just go with : You both have good taste in friends!;)
along with roadblocks come other types of searches as well if there is probable cause to search.
stolen items
if any of these things are found let us meditate that they (police) will act accordingly.
and perhaps if enough of these roadchecks occur, at least some of the illegal merchandise will be gone.....well, that is the meditation.*-)....(little blue headed man is sucking his teeth)
I always find my way back here when I'm close to returning. I know everyone says not to say when you leave and return but I still do. The bad part is when we are out and about on STX and start talking about where we live I tell people who are familiar exactly which house and later wonder why I told the truth . . . at the time I'm just making conversation with friendly folk and I guess I figure if someone really does know the area they would catch me in a lie. In any case, just received a call from our super cool neighbor and he's sending us pictures of our flamboyant tree in full bloom. He expects it will last until we get there next weekend as it's not dropping too many flowers. I cannot wait to see that tree. And since he just took the pictures I know the property is fine . . . I'm installing home security this trip with a siren just in case.
We were stopped by police in F'sted few weeks ago for hubby not wearing a seatbelt. In MD I think the police can only write you a ticket for no seatbelt if you were stopped for a different violation. They may have changed that though. We were stopped around 5pm???? which sounds too early for a drunk driving checkpoint . .. . but people do tend to turn in earlier on STX so are the current check points at any time of day?
Bombi and Tami - we've never lived in a finished house either. I'm not sure it;s possible. And we too recently thought of going into the home inspection business. The guy who inspected our property basically went through the paces because we've replaced so much pipe and rewired and caulked and re-supported and anyway it's such a scam
TRW, I've caught hubby licking the heads of our cats when they were new and unfamiliar, It was weird when he did it but cute when you did. Reminded me of the not so cool neighbor whose dog protects me even though she will not let me pet her until I've been there for at least 10 days. I have learned to love that dog and hope she protects our place even when I am not there . . . no way of knowing that though.
This trip, after installing the home security, the "project" is to install the retractable screen door I had shipped from Home Depot. Does anyone have one of these? I'm hoping I love it and that installing it on the front door helps keep down the dirt. If I hate it I'll install it on the bedroom door so we can sleep with it open.
Also, we met a couple interested in renting the small cottage on our property. They were really nice, could probably be friends, but it does concern/interest me how easily it seems for people to leave the states with practically nothing. I'd live full time in STX if I knew I could keep my current job and healthcare. It's the healthcare that concerns me most.
If you have watermelon there (I don't remember seeing it at Plaza) cut it up, puree in blender and shake with freezing cold vodka, Best summer martini on Earth. Cheers!
SunOrSki, we have the retractable screens but haven't installed them yet. I will let you know how they are.
Trw, I gave newborn puppies mouth to mouth to get them breathing because their mother was dying as she was giving birth. I was laughing about you licking the kitten but I understand. You do what you have to do.
Pregnant daughter wants to go back to the states and I am devastated. I am already in love with the little baby bump and talk to her everyday.
My chickens are driving me crazy. They get out every night and poop every where. They are so pretty though and they think I am their mommy. Silly chickens.
The atheist thread is so strange. So against organized religion but seems like it is morphing into its own organized religion. I have never understood groups of people who who gather to promote their beliefs. I understand gathering together to promote a cause like raising money for cancer or saving animals but not to try and force, cajole or try to convince others to believe a certain way. So bizarre to me. Oh well, to each his own. I guess there will always be people who need a Sheppard to lead them because they are sheep and need to follow and quote those whom they believe to be more intelligent, enlightened or special than themselves.
I bet I get my door installed first 😉
The suicide guy on the east end had cancer that was in final stages. His name was Eddie.
TRW, did you see the captain and his new girl this weekend. They seem to 'broom' in and out so fast. The last time he was here he came in on the sea plane for a day. Yesterday he sailed in and will be staying for a couple days. His new girlfriend is alot sweeter. I like her better than the last one.
have'nt seen him inawhile,so this morning i missed my ride so i had to wake the tim up for a ride and thats like poking a snake with a stick,so for 10miles into town all i heard was i hate your fiffng guts and i wish you were dead,it's like jeez what am i supposed to do with that.
oh my
Maybe try and find a way to get away from it trw. Hubby stopped me the other night at Off the Wall from trying to stop him from driving when he could barely walk to the car. He's a sweetie but not when he is drunk or whatever he is doing.
One of my hardest days yet on island.
Tonight telling JJ to stay in bed cause mommy is tired. He hugs my neck and says, "mommy will you hug me and kiss me? You are my bestest friend ever".
The smile of a child is a tattoo: indelible art. (Jodi Picoult)
I am blessed.

Yep, you are, Tam. (tu)
kind of loud on your corner this evening trw
yeah sylvie has a big party there every sat or sun night,goes until 2 or 3 in the morning,gets annoying after awhile but what can you do,i just cranked up vh1classic to drown out the music,they did like 5 hours of the 7 stages of rock and then the tina turner movie
jeez i just got hit up for cash inside the library by some kid,chris i really need my computer back!!!!!!!all these people are starting to get to me and i'm no longer in the mood,lol
marlene boat captain was in for lunch today with yet another new woman
Yes, I met her Friday. I like her. She seems more age appropriate....
Some of you may know that I work on the Sandy Point turtle project and I just wanted to let you all know that the leatherbacks of Sandy Point have hit a historic mark this week: 200 individual leatherback turtles so far this season!!! The previous record was set in 2007 with 194 individual turtles. This is quite an achievement--when research began on these turtles in 1980, there were only 8 individual turtles for the entire season!!!
So hooray for leatherbacks!! And thanks to all the residents of St Croix that give up Sandy Point for several months to protect these critically endangered animals and who spread awareness about the island's nesting beaches!
Awsome!!! How old are leatherbacks when they start to breed?
Its not known for sure, but we estimate about 7-13 years old.

TRW....it's been in my car forever....tell you what...you tell me where you will be on Wednesday and I will have Melissa drop it off...our schedules are so off and we keep missing each other every time i go to paradise cafe
dougtamjj, jody picoult is a marv. author. such brilliance in her writing.
speee1dy, I enjoy her work as well but this one is ripping my heart out.
which one is that, ive read so many of her books lately. is it the one about the brittle bone disease.
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