well someone needs to get Betty's husband over there, i have no problem with the sale and distribution of controlled substances it needs to be legalized,regulated and taxed to death like cigarettes and alcohol and any other vice people use to avoid their lives and emotions,but i have a really big problem with this crap being conducted this close to a school or is this part of the culture mr bryan is trying so hard to protect,our local politicians here would prefer the local populace to be dumb numb and blind and thats why they scream so much about "outsiders"coming in and trying to "change"things,the culture on these islands was destroyed the day the first mcdonalds opened it's doors
It is a very sad thing. Often you see young children hanging out there after school lets out. I never stop there and tell all my guest not to buy gas there. I have been on island almost 2 years and I knew the 3rd month we were here what was going on there. My only guess is that someone is getting a huge payoff. I am hoping that something is in the works with our DEA, FBI, US Marshall guys, to put a stop to it. Good luck to them. For now I just tell everyone I know not to stop there.
the worst part about it dougtamjj is that that gas station is the last one unless you drive all the way east, i think there are only 2 gas stations on the whole east end of the island, that one and the one out by the yacht club or in that area, the lady at that one makes great rice and beans lol so you can get gas twice,once for your car and once for yourself
on another note,i drove home last night on a donut tire (18 miles on crucian roads) i've been putting 60 miles a day 7 days a week on my poor tires and i litterally wore the tread out and shredded the tire on my front passenger side,well me being me and never having changed a tire in my life because i have the other half and other people to take care of that stuff for me,i figured it out at 9pm last night in the parking lot at work with the help of one of the security guys with a power gun thing to get the nuts off because neither of us could get them off,lol i did'nt even know where to put the jack and he very pleasantly guided me through the process,my momma taught me to read not how to do "car"
Thank goodness for my hubby. All 3 of our girls had to know how to change a flat and change to oil before they were allowed to get a car. If their cars broke down he had them right out there fixing it with him. Even prissy New York ballerina daughter knows how to work on her car, usually in heels. Daughter #2 had to change a flat in her prom dress because her date didn't know how.
trw, I hope you payed attention and now can do it yourself. It seems like flat tires are the scourge of STX. My only problem is getting off those too tight lug nuts. If you see a lady on the side of the road jumping up and down on the tire iron, it's probably me. LOL
lol dougtamjj you're funny, well i just roused the other half i called h and h and they are open today,today is my only full day off, next saturday i get half a day off from the 12 mile job and then next monday pm off from the 18milebenefitjob
trw, I sent you a pm
well back from my travels: Hand H was $171. for 2 front tires,oil change and 2 new wiper blades lol one of the wiper blades was a dollar more than the other,i learned long ago not to ask why and then 35 in tips for 3 guys,victor mencho's 13.50 for 2 omelet sandwiches and 2 bottles of water so 20 bucks with tip,95 bucks at office max for the new 6.0 cordless phones for the house and 4 peppermint patties,12 bucks at the pharmacy next door tylenol for the other half because apparently my energy gives him a headache and nighttime sleep aids for me because i have way to much energy, gas was 2.95 for reg at shauma so that was 25, the other half got 4 new tires for his truck and an oil change and his bill was 470, so we're meeting at the house and then going to the ag fair. Oh and the tire changer guy at HandH yelled at me because my front tires were as smooth as balloons,i'm 46 and all 3 of my parents are dead so i do not have an adult figure to yell at me anymore and so i kinda secretly like it when these old guys chew me out.
Heard yesterday that the Target tire place near 5 corners has new owners--the folks that used to own Judi of Croix car rental. We used to go there when they first opened, and then stopped for I forget why, and went back to H&H--but will probably try them again now. They used to be open later on Saturdays than H&H, and that seemed to be when my kids needed new tires--acacia bushes and such.
just back from the ag fair with a bag full of small bags of guava cheese, it's guava candy basically and jeez it's really good i got it from the lady at the Grenada stall inside,we bought 4 5 foot fan palms from one booth( i think it was ay ay nurseries which means some woman started them from seed in her yard) for 45 bucks and then the guy extorted a 10 "tip"from me for giving me the "deal"lol and then the dude from shady lane sold us 2 bismark palms for 100 and he would not give us a deal on the big palm he had there that likes the shade and would make a great entrance house plant so we left it there. off to find something to eat.
Trw, between you and Mr. T spending close to $1000 today, no wonder you work 2 jobs...LOL.. and just think, the day is not yet over. Bless your heart!
lol charlotte i set aside about 500 for today to play with,during the week when i'm in work mode i spend nothing except gas smokes redbull and chocolate, i knew today was going to be an expensive day and now i won't have another chance for weeks hahaha, the other half is on the couch crashed out, we've been here for awhile and so i have no idea what any of this would cost in the states anymore so i listed what we payed for mundane items for people to see from up there
trw, it definitely would have been about $400 more in the states and the state and sales tax would have been $120 on top of that.... Of course, you don't have to tip for those services in the states...SO....you done good!!
so anyway back in the fall of 2001 before 911 we had had a lot of rain and we were killing centipedes left and right i mean like 2 or 3 a day in the house and i was tired of shrieking renters (LOL you should have heard them when they found big ol land crabs in their closets high up on the shelves,now thats a treat hahaha) so i talked to our neighbor Delta and she gave me 2 teenage chickens and said they eat centipedes,well i had forgotten from growing up on a farm that dogs eat chickens and they really like them warm and running,so anyway the first 2 chickens dissappeared and i'm not sure if they got eaten by the dog we had at the time or if they went over the fence into the bush,so i gave the dog away and got more chickens,i figured we had 5 adults in the house,who's going to rob us, so we got 2 new chickens and they were happy eating whatever chickens eat,the centipedes went away and all was well,so one night i walk out into the kitchen and the chickens had moved from the shed into the dining room and were using the DR chairs as roosts to sleep on,i just shook my head and put paper under the chairs to catch the droppings and figured i'd deal with in the morning, well morning came and they were still there so i had the "talk" with them about staying out in the shed and picked them up and put them out, well the next night they were back on the chairs and i chased them out,this went on for about a week and the chickens won, we now had 2 house chickens,ok fine i can deal with it so the paper went under the chairs every night. So we find a stray puppy and bring him home and he was afraid of the chickens so we figured all was well,he slept with us and the 2 cats every night and everyone seemed to be happy. One morning i woke up and there was chicken sleeping next to my head sharing the pillow with me and the other one was sleeping on the foot of the bed with the 2 cats and the dog,and i'm like now what do i do,i know i'll just pretend i did'nt see that and let the other half deal with it when he gets up so thats what i do and go about my day. So nothing happens and we just accept the fact that we have 2 house chickens and the bugs all come back outside so i go and buy a bag of diazinon to spread around the outside of the house and well the chickens think it's food and one dies outright and the other does'nt that one staggers into the living room and collapses under the coffee table while the single crack guy renter was laying on the couch watching hbo, so he gets off the couch and finds me and tells me that a chicken came in the house and died under the coffee table so i realize the error of my ways and that diazinon and chickens don't go well toghether you know one of thos UH OH moments, so i go look at the chicken and poke it with my foot and it lifts it's head up and just moans like it's up for an oscar and then the head hits the ground again and it's quiet and still, i told the crack guy renter to leave it alone for a couple of hours to see if it's really dead or just faking it, well this drama queen of a chicken keeps moaning and the crack guy renter is bugging me so i call a vet and confess and was told the chicken will be fine if it's not dead already and just to make sure it had water when this ordeal was over,so i told the crack guy renter to relax and i went to work. I came home and all was well again the chicken was running around doing just fine and back to sleeping with us the 2 cats and the dog. Well about a week later i come home from work and go into the bedroom and discover half of the chicken in the bed and the other half gone and the dog was missing as well and the other half was drunk and all freaked out because of the chicken, neither of us cared about the dog being missing, he was one of those dogs you just don't like so i'm thinking he realized he did a bad thing and took off, well we never did get anymore chickens after that but we now have 4 dogs that we really like and we still have the same 2 cats that witnessed all of this with their aloof catlike demeanor.
so what do you do about the centipedes now?
I'm laughing so hard I'm crying. Your house sounds as crazy as my house.
We finally got the cottage cleaned out today and ready for the new group of guest coming Wednesday. I worked inside putting away all the stuff we brought in from the cottage, washed all the sheets and was getting ready to dust and mop when Dans roommate called and asked me to come back to Agrifest to pick up some shelves. Off we went. Stopped by cost us less to pick up paper products, alcohol, and mixers for the party. Ended up spending $600.00. Came home, unloaded the truck, watered the plants, fed the animals went to start the grill for dinner and no propane. My new oven isn't working because hubby did something to it. He tells me to use the one in the cottage forgetting that he used that propane tank for the new instant hot hotwater heater so it isn't working either. Oh well, I pull out the charcoal grill, load it up but the charcoal is damp so now I have loaded it with paper trying to dry the charcoal. Wish me luck
Do chickens get rid of neighborhood children that never go home???
I met a man at the resturant at Chenay Bay who told me I looked way too old to have a young child. After he repeated himself for the 2nd time I just smiled and invited him to a party. If he comes I will accidently push him into the pool. Maybe it is time to dye the hair. I guess I figured that the new white would eventually blend into the blonde.

Trw, you need a video camera running at your house 24/7. 🙂 Dougtamjj, don't you love (or not) how opinions just fall out of people's mouth with no editing? Like when you put on a few lbs & everyone says, "YOU GOT FAT." Of course, mostly locals don't consider that an insult. Did the charcoal ever get lit? Did you kill your husband?
Well Trade, considering that the man was about my age, drunk, sitting at the bar trying to pick up every 20 year old that walked by, I forgave him.
I did get the charcoal started, didn't kill hubby. I looked at him and calmly told him that my stress level was off the chart and I had to feed between 40 and 50 people on Saturday with no oven. He said I will fix it dear. We will see. If he doesn't fix it my daughters will kill him.
trw, how did the chickens keep getting into the house?
well dougtamjj since we're out here in the country with a big yard we always leave the patio door open so the dogs can get in and out and do whatever it is dogs do and this way we don't have to get up every 2 minutes for a dog or a cat at the door and so to pay for that convience you have chickens and landcrabs running through oh and the hermit crabs as well andnow since it's been almost 7 years since the chicken incident we have nothing in the house now except the gecko's and they eat all the small bugs, each room has 2 gecko's and they live above dog at cat reach,one of cats likes living on the roof of the house and she used to catch bats as they flew through the air and then carry them inside for us as presents and then one of the dogs would eat it. We used to get roaches inside until i figured out how to put roach baits inside the septic tank and now they no longer come in, with 4 dogs now we have nothing in the yard anymore and i try to keep the grass cut really short because that will keep down the rats and mice, as far as centipedes i use alot of seven and diazinon around the perimiter of the house and that seem to work, the other half had one sleeping in his shoe last week and when he went to put his shoe on it came crawling out hahahahaha talk about shrieking like a little girl, lol and he used to be a big manly steelworker in minnesota and wisconsin,so that was fun for me to watch
""One morning i woke up and there was chicken sleeping next to my head sharing the pillow with me and the other one was sleeping on the foot of the bed with the 2 cats and the dog,and i'm like now what do i do,i know i'll just pretend i did'nt see that and let the other half deal with ""
Trw & Group
Sitting in a somewhat cold computer room in Pensacola Florida awaiting conformation of Standby airline tickets to St.Thomas and reading these posts make me really look forward to hopefully meeting some of these characters!
I really enjoy Trw's long posts. I'm a little slow and although the LONG unbroken paragraphs make my eyeballs crazy trying to follow the unbroken lines of type, the great humor and information as to what is going on there is worth the effort 🙂
Hope to be staying with Juanita and Gary at one of their rentals in STX. Gonna be a hellove cultural shock .
I suspect for a somewhat reclusive person. Spent much of a lifetime thinking about actually spending a little time around places like the Caribbean other than a pop in and out (TOURIST). Perhaps if I’m lucky in the month I hope to stay will make a few acquaintances/friends and get a serious taste of Island living.
The novelty of buying some chickens to keep the centipedes population down, then realizing your dogs EAT chickens and ultimately end up POSIONING the chickens is one of the most hilarious things I’ve ever heard!
Hopefully be there in a week to explore and play.
George "Buzz" Segura

Chickens eat centipedes, dogs eat chickens, cats kill bats, lizards eat bugs - it's all real life food chains. There are worse things than chickens to wake up next to in the Caribbean.
trw - your island adventures sound like the next chapter in either "Running With Scissors" or "Don't Stop the Carnival". You'll have to use some of your boundless energy to collate some of the experiences and toss them off to an editor at some publishing house and maybe you can retire from your two east end jobs. Although what you would then do with the extra energy is a bit scary to contemplate! 😉
LOL Trade been there and done that one down here as well,haha but thats a whole new set of stories and i still have 9 renters yet to cover,the other half has been sick as a dog for the last 2 days now with some type of stomach flu, i thought i was giving him the headache yesterday in my previous post but this just hit him hard first the headache thing and then the achy tired and then the numerous trips to the toilet to puke and now glued to the couch,i offered him chocolate,water,zinc,c,hotdogs and half a reuben,well he took the vitamins and the water and then i told him he needs to start taking better care of himself because i'm too busy to go looking for a new other half that would actually deal with me on a daily basis like he has for the past 16 years
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