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stx today,comments

Posts: 2473
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Tivo timeshifting lets you watch what you want when you want it. My wife and I each have our own. Hers spends most of its time on HGTV, FOOD and DIY. Mine on Science, Sci-Fi and Spike.

Posted : February 21, 2008 11:00 pm
Posts: 2707
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rotorhead,do you live here and if so how do i tivo here? ah i just searched your name you do live here so how do i tivo here if you'd be so kind,or anyone else for that matter

Posted : February 21, 2008 11:10 pm
Posts: 2473
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I live on STX. Tivo works with Dishnetwork or St Croix cable. Does not work with Choice, their STB is not supported. Tivo has a local phone number for downloading program schedules or the Internet.

Posted : February 21, 2008 11:17 pm
Posts: 1428
Noble Member

we'll have to have the TIVO talk another night. I just heard the C-17 overhead on final approach and have to head out and cook some burgers to feed our Air Force boys in their green flight suits. Nobody spill the beans about what happens on Survivor tonight! I'll wait and watch it at midnight.

Posted : February 21, 2008 11:26 pm
Posts: 3111
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My neighbors are having a church service in their back yard right now. They told us they do this about once every 20 years or so. It's in Spanish. The music is great, but the preacher SHOUTS! It will be over by 9:00. That's good because I want to be able to hear American Idol.

Posted : February 21, 2008 11:37 pm
Posts: 2473
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While Tivo is busy recording my favorite shows tonight, I will be busy baking Virgin Mary pretzels and Madonna pizza. There's money to be made on EBay.

Posted : February 21, 2008 11:59 pm
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LOL,the last 2 posts were great to read as i wake up and get ready for the 12milejob,i went to bed at 9 last night and actually slept for once,so both jobs today and only the 18milebenefitjob tomorrow,i can't find the old thread here about dishnetwork,can we get that up here in lavallee?i'm behind the "tree" so i don't know if i need to be line of sight or not, we are not line of sight for but it works better that prossers crap ever did.

Posted : February 22, 2008 8:18 am
Posts: 150
Estimable Member

Gotta ask: What are Virgin Mary Pretzels and Madonna Pizza???

Posted : February 22, 2008 11:17 am
Posts: 2473
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The latest round of religious relics was in the news yesterday. There is a virgin Mary pretzel for sale on EBay right now. Last year a cheese sandwich which resembled the Madonna and child sold for $28,000 and change. America is truly the land of opportunity. Check out the eBay auction.


Posted : February 22, 2008 3:05 pm
Posts: 2473
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Also check out.

Posted : February 22, 2008 3:14 pm
Posts: 150
Estimable Member

OH MY GOD!!!! Who buys this stuff, couldn't they use that money to do some good in the world!!!!

Posted : February 22, 2008 3:47 pm
Posts: 203
Estimable Member

I have got to start baking immedially...I think I will try for a "ten commandments" loaf of bread...or better yet, how 'bout a "ark on top of Mt. Ararat " cookie.....E-BAY, HERE I COME!!!!

Posted : February 22, 2008 4:31 pm
Posts: 2473
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For local appeal you could try "Jah Jelly" or "Ganja wanta go to heaven banana bread".

Posted : February 22, 2008 4:38 pm
Posts: 31
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Well said, CodyK...I agree!!!

Posted : February 22, 2008 4:48 pm
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lol you guys, an orthodox rabbi in israel said a couple of days ago that gay people are the cause of earthquakes,haha i knew we were special but earth shattering? who knew,oh well off to the 18milebenefitjob.I've been dealing with alot of the Stanford people at work, these people are really "up there"business people,so nice to deal with professional business travelers for a change,it's almost like being back at some of the hotels i worked at in the states that catered to the business traveler on expense account.

Posted : February 22, 2008 5:55 pm
Posts: 1428
Noble Member

trw - I wonder if the rabbi thinks Moses was gay. All those "flaming" tendencies with the burning bush and the parting of the Red Sea that would be seismologically explainable as a tsunami effect following an earthquake.

It's interesting that a rabbi would make such remarks. Coming from a people who have been persecuted throughout their history you'd think he might have a tiny bit of tolerance for personal differences in others.

Posted : February 22, 2008 10:16 pm
Posts: 3904
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Or maybe that rabbi is in a very deep closet. . .

Posted : February 23, 2008 9:58 am
Posts: 150
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trw: Still waiting for the rest of your tenant stories!!!

Posted : February 24, 2008 12:50 am
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just got home from the 18milebenefitjob,damn we were busy tonight,a bartender walked out midshift because he was getting picked on by a guest LOL poor thing,so it was a put your head down and just go night and waiter away we did,have to be at the 12milejob at 5am, Cody K i'm still trying to figure out how to talk about the next stx phase as that was when i started my own slide down into the bottle and all of the illicit(gasp,not on stx) drug use and i'll talk about it because it does take alot of discipline to live here especially in my line of work, we deal with tourists 365 days a year and so if you're not careful it ends up being "always saturday and always summer" and you fall into party mode, i've seen it happen dozens and dozens of times with myself and the other half and with friends,renters and just people you associate with,i'm watching it right now with a good friend and some of the new business owners up here,it's interesting to watch when you're sober and mildly entertaining especially when you've gone through it all yourself and you can see the stages they go through,but i've also learned to keep my mouth shut because no one wants to hear"you need to slow down" when they're going full speed and think they're on top of things and so yeah i'll continue to tell my stories for myself and maybe for the benefit of someone else reading this,parts of it are painfull but most of it is really hilarious,lol i sobered up when i could not get arrested on st.croix

Posted : February 24, 2008 2:47 am
Posts: 2596
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A crazy week. Without going into great detail it went as follows. Ten house guest, oven broke on new stove, flat tire, hit a deer, power goes out as soon as guest arrive, cistern leaking and a big 30th birthday party for my daughter. The party went wonderful, the house guest perfect, good food, good friends, great entertainment. Everyone will be gone by Wednesday and the house will seem so empty and quiet. Just another week in paradise.

Posted : February 25, 2008 11:38 am
Posts: 1428
Noble Member

Tam - you need a vacation! Glad the party went well.

My Saturday: worked on cleaning my garage, did some laundry, sent a few dozen emails and handled assorted phone calls requesting information, won a bidding war on a house up on Scenic Drive, met with a seller to get his signature to accept an offer on one of my condo listings, picked up some new tenants at the ferry and checked them into a condo, prepped the sailboat for an afternoon outing, iced down the cooler and made 5 gallons of awesome rum punch, made assorted hors d'oeuvres (the tuna sashimi was best!) for the cruise, captained the Parrothead out to Buck Island with about 20 Air Force personnel plus a few others who were brave enough to join us on board with that rowdy crowd, drove the last half dozen of them to the Divi to check in, ate a very mediocre dinner down at the bar by the Divi pool thinking it was a shame I wasn't getting the kind of service a certain someone was busily providing in the main restaurant upstairs, thought about liberating some more $$ from the casino but was too tired so instead headed back to the sailboat for the night.

Sunday: Woke up to a call from a tenant that they think their cistern pump is dead. Turned out the cisterns are empty and they simply need to pay more attention to their water consumption. Fortunately the pump turned off automatically and isn't burned out. Cleaned up the sailboat a bit and headed home. Lots of paperwork and phone calls and fought the internet all day. Anything with a file attached wanted to hang up in the Outbox for hours, which makes it really tough to get anything done. Finally made dinner about 10 PM. Saw a large mouse trying to sneak in my front door while it was standing open for the dog to come back inside. Set out glue traps just in case it did make it inside when I was looking away (oh, the joys of living in the countryside!). Watched a little of the Academy Awards. Read for a while. Woke up to rain around 4 AM and got up to close some windows. No mouse in the glue traps, so hopefully he never came in. Phone calls started at 7:46 AM. You can always tell when it is Monday!

Posted : February 25, 2008 1:36 pm
Posts: 31
Eminent Member

Tammy, will you be sharing more pictures???

Posted : February 25, 2008 2:04 pm
Posts: 2707
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i stopped at one of the cane bay places for a coke yesterday and had the good fortune to sit next to an older couple from chicago who proceeded to tell me how ugly the architecture of christiansted is and how run down everything looked and how the outside of kendricks and bacchus just looked horrible even tho they never set foot in either place to see how nice the insides are. I asked them if they had been to caribbean before and they told me no they had'nt so i told them about our wonderful island off the coast of st martin call the island of Sint Somme Whar Ehlse and how beautiful it is and that the architecture is so delicate because it's one of the few islands in the caribbean that has never had a hurricane or had to worry about another country in europe trying to invade them and take over, oh and they oohed and ahhed, i also told them the place is crime free and the "natives" wear beautiful white outfits and sing for the tourists all the time and that the government mandates that everything there be clean and new. This couple wanted to know how to get there so i told them to fly over to St.Martin and then tell a cab driver that they needed to be on the "eyediot"ferry at the "ideal"dock over in "perfection" bay and they thanked me for the wonderful advice while she was writing this all down and i left for work.

Posted : February 25, 2008 5:35 pm
Posts: 3111
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So, I'm expecting George to arrive today from Florida to stay in one of my apartments for a months. His plan was to fly into STT and take the ferry over to STX. I wanted to confirm the ferry time, so I called and the lady there told me the ferry runs at 9:30 and 6:45, Fri., Sat., Sun. and Mon. So I said back to her..."so, the ferry leaves STT at 6:45 today. She said, "no". I said, "oh, I'm sorry...I thought you said it runs on Mon. She said, "I did, but it doesn't run today." Isn't today MONDAY!

I haven't heard from George. He probably believed them when they told him it runs on Mondays, and didn't ask about this particular Monday, and they sure won't tell you if you don't ask! Hope the Seaplane has a seat for him.

Posted : February 25, 2008 7:45 pm
Posts: 2596
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Has anyone heard from Lizard? Lizard are you out there? I hope he is doing well and will be back on island soon.

Posted : February 25, 2008 11:04 pm
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