Ok, Everyone keep your fingers crossed that nothing goes wrong and I get to get on that plane Saturday. Mom is ordering me around like I am a child so she is getting better and better. Whenever she does that I giggle. She told me tonight if I popped my gum one more time she was going to smack me. That's the mom I know and love.
Tonight around 5:30 I was on the phone with my daughter and she said, "mom listen". Doug and JJ had just come into the house and were singing, " Ohh Dad is great. He give me chocolate cake". Daughter was cracking up and said to Doug, "you guys are busted". "Mom is on the phone". It seems they were having cake and grape soda for dinner. While the cat is away.
Lizard are you home yet?
Trade must be off island. Where are you Trade? We miss you.
Back on the Island with one very sick dog! Brought him to the vet on Saturday. A little improvement as of today.
what's going on with your dog?
welcome home Lizard,now tammy just needs to get her butt home and my life will be complete haha
My dog is old like me, the stress of flying he developed a severe case of diarrhea, then became dehydrated. Kasey Canton, D.V.M. put him on an IV Drip on saturday and some Metronidazole and Imodium. He has bad arthritis and we had to take him off his pain medicine Deramax. Now I have a dog who cain't walk and has to go.
So I pick him up carry him outside lay him down let him go, pick him up and we both go back inside and take shower. He is my long time partner and I'll do whatever it takes. Thanks for asking.
Hi Lizard, I'm glad you are back home. I will say a little prayer for Samson. My oldest Rottie is not doing well either. One of the reasons Doug had to go back to the island without me. He isn't getting up very much anymore.
3 more days here for me. Mom cried this morning about me leaving but I spent the entire day with her today and I think she is feeling better. I even went to physical therapy. Boy that was hard work. The majority of patients were hip and knee replacements and strokes. Amazing work they do with the patients. If I were to start a new career I think I would go into that field.
Doug got a quote today about recoating our roof. It was around 6K. Whew!! I guess Doug and I will be recoating our roof next week. Fun Fun. After that repairing the leaking cistern, storm shutters, painting ect. I guess I have been in the states so long I thought I was going back to the island for vacation. LOL. I will find time to sit on the beach, swim, hug my friends and plant my gardens.
Lizard,on the first page of this thread you talk about your dog having had a tumour removed,our oldest dog is in about the same shape as yours(the one abandonded at hess's office)she can bark up a storm and get on the couch just fine but we have to help her down all the time,and Tam rooftops wanted 5k 2 years ago to do our roof,are these businesses that busy they can afford to not take on new business? i got the night off last night so i watched "volver"on cable and finished 2 books that i had started.
For what it's worth, we hired "some guy that was recommended" to re-coat our roofs about 9 months ago. They looked great for a while, but now they are turning black. He is going to re-do them, but I think we night have been better off in the long run with a pro. Of course at the rates the companies charge, we can have the handy man do it several times, but 9 months?!
Lizard... I just wanted to wish you the best with your dog and commend you for your loyalty to your long time best friend. It's hard when they start getting old, get sick, and need our help for every little task. But worth it.
I hope he recovers soon.
I still miss my 'once in a lifetime dog', and don't regret anytime I spent with him... healthy and/or ailing. .... but the recent new addition keeps me laughing. Aren't pets wonderful!!!!!!
Have a wonderful STXy Day!
oh we're just going to have to do it ourselves,but god what a pain in the butt,that will be an august project,we need to screw,tape,new facia where needed ah it just goes on and on,but once thats done we can get on with other "projects"that have been on hold because we figured the roof needed to be done first,my homeless guy is wearing his "new" spring/summer wardrobe i see,he was quite festive in his blue clothes today,not busy enough for me to work tonight so they told me to take the night off,oh well i'm on the bottom of the night list so i'm just gratefull that i had the chance to fill in when needed.

trw I just coated my roof. It was new not a re coat. I used Lisa's Paint Shop in Princess for advise and materials. They sell the ceramic roof coating that reflects heat and keeps the interior cooler. Lisa's husband Tim does roof coating so he is good for advise or he can give you a price.
The steps I followed were;
1 Pressure wash with a bleach solution
2 Prime bare wood with exterior wood primer.
3 Tape seams and fill voids with trowel grade roof filler
4 Prime with roof primer ( sticky stuff)
5 3 coats of coating. First coat thin then coats 2 and three thicker to build up the material.
It was a lot of work but I saved @ $2K doing it myself.
We are moving in this weekend with or without WAPA. I been working on it for almost a year so I'll be psyched.
Good luck with your project.
Lizard, I feel for you and your best friend...I am such a dog lover and have had to put 2 of them down because of their diseases got just too much for their bodies...that just about kills you but there is just so much suffering you can watch happen before you have to give in and let them go... I hope your baby gets much better...give many kisses for me....
i'd be very interested in talking to any new yorkers that have a good memory of times square in the mid to late 70's and very early 80's,i'm reading a book that haunts me and i guess i have some questions
trw, can I read it after you? I just sent a bunch of new books to the island so I have lots to share.
Trade where are you?
Lizard how is Samson today? How are you today?
Charlotte are you going to be at the airport on Saturday? I am going to the airport early here as the flight I am supposed to get on keeps getting delayed and misses the connection to STX. I am going to try and get on the earlier flight. Wish me luck.
Today was a beautiful day in Norfolk, Virginia. Only 3 nice warm sunny days since I have been here. Thank goodness the sun came out today. I moved my company from Norfolk to Virginia Beach in August of 07. Just found out today that I didn't change my business license to Virginia Beach. OOPS? I imagine there will be a penalty for that one.
Alexandra,on my way home today i saw Big Daddy Lockhart from STT standing with another guy on the side of the road on the east side of the fishermans entrance to salt river, they had papers in their hands,any idea whats up with that? is he invading? he's got the governor in his pocket and so i wonder whats up.
oh and my homeless guy was dancing by himself on his porch as i was waiting for the light to change,he's got some good moves haha,he was even playing air guitar
Dougtamjj, what flight are you booked on to clt...Hopefully the one that gets in to clt around 9:30... that is your best bet to make the connection to stx. I am not scheduled for the airport tomorrow... sorry that I won't be able to see you. Hope your flight goes well and a safe trip to STX.
tammy i'm off on monday
well i stopped at the north shore places and gave them my number for parttime on call night work,we're slowing down at work and after the triathalon our season is done so hopefully someone will call, i found out about kelly's sons,their father wayne has them and i guess it's going very well,so maybes he's finally settled down and accepted some responsibility,he's always been a decent guy,kelly would not have put up with him for all those years had he been a badguy,michelle fired her "startender"(thank god, he was an ass) and alex had fired him right before mardi croix so he's probally on his way to STT or back to the states,lol i saw him "strutting"all over the beach at cane bay 2 days ago,way too much attitude for stx,i had a pretty good burger from off the wall and the best white trash cheesecake haha it had canned cherry pie filling on top and diana and i have always called it white trash cheesecake,the other half made the dumpster trip this afternoon,we filled the back of his truck with junk and garbage and away he went and i still want to know what big daddy lockhart is up to

When you filled the truck with junk was that going to or back from the dumpster - we all do dumpster shopping don't we?
lol not over in glynn you don't, you have to fight off ricardo the puerto rican crack head and his crew every time you go there because they all want to "help" you unload your garbage and then they want a buck or 2 for "helping",no thats a place you dump and go, at one time he was an ok guy but since he got out of prison he's gotten alittle more aggressive lol it's so odd that i know all of these people hahaha,it's just working nights in both of our towns i've always made it a point to get to know all the homeless people and the drug addicts because they are on the street all the time and they see EVERYTHING and you can pay them a couple of bucks for parked car "protection"at night or they just know to leave you alone if they think you're a decent guy,i don't know it's worked for me for years now and they are really good for gossip as well,like which prominent citizen is doing what and where,most people treat these guys like they are invisible which is a big mistake because they really do see everything lol and well i'm a nosy guy,maybe i should be a reporter haha yeah right, god some of the stories kelly would tell me from her old drug days about some of our senators just make me laugh when i read their posturing in the papers,vice is alive and well on STX,just drive past any of the girl bars on queen str in f'sted on gov payday and you'll see what i mean.oh and i can already hear 2 of the non contributing women on this site tut tutting me so don't bother,it's odd they'll "talk" on other threads but never on this one,oh well oh and i just ran over to sylvie's to see if she was cooking tonight and the old guys were playing dominos as was sylvie and one of the founders of mardi croix was there and so drunk she could barely move lol but sylvie was not cooking she's doing wings and fish and jonnycake tomorrow night,she's the only person i've ever met from monserratt,i want to start writing about my really early life if no one minds, i just feel the need to let it out and i've never told a soul,including the other half, about my early life and all the violence.

Thanks for your insights into the island. You're a real treat for someone land-locked in the desert surrounded by aliens...
so this time around i was born at 11:27am on tuesday july 11th 1961 at navey hospital in albert lea minnesota,my mother was the daughter of a so so farmer and had 7 brothers and sisters,my father was the son of a townie and had 1 younger brother.my mothers fathers mother came from denmark at the age of 13 in 1873 and i know nothing of her mothers family except that her grandfather was a doctor that graduated from the school of medicine in chicago in 1897,my fathers fathers family was irish potato trash that came over in the late 1800's and his mothers family came over in the early 1600's from austria to escape military service under the hapsburgs. my parents waited a week after i was born to get married, they wanted to make sure i'd live,they had already been married and divorced once back in 58, they got married because she was pregnant with my brother and then got divorced when he was stillborn,so in other words there was no love in the house i was born into this time around.
Are you talking about the guy across from the Richmond Police Station? He likes to write in his diary/notebook. I think he's writing a book. I gave him some new pens and a new notebook in his Christmas stocking last year. He's a cool guy. Richard chased my husband down Queen cross Street yellin" I love you Daddy" when he gave Richard his stocking. Has anyone seen Two Dolla Man lately in Christiansted? I'm worried about him. He has his own MySpace site c/o some crazy kids from Country Dy School who graduated a few years ago. If any one would like to help with their stockings this year, that'd be great. They like homemade cookies (gingerbread men in dreads and bathingsuits were a big hit this year), flashlights, flipflops, pens, notepads,a blanket...stuff like that. If I get enough, it'd be fun to give them out at the Lighthouse this year. I can only do about 5 or 6 by myself.
albert lea back then was your typical small white trash town, 22,000 people with a meat packing plant and a big cement plant and then alot of smaller companies doing various small town things, alea is 92 miles south of the cities so nothing of any importance was there, it was the "big" town in the middle of corn country,my granfather was born in 1897was in ww1 married and divorced by 1918 and then remarried to my grandmother the doctors daughter, she married "down" so she was the black sheep of her family, the farm they had for about 40 years was my lifeline as a small child,i learned to hunt,fish,butcher,drive there over the years and the only rule ever taught me back then was "don't smoke in the barn"
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