i've been thinking alot lately about some of the places i've lived in the states and how i've met people in those places that are content with their lives and would never dream of leaving the places of their births,down here people ask me where i'm from and my reply generally is i'm not sure,i've lived everywhere but i moved here from minneapolis,down here we seem to be a part of a tribe of wanderers,not seemingly content with where we're at and always thinking we need to go somewhere else,lol i think i'm making sense,just not wording it right,my ex is one of those people that went from k thru graduation in the same school,then to another city to build ships for a few years and then back to minneapolis for the next 20 years until we moved here.now i realize i can't wander anymore,it's getting more difficult and i'm somewhat resigned to the fact that this is my home now until social security kicks in(20 years) but i still have days when i just want to get on a plane and move to a new city,earlier this week i started contacting old employers in the states feeling them out and they all told me i would have a job if i came back but then i realized no trw you can't do it,settle yourself down and learn to be content for once in your life with where you're at.
TRW, your post reads as though it were written by my husband. I believe that I am the only reason he has been "still" over the past three years. I love him for who he is. He is very much the one who moves in the direction of the wind. I was like that, too, once in my life. There Are times when that freedom still shines through, but just not all that often. I don't live where I grew up, and I know that there is at least one more move in me. I see the good in both ways of living.
Trw, I was dragged all over the country by my parents and hated it. I settled in Virginia when I was 17 and didn't budge until I moved to STX. When I was in my late 20s wander lust struck but I had to many responsibilites to take off. I would gladly travel, working my way around the world now if I didn't have so many obligations. I don't think it is so much learning to be content where you are as loving to explore and experience new things. I am thankful now that we moved so much as it made me more adaptable and accepting of other cultures. I see nothing wrong with wanting a change in your life. If you aren't happy, go for it. You can always come back. You are still young.
After living here for almost a year, I can see the desire to move. I really like it here--the pace of life, the friendliness of most and the beautiful landscape. I also miss, more than I realized, some of the comforts of the states, such as well stocked grocery stores, bookstores, plays, concerts, ease of travel, etc. I'm just not sure if my longing for those things would outweigh the advantages of living here. I knew someone who used to say "once I get to France, all my problems will be solved." I kind of wonder if I am feeling the same way. I think it would be better somewhere else, but it probably would just be a different list of positives and negatives. Does that make any sense?
Interesting thought, I always want to be somewhere else, I find the perfect place and then long to be somewhere else. Isn't it interesting that many people who have experienced the same thing have found our way down to the islands from the states. What could be more perfect then living in paradise, yet we are not content. I try to think about "what would define the perfect place to live" usually its a combination of lots of places, that's why we can never find it, because it doesn't exist in real life. I always daydream of being somewhere else so I guess I get to travel (in my mind) everywhere. I think some of us just have wanderlust.......
Life's problems do NOT disappear with a new zip code...............before making a decision to relocate hoping things will get better, ask yourself why are you feeling this way? Carefully weigh the pros & cons...........and if your heart still tells you its time to go.............pack it baby! The grass isn't always greener.............especially now, it could be dusted with SNOW.....OH SHUDDER the thought.
Life is for living not merely existing.............live it to the fullest be it here or someplace else, but hurry, time is short and sweet!
thanks guys,it's very reassuring to know that i'm not the only one with overwhelming feelings of wanderlust,lol it's just a matter of keeping them in check and yeah Tam if i could afford it i'd spend my life traveling and learning,thats really all i've ever wanted to do,feed my great sense of curiousity.. wow Bagoons funeral has turned into a HUGE event,lots of people down here at the church at the corner
well he laid in state at gov house for a couple of hours then they moved him over to the church for the service,lol i figured something was up when i had old well dressed west indian men drinking vodka and coke at 8am,it was the afternoon by the time it was over and the hearse drove past the cafe loaded down with flowers and right behind that was a flatbed truck with a band playing some great ragtime and then about 300 people tramping in the street,it was so cool to watch,it was like a big moving party!!!!!
well my apt has current finally,now they need to clean the place get me the new water heater fridge and stove they promised me,the ceiling fans are trashed and almost all of the wall sockets are dead so they have a lot to do before they get the deposit,i'll pay the rent but not the deposit,this place has the potential to be great,lol a nice little pied a terre in the city for secret assingnations,hahahaha
Sniff sniff........is that the scent of the old TRW comming back..............................
LOL islandtyme oh and i saw the ex lt gov sober today,thats a switch

WOW TRW...you just said you have CURRENT....Add that to the list of...You know you've been here too long when.....
yes yearasta i know and i did'nt really realize it until you pointed it out.
walking back from the meeting tonight i noticed that the poor domo girls were all hanging out the balcony windows over the san rafael bar on king street just looking for customers,lets hope for their sakes this is a government pay week.

Certified Crucian de man...who cares what Adebert says!
Arrived today, nicely surprised to find everything in the house working fine. Someone even cleared the heavy brush away from the road . .. thank you! Tomorrow is cleaning day . . . where does all that mildew come from? The place was spotless when we left but I guess leaving it closed up for two month took it's toll. Gotta order some propane . . . is Antilles Gas the right place? Do you think they'll deliver before Thursday? Spent the weekend in St. Thomas for a wedding, so nice. 40 of us went to Jost Van Dyke Saturday what a blast. Wedding was at Sapphire Beach and was very sweet, but the reception at The Old Stone Mansion on the golf course was fantastic. Already got an invite to dinner Thursday . . . gotta love STX! Nice to be back.
right now, rmoments before dawn
looking from scenic drive out over the wide spread to the east...Salt river is dark and quiet, christiansted lights twinkling, east end is a series of solid gray shapes jutting up from the atlantic and caribbean, the water on both sides looking as motionless and solid as recently poured concrete.
there is the palest hairline sliver of moon.... hanging over the east end, fast dissapearing under the growing gaze of dawn
it's gone.
a gust rushes through the tan tan, windchime tinkles....cats suddenly run outside in a clatter, bush hide and seek.
usually i'd still be sleeping

The sliver of the moon with the sun rising through the clouds over Goat mountain was indescribable.
I'm missing St. Croix so much.
Same here!
TRW.......does the new abode have wapa water included??? If not, hope you asked for it hooked up too...........The people are really nice there, but will only sign up up for the services asked for!
Sun rise was quite stunning this am!!
Well it looks like we have a new family member. My daughter on the island just texted me a picture of a stray puppy she rescued. Her name is Molly.
just got back from a meeting and am at parrots cove for some sliders and to listen to rob paper do his thing,downtown is dead tonight,before the meeting i loaded up on sugar at kendricks with a piece of key lime pie with really good homemade whip cream,lol wow i'm listening to a really speeded up coked out version of elenor rigby and it's good!!!!!but anyway back to the pie,it was good,yesterday i had blueberry ala mode over at no bones and i could tell the crust was homemade because it was not perfect like the store bought ones lol i'm seeing a pattern here with the sugar.The lady is coming in the morning to clean my apt,the place has not been lived in or loved for 8 years,so we'll see how clean it gets,while my laundry was in the dryer over at prince street i took a walk along the boardwalk this afternoon and a guy pulled this HUGE rock out of his pocket and told me i could have it for 50 bucks and i just laughed at him and said dude if thats all you have to offer me go away,i'd need at least 500 bucks worth and 4 bottles of vodka so i could stay up for 3 days and kept on walking.our newest senator to be,nellie oreilly, told me today she went to a bootcamp up in the states for newly elected politicians so they could learn roberts rules of order and other things about working in politics,she went to the states because they don't do anything here until after the new people take office,she's so sweet i really do like her even though she was publically against the diageo deal,well i ate all my sliders and i should really go home,but the musics kinda good.
The chickens must be sad for their fowl turkey friends . . . the roosters are ridiculously loud this morning. I really do not even know where they actually are . . . but . . . I am thankful I do not live next door. Funny how mornings can be so peaceful and yet loud at the same time.
Sunorski.................the chickens aren't sad, those are crows of joy!!! It's not them being served up for a change............they are crowing the jubilant cries of another day their annoying life has been spared.............Run you turkeys, run!!!!
Change is here..................so lets reinvent the holiday by serving free range chickens & we can start the cleansing in my neighborhood.......lol.
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