a lady that does weddings down here told me today that by this time last year she had done 50 already but this year she had only done 25 so i told her maybe she needs to hit up some of the snowbirds for vow renewals,or read the papers for divorces and start doing divorce parties
Hi Tammy, Trade, trw.
We are back in NJ, Annie and I didn't do to good at the Veterans K-9 Corps school, in Smithtown, NY. They sent us home early so we didn't fail " my poor health was the reason or excuse", If she Fails they will take her away from me and retrain her for a companion dog again. So we go back to school in January. Annie is a sweet dog (Loves kids, adults, and other animals) she must be able to walk by my side without a leash with plenty of distractions. I tried the milkbone trick and we got caught. So we are working together at home so we can pass the test in Feb. They will not take Annie away from me! We will pass the test!

Good luck, Lizard. I sure hope it works out.
i met the couple that bought the old davis estate over on beeston hill,really nice people,statesiders but moved here from st vincent,i've been waiting on them here at the cafe for about a month now,he knows how to do stuff and will be doing all the renovations himself on the big house,the guest house and the maids cottage,it's fun to listen to them talk about going to all the high end places down here for furniture and knick-knacks and stuff.
Alright Lizard, I know you and Annie can do it. Get busy and practice. I wish we could all come up to NJ and practice with you.
Take care.
go for it Lizard!
the view from the deck at parrots cove is so beautiful today,the water is a darkish blue,nice big fluffy clouds,good breeze,the caravelle blocks out the wapa/condo row eyesores so all you see is water and the waves crashing on the reef in the distance.
trw, I closed my eyes for a moment and felt like I was right there sitting beside you. Thanks.
well one of the lawyers got a new toy yesterday and was quite exicted about it,he got a bang and olaffson(sp) blue tooth headset,small fortune i assume,but it looks cool and the mouthpiece moves around closer to your mouth so people can actually hear you talk,it's black and grey.
so last night i went to one of the waterfront bars to read and drink ice tea because there was nothing on tv,this was about 6:30,i had not been in this place for a couple of months and never before when it was dark and i swear to god i thought i had walked into the waiting room for hell,you know like McGuires in grand forks or snicks in vegas or the starlite in denver,lol just truly awful,it was filled with down on their luck looking drunks old,young,fat,white,lots of bad skin and missing teeth and of course it was happy hour.so there was a group of young(?) women and one of them was regaling the others with a story about how she had gotten into a fight with another women earlier yesterday afternoon and the language and hand movements were an actual recreation of the fight itself and the drunker she got the louder the voice got and the movements more exagerrated(sp),lol she was a true mess and of course in her version she was the innocent victim defending herself,lol she started to sound like the white trash inner city white girls trying to talk ebonics,and then in walks 4 of the young drug dealer guys and of course the trashy white girls were exicted and they all managed to converge at the part of the bar where i'm trying to read and smoke in peace,so it gets loud for a few minutes and then everyone disappears and then the owner comes over to me and i said you just had 4 dealers in here at the same time ands he said yeah i know i've told all of them no dealing in the bar but i can't keep them out unless they break the law,he's like you have no idea how many bartenders i've fired because of drugs and dealing and how much more scummier c'sted is vs f'sted and how he's ready to go back to the states,and i'm thinking well stop happy hour raise your prices so that they are'nt the lowest on the waterfront,get some employees that don't look like strippers and try for a little class.so i read my book for another hour and then went home and watched strange network tv,ugly betty,greys anatomy and life on mars
WOW that's sad! I knew there was a reason I never go to bars at night.
well and one of the guys with the tuff drunk women was the kid with the awful teeth from one of my earlier stories so i see he's fallen in with a great crowd,oh and i just talked to Aurthur on the street and he says it's going to be both vietnamese and thai. and the personal tailor for the lawyers and politicians is here from chicago to take measurements for new suits,so i guess business is good for a few.
My mom has been sedentary for months,sleeping sometimes 18 to 20 hours a day, so now we have therapists, nurses and all kinds of people coming in every day to get her strength back and get her up and moving again. One of the therapist suggested we get the nintendo Wii for her to do bowling with for some exercise. Much to my husbands delight I ran right out and bought one. Now, I hate video games or anything that I have to figure out buttons to push. I don't even like texting. Well I am hooked on this Wii. My favorite is the boxing. I want to do it all the time. JJ and I are arguing over who's turn it is.
LOL,,,Looks like another WII for Christmas, huh Santa?
see Tam,you're never too old
lol i'm watching the bartender here eat his way through a jar of cocktail onions,i said thats disgusting and he said his mother taught him how to eat them when they lived in scotland.
no sweets here so i ran down to steeles,she made fresh cranberry walnut vanilla based fudge,really good

Tam you need to check out the wii fit....AWESOME
now if a certain someone could just get their wii fit out of storage so that i could try it life would be good . . .
The Wii fit is sold out all over town but a guy at target told me to be there at 8am on Sunday and I might could get one. I cannot move my arms from the boxing.

Ok so yes...we have the wii fit...BUT I kinda sorta forgot the disk in another case which is in a box in storage in Miami....AND I don't know which box or case it's in...Sore subject with Melissa...ok so I also have a problem putting the right disk back in the right case....hey grab the first available case right?

If you like the Wii Fit, then you MUST have the Dance Dance Revolution Party!!! It's even more addicting!
Speaking of the Wii and game systems, is there a place on STX to buy/trade used games????
a woman i work with at the cafe also works full time at beeston hill as atherapist,someone or something hacked her hotmail account and sent out hundreds of spam email for small electronics.yearasta?????? how is that possible,she says she completly logs on when she's done checking her mail and does not use the remember me feature

TRW...this is merely speculation...I can't know for sure unless I check her computer...I don't think anyone "hacked" her puter....I think she picked up a a worm...what it may have done was use her address book to send out spam....if you need any help let me know.
thanks yearasta,i'll tell her,makes sense to me i have not had a problem on my computer for a long time because of all the protection this one has i guess i forgot about that kinda thing,so anyway,everyones favorite naked waiter,you know the one that got really drunk at taste of st.croix a few years back and jumped naked into the pool,lol well he was out and about last night eating calamari and was trying to fit the calamari tubes on various parts of his body,did'nt work,so then he was offering a 100 bucks cash if anyone could catch a calamari tube in their mouth,still no success,ah well he's a great guy,just a mess when he drinks.
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