Teaching Question
Hello all,
My wife and I have been researching a move to St Thomas for some time and have been there once and plan a PMV soon. I have read your forums for some time and even the E-edition of the daily news for several months along with whatever other articles I could find.
I am a high school math teacher and will be looking at doing that in the public school system. I have looked at the education sites for the application process but would really like to know if it is possible to really be hired for the job before arriving on island?
What really happens after you submit that application? Other concerns I can find information on but this one puzzles me and is hard to find direct information on.
Thanks a bunch.
Good question! I am in the process for an Elem teaching job. If I hear of anything befor anyone else posts, I'll let you know.
Hi recently submitted my completed application last week. The contact person says that she will make certain it is reviewed this coming week. We'll see. I have tried on 2-3 occasions to find out about the entire process, but after speaking to 2-3 different people, I took it upon myself to make direct contact with someone in the USVI Dept. of Education and submit my application, resume, etc. directly to her. So far so good. She was very responsive and prompt in her responses. I submitted everything electronically. I'm hoping for some word by the end of this week or next at the latest (based on her responses). I will be or able to teach, math, computer science/programming, biology, physics and graphic design. I also teach architectural design, animation and robotics.
Looking forward to starting a new program in a high school in the VI. I still need to do my research and PMV....we'll see.
Thanks for responding. I wish you both good luck and if you can post your process from time to time I would appreciate it. I may try to set up an appointment with someone in HR during my PMV.
So to kind of give you an idea. I submitted my application packet in December, but due to school break it wasn't received until the first day back. I tracked my packet and I suggest you do too. To apply you will need to submit your application, resume, 3 professional references, doctors note of health, copy of your birth certificate, copy of your s.s. card, copy of your licence, police background check, and sealed official transcripts from all colleges/universities attended and the results of your Praxis exam (passing score for the USVI is 140). In the packet I mailed was everything except for my background check, transcripts, and test results. They were all sent seperately from the organization's which they originated.
According to the USVI DOE website you should receive a letter 2-3 weeks after they receive your application. Since I had things being mailed separately and in my maiden name I called after 4 weeks of not hearing from them (they got my packet on 1/6 & I started calling 2/6) to make sure everything had been received. Good thing b/c my transcripts did not get put with my application and to be honest I have no idea which island all of my stuff went to! After numerous calls and messages left at the STX DOE, with no response, I called STT DOE and got the help I needed. You see, I was told by a gentleman at the STX DOE to send the packet in care of Nicole Jacobs. But what he didn't tell me was that she is on STT. So I mailed my packet to STX DOE attention Niclole Jacobs. Luckily I was connected to an extremely nice and helpful woman, the Asst. Director of HR, on STT who found all of my stuff and submitted it for review. She called and smiled me to keep me in the loop as to what was happening. That was this past Friday. So now the waiting game begins for the Boards approval and hopefully an interview from there.
So that is my journey, so far.
Thanks klpmtm,
There is a lot of stuff to go with the application process (even before an interview). One thing that puzzles me is that on two different VI Dept of Ed. sites they have slightly different requirements for applying.
This one has the stuff you listed (that I've been getting done).
And this one that requires the main stuff but not some of the other stuff.
Seems odd, but whatever they want I'll make sure to get it to them that's for sure.
Good luck.
During my contact with the USVI Dep. of Ecuation, I have never been directed to the hr.vide.vi site for information. Here is the page with the application: http://www.teachusvi.net/teacherapp.htm.
It includes instructions and all documents required.
Good luck! I'll let you know how things go at my end. 🙂
Thanks klpmtm,
There is a lot of stuff to go with the application process (even before an interview). One thing that puzzles me is that on two different VI Dept of Ed. sites they have slightly different requirements for applying.
This one has the stuff you listed (that I've been getting done).
http://www.teachusvi.net/And this one that requires the main stuff but not some of the other stuff.
http://hr.vide.vi/Seems odd, but whatever they want I'll make sure to get it to them that's for sure.
Good luck.
I did everything on the teachusvi site and was told my packet was complete.
Thanks klpmtm.
I'm knocking out the list right now. Good luck!
Good luck to you both. Our islands need good teachers.

My husband and I are teachers on STX. I have posted quite a few times about the process, but feel free to PM if you have specific questions and/or need help.
The greatest advice I can give you is to make sure you follow up, follow up, follow up, follow up with everything you do. Get names, contact numbers, etc. Then, practice patience!
Good luck!
Thanks everyone! Good luck to you all as well!!
Meow, thanks for the offer. I'be actually searched through dome of your posts in the past few months. Very helpful!!! And I finally found dome one on STT who is helping me with the process even though I am going to be in STX. It was very weird and confusing as to all of the different information I was given by a person at the STX DOE. And then it turn out that for some reason my packet is being handled by the STT DOE. But hey, as long as it gets me to where I want to be it's all good, right? LOL
Patience is a virtue!
And you have learned your first very important lesson... getting the name and number of an 'in' person is invaluable! They can either help you directly or get you to someone who will help you. It's taken me years to compile a list of people who are helpful and I'm always really bummed out when someone retires or leaves their position. And meowruff is right on with her advice, name/numbers of everyone you talk to and whole lot of follow up and patience.
Great advice. I keep email contact with someone in the VIDOE and have been submitting my info, app, questions to her only. She has been a tremendous help!
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