The St. Croix Ark story hits nationwide magazine!

Check this out . . . look at this great two page article in a nationwide magazine covering the story about when the Knights of Malta lived on St. Croix Island. Atlantis Rising Magazine who specializes in alternative news oddly enough committed to running the story over the next TEN months, dedicating two full pages in every issues.
Here is the link to The St. Croix Ark story (see pages 26 & 27).
With the way things are heading on St. Croix, any exposure beyond their sandy shores is certainly welcomed news. Perhaps even waves of tourist will ascend the island someday searching for enlightment and healing. With such a controversial Ark of the Covenant story anything is possible. Lord knows there's nothing like the Ark when it comes to luring droves of treasure hunters,miracle seekers and the religious folk.
The story can also be found at The St. Croix Ark's website.
Hope you enjoy it 😎
Hang in there St. Croix.
They could at least use a real picture of the island! Nothing like it!

No God!
No Ark!
Just mythology and superstition!
Also it was a paid advertisement rather than editorial.
Well Roto, there may not be a god, but there is history. There is quite a bit of documentation in 3 of the major religions about this. So know matter what anyone believes there is documentation, history, written word about this so called ark of the covenant. The people who are searching for it are historians and scientists or seekers of treasure. So why do you care? I don't think the Pope, Babtist ministers, Jews, Muslims, or any other religious group is out looking for the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Grail or Ponce De Leon's fountain of youth. Do you think Swans is an idot because she shows us beautiful pictures black holes in space.
Give it a rest. Nobody cares if you are an atheist. As long as you are a decent person in society I don't care if you stand on your head and pound cheese up your nose. I don't care if my neighbor lights candles every night and prays to whomever. In God we Trust on the American currency, really does it harm you. You attack everyone who believes different from you. Again, give it a rest. Quit preachin, you are just singin to the choir.
P.S. I believe time travel solves a lot of ancient mystery to me. Just a thought.

Well Roto, there may not be a god, but there is history. There is quite a bit of documentation in 3 of the major religions about this. So know matter what anyone believes there is documentation, history, written word about this so called ark of the covenant. The people who are searching for it are historians and scientists or seekers of treasure. So why do you care? I don't think the Pope, Babtist ministers, Jews, Muslims, or any other religious group is out looking for the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Grail or Ponce De Leon's fountain of youth. Do you think Swans is an idot because she shows us beautiful pictures black holes in space.
Give it a rest. Nobody cares if you are an atheist. As long as you are a decent person in society I don't care if you stand on your head and pound cheese up your nose. I don't care if my neighbor lights candles every night and prays to whomever. In God we Trust on the American currency, really does it harm you. You attack everyone who believes different from you. Again, give it a rest. Quit preachin, you are just singin to the choir.
P.S. I believe time travel solves a lot of ancient mystery to me. Just a thought.
There is history about a lot of things. The gods on mount Olympus, the Egyptian book of the dead, the Vedas. All predate the abrahamic "history". All equally valid. Real scientists aren't out looking for biblical history, it's mostly bible historians looking for something which validates their religion. So far none of the "unbelievable" stories have been proved true. No garden of eden, no worldwide flood/noah's ark, no ten commandments and no ark of the covenant, no proof of any resurrection or other new testament miracles. All just hearsay, just like the other mythological histories. If you want to believe in the abrahamic mythologies that's great but why does it bother you so much if I voice my disbelief?
When you say "nobody cares" are you speaking for everybody? Did you take a poll? You ask if "in god we trust" on our money really hurts me. I guess not physically, but it does intellectually. If you feel that people should just ignore it then why does it bother you so much when I say there is no god? I am not trying to convert you, I am only stating my opinion, if you don't like it then don't read it.
The latest polls show that 16% of americans do not believe in a personal god. Yet it still makes sense to you to have "in god we trust" on our money. What if our money said something offensive to mormons, they only make up 2% of the population. Would you be ok with that or is it only atheists that you don't mind offending? I believe that our government should be religion neutral, we are not a christian country.
"in god we trust" on our money and "under god" in our pledge were only added in the 1950's. They will both eventually be declared unconstitutional because they are. It's just a matter of time.
If you don't like my opinion then don't read it. I still believe that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Mythology does not constitute evidence. The bible is no more provable than the koran or the book of mormon, all mythology.
No Atlantis!
No Sunken City!
Just Mythology and Superstition!
Does that upset you too?
A boss once tried to tell me I "must" come into work on a mandatory Saturday......... my response, "Sunday is the Lord's day, but Saturday is Burris' day"! REJOICE ALL! 😀
Well Roto, I didn't take a poll to see if anyone cares,so I don't know if anyone on the usvi relocation message board cares or not. I didn't tell you what I believe other than, LOL, time travel. It is not your opinion that offends me, but your attacks on anyone who believes in anything different from you. I don't care what you believe and I am happy that you live in a country that allows you to be outspoken on anything you believe. I just think that you are not a very nice person and you are a bully. You appear to have no respect, on this message board, for anyone who has a different belief than you and you insult them and their intelligence. Quite rude. Just my opinion, and like yours, I am entitled to it. You love to pick on people and bash their beliefs and you can do that. I just wanted to excerise my right to say I can't stand bullies and whenver I see one I exercise my right to say they are bullies. Nasty people! You know what is really funny is that I am not a Christian, Jewish, or Muslim.
To me you are no different than that "Christian group" who goes to the funerals of homesexual American veterans of Iraq or Afganistan and protests that they deserve to die because they are gay or go into a group of mentally challenged people and yell "retard". Not much different from a former leader of Germany who excuted a whole ethic group of people because of their beliefs. To put it in plain english, You protest way too much. Again, just my opinion. I am not going to lose any sleep over you, what you believe or what anyone else chooses to believe, as long as they don't hurt anyone else. If I am out and hear you picking on someone, I will tell you that you are an a' hole. You don't get under my skin or upset me in anyway. I just thought I would see if I could get under your skin and I did. Most of the time I ignore you and skip anything you write.
Have a good night.
Well Roto, there may not be a god, but there is history. There is quite a bit of documentation in 3 of the major religions about this. So know matter what anyone believes there is documentation, history, written word about this so called ark of the covenant. The people who are searching for it are historians and scientists or seekers of treasure. So why do you care? I don't think the Pope, Babtist ministers, Jews, Muslims, or any other religious group is out looking for the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Grail or Ponce De Leon's fountain of youth. Do you think Swans is an idot because she shows us beautiful pictures black holes in space.
Give it a rest. Nobody cares if you are an atheist. As long as you are a decent person in society I don't care if you stand on your head and pound cheese up your nose. I don't care if my neighbor lights candles every night and prays to whomever. In God we Trust on the American currency, really does it harm you. You attack everyone who believes different from you. Again, give it a rest. Quit preachin, you are just singin to the choir.
P.S. I believe time travel solves a lot of ancient mystery to me. Just a thought.
There is history about a lot of things. The gods on mount Olympus, the Egyptian book of the dead, the Vedas. All predate the abrahamic "history". All equally valid. Real scientists aren't out looking for biblical history, it's mostly bible historians looking for something which validates their religion. So far none of the "unbelievable" stories have been proved true. No garden of eden, no worldwide flood/noah's ark, no ten commandments and no ark of the covenant, no proof of any resurrection or other new testament miracles. All just hearsay, just like the other mythological histories. If you want to believe in the abrahamic mythologies that's great but why does it bother you so much if I voice my disbelief?
When you say "nobody cares" are you speaking for everybody? Did you take a poll? You ask if "in god we trust" on our money really hurts me. I guess not physically, but it does intellectually. If you feel that people should just ignore it then why does it bother you so much when I say there is no god? I am not trying to convert you, I am only stating my opinion, if you don't like it then don't read it.
The latest polls show that 16% of americans do not believe in a personal god. Yet it still makes sense to you to have "in god we trust" on our money. What if our money said something offensive to mormons, they only make up 2% of the population. Would you be ok with that or is it only atheists that you don't mind offending? I believe that our government should be religion neutral, we are not a christian country.
"in god we trust" on our money and "under god" in our pledge were only added in the 1950's. They will both eventually be declared unconstitutional because they are. It's just a matter of time.
If you don't like my opinion then don't read it. I still believe that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Mythology does not constitute evidence. The bible is no more provable than the koran or the book of mormon, all mythology.
No Atlantis!
No Sunken City!
Just Mythology and Superstition!Does that upset you too?
This Country was founded on FREEDOM of Religion.............................. atheism is not a religion just saying so you have sorta opted out of that Freedom all together... Also if Im wrong saying there is a God and there isnt then I lose nothing but if your wrong and there is a God your like really screwed.....LOL
Here is why I say YOU GAVE UP that Freedom cause.......
A religion has two components which must both be present. It is a formalized system of ritual and belief. It is focussed on a supernatural being or beings.
Speaking to "formalized system of ritual and belief", atheists are not an organization, just a number of folks that have independently, through thought and study, come to the conclusion that there is no supernatural force in the universe. There is no credo, instruction manual, or anything.

[This Country was founded on FREEDOM of Religion.............................. atheism is not a religion just saying so you have sorta opted out of that Freedom all together... Also if Im wrong saying there is a God and there isnt then I lose nothing but if your wrong and there is a God your like really screwed.....LOL
Luckily for us atheists/agnostics the Supreme Court does not agree with you. You can't have freedom of religion without freedom from religion. That is unless you believe that the government should require that everyone must choose a religion. Any religion is OK with you but you must choose one.
Your last statement is really amusing. Have you heard of Pascal's Wager? Google it. You make it sound like the choice is either you believe in god or not. What about all of the various christian sects. Baptists think that Catholics are going to Hell. Catholics and most other christians think that Mormons are going to hell. What about Muslims? Are they going to heaven? Pascal's Wager has traditionally been dismissed for two reasons. Inconsistent Revelation - The fact that there are many gods and many different opinions on some of the same gods so how can you make a choice? Is any god OK? The other argument is Inauthentic belief - If you make your choice to believe just to play it safe does this mean that you are a true believer? Does someone who just goes through the motions of believing in a god get saved and get to go to heaven/paradise/nirvana?
The sad thing is that most people do not think about their beliefs, they do no research. They simply accept the religion which they were indoctrinated into as a child. Geography is the single biggest factor in determining religion.
As a believer how would you feel if our money said "God is Just Pretend" on it? Would you just roll over and accept it or would you fight it?
No God!
No Ark!
Just mythology and superstition!
Tami, who did I attack? You are the one who is attacking me. You are simply trying to shut down any discussion on this topic. Who did I attack?
BTW, you do realize that Buddhism is an atheist religion don't you? I just don't believe in reincarnation.
Exactly, roto! All the people on here and all the Internet hero's on any forum do is if they read something they do not like, they put a spin on it and TOTALLY IGNORE WHAT YOU ORIGINALLY WROTE and try to make you look like the bad guy............. grow up Internet hero's and please stop doing this. God or Mohammed or whoever would not want you to do this. REPLY to original questions/topics FIRST, then go do your little hissy fit to make others look bad. See, those that do that are NO WORSE than thug gang members that shoot people and start fights. You just want to believe it is OK to do so in your little Internet world, BUT YOU ARE DOING THE SAME THING! REALIZE YOU LITTLE INTERNET PREACHERS! YOU ARE JUST AS BAD!
Giggle, I'm not Buddhist either. Keep on discussing. I don't care. Should have just ignored you as usual. Damn menopause makes me act silly sometimes.
Luckily for us atheists/agnostics the Supreme Court does not agree with you. You can't have freedom of religion without freedom from religion. That is unless you believe that the government should require that everyone must choose a religion. Any religion is OK with you but you must choose one.
Your last statement is really amusing. Have you heard of Pascal's Wager? Google it. You make it sound like the choice is either you believe in god or not. What about all of the various christian sects. Baptists think that Catholics are going to Hell. Catholics and most other christians think that Mormons are going to hell. What about Muslims? Are they going to heaven?
As a believer how would you feel if our money said "God is Just Pretend" on it? Would you just roll over and accept it or would you fight it?
What if..... What if...... What if....... and LOL it took a man in PRISON to get to get the court to say they could practice it in a group. Now what Atheist Church do you attend ?? Whats its name and what days do you attend ? Do you have offering and do you pray I mean what do you do in an non existent Atheist church ? I mean there isnt any by what I can find ....I truly find you entertaining to say the least and saying this country was founded on FREEDOM of Religion money will NEVER say "God is Pretend"

Giggle, I'm not Buddhist either. Keep on discussing. I don't care. Should have just ignored you as usual. Damn menopause makes me act silly sometimes.
I didn't say you were buddhist. But I understand, you don't like me. You never have. The buddhist comment was for Freefreq who seems to think that the first amendment doesn't apply to anyone who does not believe in a god or gods or dogma of some kind.
To me discussing religion is no different from discussing whether you prefer Ford or Chevrolet. Christianity or Islam which is better? These are just philosophical discussions when there is no proof one way or another.
Why is the bible any more valid than the koran or the book of mormon or the vedas?
True Roto but I own a big ole Dodge pickup, my friend owns a Ford. He thinks that Ford is the best thing since ice cream. I don't think he's stupid or unintelligent. He doesn't have a hemi but I don't think he's stupid, nor would I ever tell him that.
I don't know you so I cannot say that I would dislike you if I knew you. You aren't very nice on this message board. You only jump in with your atheist agenda and don't offer much helpful information for people wanting to relocate. I know people who know you and they for the most part think you are an ok person. I don't think you are evil, just a man with an agenda. You don't care if you scare people with your helicopter and get mad if anyone says anything about it. That isn't very nice. I assume it is just your nature. You cannot take any criticism and get very defensive. A discussion is when both parties get to voice their opinion in a civil manner. Sometimes you have to listen and not take things so personal. If I found out that something I was doing scared people, I wouldn't do it anymore but that is just me. I'm a girl.

To me you are no different than that "Christian group" who goes to the funerals of homesexual American veterans of Iraq or Afganistan and protests that they deserve to die because they are gay or go into a group of mentally challenged people and yell "retard". Not much different from a former leader of Germany who excuted a whole ethic group of people because of their beliefs.
I don't think he's stupid or unintelligent. He doesn't have a hemi but I don't think he's stupid, nor would I ever tell him that.
I don't know you so I cannot say that I would dislike you if I knew you. You aren't very nice on this message board. You only jump in with your atheist agenda and don't offer much helpful information for people wanting to relocate.
When have I called someone stupid or unintelligent? You admit that you don't know me and yet you compare me to the Westboro Baptist Church members, then Hitler and then accuse me of being anti-gay and anti mentally challenged people. Where do you get this???
I think that you have gone a little overboard. Have you checked your meds recently?
LOL I second that......Have a Good Day all........Im off the CHURCH........No Pun intended....LOL
I'm the biggest fan of religion on STT... I can't imagine how much worse getting all of my grocery shopping and errands done would be if half the island wasn't sitting in a bunch of churches praying to some magical sky wizard and eating zombie flesh crackers.
I have enjoyed your fencing match on this topic. It would seem that you and I are of the same ilk. I look forward to meeting you once I am living on STX. I love a good debate, argument, or .....fencing match. Touche
What an ignorant statement!
What an ignorant statement!
Oh relax.

Time for that long overdue psychiatric checkup!
Yep, I been feeling a bit stressed lately.:@) must be all those chemicals JJ and I have been mixing up in the Lab. We made a lot of smoke the other night. I was afraid that someone would call the fire department. Dixie, if you smell smoke, it's probably just JJ and I.:-o

Yep, I been feeling a bit stressed lately.:@) must be all those chemicals JJ and I have been mixing up in the Lab. We made a lot of smoke the other night. I was afraid that someone would call the fire department. Dixie, if you smell smoke, it's probably just JJ and I.:-o
I hope you get to feeling better.
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