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Time & Money

Posts: 905
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I really want to get out there for a pre-move visit. Want to find a job and decent place. I do video and graphics. Any thoughts on how long and how much? What about, say, 3 months and $5,000? Too much or too little? Looks like most of the tv/video work possibilities will be on STT & STX. Saw some of the hotel videos too. Looks like they could use some sprucing up. Do the real estate folks use video? There may be a market there....

Thanks again for your input.

Posted : July 2, 2004 10:37 pm
Posts: 484
Reputable Member

For what it's worth, I've made it on a whole lot less than that, so depending on your lifestyle needs, from my perspective you'd be fine. Of course I was lucky enough to find a really inexpensive studio apt.

I too have done corportate video and film editing as a professional career and am just now deciding that I might try the TV 2 folks here on St.Thomas, see what they might have. As to other markets for us. Yes, I agree that the real estate folks need big time help in shooting properties for a very lamely produced and sickeningly sweetly narrated real estate show. Many of the homes shown are seeming pretty worthless looking places, to me, yet they're asking big bucks. If somehow they were shot better? Would that make them seem more appealing?

Or is it the often totally un-sophisticated interior design? (if one calls most of them design).

I would definately suggest St.Thomas.

Let me know if I can be of further assistance.

Posted : July 3, 2004 2:23 am
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So there is a 'Real Estate' channel there? If so, I think there are huge possibilities. I've done a fair amount of selling in my time and from what you indicate, they could probably sell more listings via the tube if the pictures were more inviting. Not to mention being on the inside track of what's out there for sale.....

I thirst for more input.

Speaking of thirst, what's the deal with water? I know it's everywhere but is there some kind of governmental agency there that says when bath time is and how long showers can take? Do the water police come around and check? Is Tom Hanks out there throwing coconuts against the walls at K Mart just to quench his thirst, or does everyone there stay wet on the inside with rum? Inquiring minds want to know.

It's supposed to reach one hundred degrees here today, but it's a dry heat. Yesterday topped out at one-oh-three.

I've tried to email myself there but it keeps coming back so I guess I'll have to save up.

What a great bunch of 'posters' and 'postees' (and they said cereal was bad for you).

Posted : July 3, 2004 3:24 pm
Posts: 3030


No water police.... You collect rain water yourself in cisterns and if it runs out you can buy water and its delivered via big water trucks.


Posted : July 4, 2004 3:22 am
Posts: 484
Reputable Member

When you say - "I've tried to e-mail myself there but it keeps coming back...." what do you mean?

I've just sent an e-mail to the yahoo address on your profile. Is that an active e-mail address for you?

Posted : July 4, 2004 5:25 pm
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Sometimes my warped sense of humor amuses only me. I wrote that just because I want to be there, on the island (any island) badly enough to try and 'email myself (the whole body). Your email came through nicely and I responded (not with the whole body, though). Anyway, you all have my email and I would just be tickled blue to see the sights of the saints on jpg's or gif's. We just had a UFO festival here this weekend in the zillion degree heat and I can attest that no aliens spontaneously combusted. Smoldered a little, but that's it. I'd send some of those jpg's out but the lawsuits from you over being scared out of your wits would be more than my pocket book could take.

So, Islander,
This water thing. Can one collect enough in a cistern in, say, a week, for the Saturday night bath and maybe a vigorous tooth brushing, or is that what the water truck is for? Is its price adjusted daily by Alan Greenspan? Is bathing in the ocean frowned on for fat, middle aged men or is everyone there in the same kettle of fish (so to speak)?

You people are GREAT! Keep on Keepin On!

Posted : July 4, 2004 9:04 pm
Posts: 37
Eminent Member

what real estate channel?

Posted : July 4, 2004 11:11 pm
Posts: 5404
Illustrious Member

John/Novanut: What is your question about water? I understand that you are trying to express some humor, but sarcasm translates poorly on the Internet.

Posted : July 5, 2004 9:36 pm
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Hello East Ender,
My apologies if my words offended anyone. No offense was intended. Sometimes I just can't help myself.

My curiousity about water is how well the cisterns function to keep the pipes full. How much do they collect in a day/week/month? How does the filtration system work? Can you drink it? Can you bath in it? Does the water truck come by and fill up your cistern daily, weekly, monthly? Where do they get their water from? How much do they charge? Should I start saving now? Do the islands survive on Dasani for coffee and tea? Should I increase my holdings in Coke?


Posted : July 6, 2004 1:09 am
Posts: 37
Eminent Member

For water and cisterns it just depends where you live. When I lived on the north side, I never needed a water truck to come, the cistern always stayed full. Now that I live on the east end, I have had to get a water truck once for about $240 (I think). The water truck comes by when you call and say you need water. I would say monthly or longer for a home. I use cistern water for coffee. I get water delivered for drinking (water cooler). I moved here from FL and am used to not drinking tap water. I kknow some people who drink their cistern water. It is filtered. The trucks get it from desalinization plants (I think). Of course you can bathe with it. You are getting a bit too involved in the whole water thing. I wouldn't increase your holdings in Coke...they are ass backwards down here. Always running out of product and poor customer service.

Posted : July 6, 2004 11:24 am
Posts: 905
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Thanks for all your input on my water questions. Really appreciate it.

Posted : July 6, 2004 1:35 pm
Posts: 3030


The cisterns function great if its raining and you are cautious with your water usage. How much they collect depends entirely on rainfall... if it doesn't rain then you collect zero water! Most cisterns have filters at the collection source, and in the pumps and in the pipes. I drink my cistern water (and also buy bottled water) but some people don't. You can cook, bathe, wash, brush your teeth, wash your car... do whatever with the water. The water truck is by order/payment and comes when you call for delivery. Water trucks are around;

285-$300 for 5000 gallons (St. Thomas)
$95-$155 for 3000 gallons (St. Croix)
$250-$275 for 3000 gallons (St. John)

Some people buy bottled water for drinking and making powered drinks. City water is available to a few areas but most people depend on cisterns.


Posted : July 11, 2004 4:44 am
Posts: 545
Honorable Member

Novanut and Island Paul,

As a new STX'er, please consider soliciting Channel 8 about using your video services! I watch the nightly news on that channel because they have good local coverage but frankly I am amazed they are able to broadcast at all -- the video quality is poor (at best), the sports director is also the director of editing, and I love the fact that the weather guy does his report with a pointer and a 3' x 3' dry-erase map that covers the entire Caribbean.

The real estate show of which you speak is really in need of help -- we keep watching it just to see how long it's going to take them to update the program (it's still listing our house that was put under contract in mid-April and we purchased in mid-June. *lol*). You might also generate some business by prompting the real estate industry to include 360 degree virtual tours of the upscale properties they list -- I just don't understand how people can complain that it's taking so long to sell their property when some of the listings only include one poor quality shot of the exterior.

Just my not-so-humble opinions. *grin*


Posted : July 11, 2004 4:27 pm
Posts: 905
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Thanks Islander,
The information was very informative and helpful. I live in the desert and, while there is enough water to go around, our house uses bottled for drinking and cooking. I was just trying to get an idea of how often it fills up (or stays empty) due to rainfall. Do they come in different sizes? 1000 gal, 10,000gal, etc? Prices? I would think short showers were the order of the day, or would that be long baths? Are they high or low maintenence (sp?)? Thanks again.

Thanks HC,
I've been hearing more and more in these posts about the types and quality of programming and equipment at the tv/cab/e/video production facilities and am sorry to learn how poor they are. But that just means the only way to go is up, right? Most stations (PBS excluded) can only spend as much as they bring in in ad revenue and it seems that they're not bringing in enough to upgrade their equipment or talent. I worked at a station in Corpus Christi (small market) for awhile and their weatherguy used something called a: Video Toaster to put his maps together. This is a $4000 investment and didn't look all that bad, considering the other stations had spent $40,000 for their weather gear. I also worked with a station (early 80's) that used pointers and magnet curouts that would fall off during the show. It's a crazy business and the main qualification for employment is that you have to be crazy to be in it.

I keep watching the listings and sending off my stuff so, maybe someday, I can increase the population of VI with another happy camper or two. I'm also thinking about a new business startup. Any info on proceedures on that would be appreciated.

Congratulations on your move and I hope everything is working out great for you and yours.

Thanks again,

Posted : July 11, 2004 8:05 pm
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