Virgin Islands today comments
It has come to my attention that many posters don't post on the STX today comments because they don't live on STX. Let's make this a Virgin Islands forum not just STX. Water Island. St. John, St. Thomas, St. Coix. Please all post and join in about our lives here. I think that will be a great information thread to people wanting to relocate here. Just a slice of our daily lives. Let's keep it nice please. Not that we don't have very down days. We all do. That is fine. But can we keep the hate and discontent elsewhere? 🙂

Maybe a different thread needs to be started?
I'll start it. Ronnie who almost never post but is a native VI resident. Incredible advice to offer.
STT Resident got kicked off. Please not forever. I enjoy your British whit even when you are grumpy.
Trade, I love your posts. A long time STT resident and one who posts often on the Stx today.
Dntw8tup, I know I didn't spell that right but you are one of my favorite posters even though you probably think I am a sap. I am.
Eastender, again didn't spell it right. I love your posts. No singing Christmas carols.
Piaa, St John I think.
The guy from Water Island.
The very sweet and well spoken Anita.
I just cannot remember everyone right now. Way past my bedtime.
You are all so valuable and have so much to offer.
I love hearing from you all.
Please post.
Today was so beautiful that I could see St. Thomas and St. John. Could you guys see St. Crox?
hmm well ronnies family is a long time slave holding family
trw, Back off, and don't start someshit! Ronnie is a valuable poster here, and what his ancestors did, or didn't do, isn't the point. I would prefer not to have a separate thread from the stx today, but I understand where Tammy is going with it. I would like to see it changed to "VI Today" . Don't we all read them all, anyway? It would just be nice to consolidate it, like a unified front, if you will. Troy, you could ask Islander to do that. What do you think?

hmm well ronnies family is a long time slave holding family
What's the matter, trw? Afraid you're not going to get enough attention? I'm not the only one sick of your nastry remarks.
ok i'll shut up,it's got nothing to do with nasty remarks though or attention,mainly it's just me rambling on,skip me,who cares
Nice thread Tami, thanks for starting it. Please, let's all try to ignore TRW and his rants.
STX is so beautiful this morning, the bright red flamboyants against the emerald green hills is a sight to behold.
what ronnies family may have done has nothing to do with ronnie. im sure ronnie does not own slaves

thanks dougjjtami, any thread is a good thread. i must admit, at first i'd just lurk because i don't live on st. croix, but something caught my attention and i just leaped in and i've been following ever since.
i felt free to crash trw's party when the mood moves me, never encountered a velvet rope, but now i have another ongoing thread to which i can contribute and that's more than fine. i will, of course, continue to visit all threads that i find interesting, and the stx today thread is one of them.
trw started that thread as his own personal blog, and it will continue with or without anyone's input. i think that trw is surprised at the participation, but he does not appear to me need to have it validated. the thread speaks for itself... 100+ pages and going strong.
i am not my ancestors. my white great-grandfather raped my great-grandmother, the daughter of an african slave. like our current president i cannot afford to have a problem with people who don't look like me because in fact i look a little like them. upshot: people in my family owned slaves too. but no one in my family has made the kinds of cultural contributions that i see in ronnie's family. they rose above, and embrace both sides of their own aisle... well, i don't have to stick up for ronnie, he is more than capable of taking care of himself.
i'm gonna enjoy this thread...
Anita, I read the account in the Source this morning about you being one of the four people keeping WSTA on the air during Hugo -- would love to hear your stories from then.

Odd that the weather is so clear at this time of the year. This is like a warmer January or February. The only thing spoiling my vista is a full view of Chucky Hanson's niece, Norma Samuels' huge yellow mansion. 😉

And I wish Mel would come back even if she was a member of the smiley brigade.

I have a question. Where do you go on Holiday? Off island ? Hang out?
Since becoming a resident I've been to Maine twice. I go at the end of August when lobster is cheap, the fresh corn and apples are available and most of the tourists have gone. This year it's off to Oahu to be with my son and his family in Hauula . He warned me last night to bring warm clothes as it been below 70 at night.. I'm a little apprehensive about the 16 hour s traveling but hopefully it will be smooth. I hope the whales have arrived to put on their show and my favorite Muni golf course is still there (Kahuku).
bombi, i usually go to arizona and maryland to visit family. i want to go to maine for the lobster fest and vermont.

yea mon there is nothing like the taste of a fresh hardshell Maine Lobster with drawn butter. When I'm there we get the chicks and culls and mow down. Not to mention lobster pie and steamed clams. I love that there are still a few local lobster pounds. A farmer friend grows this corn called silver queen, the kernnel are almost white and sooo sweet. And the blueberries............
Wow! What did I do to deserve that? My family dates back to just about after slavery was abolished. My Great Great Grandfather married a mulatto woman. Not that I have to explain myself, but where and why did that come about?
I have been silent on the Relocation board as it has turned St Croixcentrc and it seems like a lot of negativity and I wwill not have anything to do with that. I try my best to be helpful where I can. This thread could be interesting but I do belive one was started ofr St Thomas beofre and it didn't take.
Anyways, today's a beautiful day here in STT and I am on staycation. Heading out to my 'tourist' lunch.
Interesting comment about the board being STXcentric. I feel the opposite way about the vacation board. It's mostly about STT & STJ. I do agree with you about the negativity factor being significantly raised.
Ronnie, I agree on all counts. The negativity especially has gotten out of hand in the last several months, it seems. For a while I felt obligated to continue contributing just so someone would have *something* positive to say to people who dared ask questions about moving (of all things). Personal attacks like trw's on this thread have become too commonplace for my taste.

The respect level has defineitly dropped and to many pity parties. We can do better.
Ronnie enjoy your staycation.

Yes, I'd like to see a positive and friendly thread.
I'm so happy that the visibility has been so good lately! Seems like the haze was particularly bad for a few months. Yeah, I know that the haze indicates hurricane-unfriendly conditions but it sure is nice to have a great view again!
As for this forum being STX-centric, it seems that it is cyclical. When I first started reading this board it was more STT-heavy. Fashions come and go.
Did I mention how much I love the clear skies and the view? 😉
My Heritage had to get out of town so to speak after the civil war ( North and South) over the years nobody could figure out if they fought for the North or the South. My relatives were such story tellers with the spirits that went with the stories they couldn't even remember if they fought (in the War). They were Fishermen up until the last three generation, They fished from Newfoundland to Brazil, they called home the "Virgins" and referred to them by size only. At best they could figure they arrived on STX in 1868. They also used their boats to haul anything for money up and down the east coast. My brother has all the written information that he claims one day he will write a book, I don't know if it will be a tragedy or a comedy.
I don't know if it will be a tragedy or a comedy.
Hysterical, I know the feeling.
Speaking of Clear, I saw Puerto Rico and St Croix clearly yesterday and it's been a long time!
You are all very lucky! I cant see either STT or STX from here (NY). Back soon I hope.
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