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We finally bought land on STX!

Posts: 65
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After several disappointments, we finally found the perfect lot and closed on it last Friday. Our plan is to start building in the next year or so and then we will move down permanently. I know the permit process, etc. will be long as will the building process so I am sure that our time frame will fluctuate. Anyway, if anyone has any recommendations for architects or builders, we would love to hear them. My husband met with one architect on the last trip, but we would like a few to choose from. Also we are interested in solar/wind energy. Are there any companies that currently provide these building alternatives? Check out my blog at www.movingtostcroix.com. It explains how we chose St. Croix and how we got to this point.

Thanks to everyone for the advice we were given along the way.

Posted : May 31, 2007 12:42 pm
Posts: 2552
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What area did you buy in?

Posted : May 31, 2007 2:11 pm
Posts: 463
Reputable Member

Hi Texas Girl,

Congratulations!!! That's exciting!!!!

I am on STT and don't know of any architects on STX. However, here is a link for the Virgin Islands Chapter of the AIA, which should at least give you a few more names/numbers to work with:


I will enjoy reading your blog and tracking your progress as time goes on. Building here in the islands is definitely not for the faint of heart, but the people I know that have done it have been very pleased with the results.

🙂 Mell

Posted : May 31, 2007 2:59 pm
Posts: 1428
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I've had some good meetings with architect Steve Hutchins lately on several different types of construction plans. He no longer lives full time on STX but still has property here (including a house in Judith's Fancy) and designs homes, condos and hotels on all 3 USVI's.

An enormous CONGRATULATIONS to you and Chad on making it through the emotional roller coaster and successfully buying your waterfront lot. I wish you the very best of experiences as you proceed to build your dream home and relocate to St. Croix.

I'm sure there will be many more "interesting" tidbits to include on your blog site as you work your way towards your ultimate goal. Hang in there! Buying this lot has shown you that you can overcome the road blocks and side detours that spring up along the way. In the end, you will have a beautiful home with an awesome view and the sounds of the waves to make you smile as you relax with that rum drink in your hand. 🙂

Posted : May 31, 2007 3:38 pm
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Terry - we bought on the north shore in Judith's Fancy. After looking literally all over the island, this area just had everything we wanted.

Mell - thanks for the link. I will definitely start giving them some calls.

Alexandra - we can't thank you enough for your help. Chad just updated our blog with a specific post about how great we think you are. By the way, the rum drink comment made me smile. I'm sure I'll be needing several of those during the building process!


Posted : June 1, 2007 1:27 am
Posts: 2552
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we will be neighbors, sort of. We have a condo at STC and bought a lot in Salt River Ridge, which is across the bay of Salt River, up on the hill.

Posted : June 1, 2007 5:45 am
Posts: 71
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Where in Texas are you from? I am from Houston and are planning the move to the island. Currently, I live in Maryland.


Posted : June 1, 2007 6:05 am
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I'm from a very small town in East Texas - right now I live in Dallas.

Posted : June 1, 2007 1:02 pm
Posts: 71
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sorry I am new on this "blog" thing. went on www.movingtost.croix.com and didn't know where to go from there?


Posted : June 6, 2007 6:06 am
Posts: 65
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Try this link: http://www.movingtostcroix.com/ I think it needs the "http", but once you get there, the whole website is mine so there is nowhere that you have to go.

Posted : June 6, 2007 1:03 pm
Posts: 17
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My wife and I have truly enjoyed your posts during the past couple of months. Buying in the Caribbean (Virgin Islands specifically) can truly be the challenge of a lifetime.

After living in the British Virgin Islands for the past four years and coming up against just insurmountable odds with respect to starting a business and trying to purchase property, we have finally bought in the Spanish Virgin Islands. We were really keen to purchase in the USVI but it just did not work out… You can read about our adventures in this process, which started in October of 2006 at: http://mytropicalescape.com and we wish you the best of luck on STX.

Posted : June 21, 2007 12:45 am
Posts: 3919
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Which island constitute the "Spanish Virgin Islands" That's a new one on me.

Posted : June 21, 2007 1:05 am
Posts: 17
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Hi Linda,

Vieques and Culebra, located off of the east coast of Puerto Rico have been dubbed the Spanish Virgin Islands.


Posted : June 21, 2007 1:07 am
Posts: 3030


Emily - For information on solar/wind energy in the VI you might start with the VI Energy Office http://www.vienergy.org/.

Palmetto - Your 4 islands in 10 years introduction entries were interesting.


Posted : June 21, 2007 1:20 am
Posts: 463
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Hi Palmetto,

Congratulations!!! Great website too!

I have corresponded with your wife a few times regarding your adventures in American Samoa and PNG. My husband and I are very interested in both places and we look forward to hearing (and reading) more as you add to your website.

We will try to get over to your guesthouse soon -- it looks like a very charming spot. When do you plan to be open for business?

🙂 Mell

Posted : June 21, 2007 1:24 am
Posts: 17
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Hi Mell,

Thank you for your very positive reply! We are really excited about this new adventure and we have worked really hard to make this purchase a reality. I really still can’t believe it… Terrie has gone up to Boston to see after her father who has just had quadruple bypass surgery. We are planning to put everything on a 45 foot power cat and leave Tortola to head for Culebra on July 14. Once there my father and I will be doing some renovations (just cosmetic stuff like painting) and we should be ready for guests by the middle of August.

We look forward to meeting you and your husband if you make it to Culebra. Do you live in the VI? How long have you been here?

Kind regards,

Posted : June 21, 2007 1:53 am
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Palmetto - thanks for the compliment. I will definitely check out your website - I need all the encouragement I can get!

Islander - I will check out that link. Hopefully by the time we start building, the solar program will be a little further along.

Posted : June 21, 2007 2:44 am
Posts: 17
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Hi Islander,

I was curious about some solar information myself so thanks for posting the link.

As far as the four islands in ten years...we thought the BVI would be the "place" but when the government changed the immigration policy which now stipulates that an individual must live here for TWENTY years before you can even apply (and then maybe you will be one of the chosen 25 persons to be granted residency), well the proverbial writing was on the wall.

Have a nice day!

Posted : June 21, 2007 10:18 am
Posts: 463
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Hi Palmetto,

Thanks! Yes, my husband and I live on STT. We moved here in early '06.

I hope Terrie's Father is recovering from his surgery comfortably and well.

Good luck with the Guesthouse renovations and we will look forward to getting over to Culebra for a visit sometime this fall!

🙂 Mell

Posted : June 22, 2007 1:15 am
Posts: 17
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Mell -

Terrie's dad is doing okay, thanks for your concern. We'll certainly look forward to seeing you on Culebra.

Posted : June 23, 2007 2:26 am
Posts: 1
New Member

Thank you for  sharing your experience, process and journey. I am a visual artist interest in the investor side of real estate. I'm from NY and go back and forth because I also live in Saint Croix and have begun looking for a lot. Would be great to connect with folks here as I embark on my own journey to share and to learn from others doing interesting things. my email is leonardbenzant@gmail.com

Posted : April 11, 2024 5:08 pm
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