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Wilma's Judicial Misconduct

Posts: 1495
Noble Member

Let me get this strait, a local court made a ruling in this and said on the side that was that and the Federal government,as in the SCOTUS has no say?

Doesn't Article VI of the Constitution say:

"This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding."

Posted : September 16, 2014 8:47 pm
Posts: 548
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1. You could try reporting her to the third circuit court, who has jurisdiction over judicial misconduct
2. You could officially notify the VI Supreme Court and ask them to take notice if Wilma's ruling and comment
3. You could tell The Source that you are aware that they are a propaganda outlet in support of Chucky and that they choose not to play up the appellate court's decision
4. You could call Fox News and tell them that a Democratic governor and friend of Obama is pardoning criminal senators (a stretch)

Posted : September 17, 2014 1:28 am
Posts: 48
Eminent Member


That is a great question and one that confuses a lot of people. To answer the question will require you to hop on board my ChucksterMachine which will let us travel in time. Yea way freakin cool and expensive so please no feet on the dash and hands off the glass.

Ready? Great.

Let me just punch in a few numbers here........Ahh yes 1865 Appamatox Courthouse and the end of the war between the states.

As you know there is the federal government and state governments. Or in this case Territorial Government. The American Civil War pretty much buttoned up the question regarding just how far state rights go regarding in succession. With that said, the last almost 160 years there has been a lot of legal activity about just how far the federal government can reach into the states rights now that they can't just up and leave.

Ok that was cook hop in the Chuckster while I plug in 1917.

Here were at the Dutch Barracks in town for Transfer Day. This is when the Dutch West Indies became the USVI and moved in with big daddy Uncle Sam with rest of the states Now USVI looked kind of like the other states at the dinner table, but there was something just not right about runt at end. See the VI is like the adopted kid that dad had with his first wife but now lives with every othere sister and brother state in Uncle Sams big house.

As the adopted halfling the VI was never allowed to be truly independent because the federal government had a lot of say in what went down in the VI from like 1917 to 1965 and as such controlled alot of local matters and issues because as the old saying goes "daddy knew best."

Now let's wiz bang to 1965 in the USVI. In this year Uncle Sam got tired of babysitting the step kid so he had his minion in the US Congress to pass the Revised Organic Act. The ROA gave the people of the VI the right to elect their very own representatives on a local leve - walla The Senate and their own Executive Branch -pow The Governor who set up all those nice agecies and departments. But that was all the leash the VI had and so you notice that I left out one important

Yep, the Judiciary. That's because the ROA did not give the people of the VI the right to set up the courts - with the exception of municipality courts handling small matters most and this Court used to be called The Territorial Court.

The reasons why Uncle Sam did not want the good people of the VI running the whole show was complicated, but it can be summed up like this - "Uncle Sam is giving the adopted kid a buttload of money and we want our people sitting in the big black chairs wearing the black robes so we can control what they do with it." Makes sense right.

Well we gota roll out of 1965 to 1991. And during this year that the
VI legislature was passing some laws you know - doing what they do but rather horribly because not one then knows how to write a law and most certainly never considers the far reaching effect their law may have - still in 1991 they established The Superior Court of the VI - with Uncle Sam's approval of course. When these wise Senators made this 1991 law they did this lil thing called - Repeal by Implication.

Its implicit because as previously noted the Senators failed to understand the full ramifications of there actions because in 1991 the Senate struck from the laws every reference to the "District Court" then existing in the code and replaced it with the words "Superior Court." In other words if your bored and go look at the VI code and every time you see a law requiring something to be done in the District Court and the law you are reading was passed and signed before 1991 then take out District Court and plug in Superior Court and just like that whazzle bazzle shabam you now know the law.

That is why the VI Supreme Court told Hansen on August 28 that Mr Bryan, that wily fox, was right to go to the Superior Court and not the District Court.

Yet we have not answered the question. So let's move forward in our time machine just a little more and punch in January 2013 or thereabouts.

In early 2013 the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals made some important history for the good people of the VI which went - for the most part - unnoticed. It certainly was not notice by Chucky or Attorney.

What happened was this - from 1991 to 2008 or so every legal case that was appealed from the Superior Court went to the Federal District Court. If you did not like what those folks said then you asked the 3rd circuit court of appeals to hear what you had to say. If you did not like what the 3rd Circuit the holy salami you could ask yes - SCOTUS to hear you.

Around 2007 the VI got to set up their own Supreme Court and now the courts here were cooking with serious heat. Except that VI Supreme Court was on "probation." Not because they did something wrong like Chucky but because they were young and just a hatchling. So the 3rd circuit kept the VI Supreme under their as like a big brother or big sister. The VI Supreme could rule on cases and make law for the VI but the law of the 3rd circuit could trump sometimes.

The 2013 the VI Supreme Court was released from the 3rd circuits nest and away it went with its own wings and has done a truly great job. So what the VI Supreme Court says is THE LAW OF THE LAND IN THE VI. Which means if you don't like what they say there from now on u slide straight past go and directly to SCOTUS when you appeal. Yep the big leagues baby no more district court or 3rd circuit its like a direct link to the big dance.

Now the Federal District Court is still there and operating as it does. But it no longer can deal with local VI matters because those belong to the Superior Court and the VI Supremes. That's because the federal court can only give ear to a limited number things. To get in the Federal Court door your case has to involve just what you said: (1) a federal statute, the Constitution or a Treaty OR (2) be about something worth more than $75,000 and involve 2 people living in different states. Those whacky law scribers call NO (1) Federal Question Jurisdiction and NO (2) diversity jurisdiction.


Bur what slippery Hansen has done is fe this thing in the District Court claiming "civil rights violations" under that mammoth law at 42 U.S.C, 1983 ---- oohhhooo federal question ---ooooooohh - jurisdiction.

But as correctly pointed out by that Thelnious person there is a whisper in the courtroom and a mumbling in low tones in the courthouse halls.

Shhhhhhhh don't tell anyone but the VI Board of Elections and Fawkes are not a "person" under 1983 law so they can't be sued. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Don't say that too loud because it means that yes the district court can enter an order under 1983 telling Fawjes to put Hansen on the ballot but if people find out that Fawkes and the Board are not a person the the ruse is up!!! Because people will not the the District Court's order is invalid because


Can you wake up the sleeping? Will this bad dream ever end. Can Chucky really get away with this?

Stay tuned as this show has more to go

Posted : September 17, 2014 1:50 am
Posts: 48
Eminent Member

I found this nice little comment from the Miles person. Nice summary about the What if's should chucky remain on the ballot


Posted : September 17, 2014 1:55 am
Posts: 548
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Can anyone confirm if Lewis sent the Chucky case back to the superior court?

Posted : October 2, 2014 2:23 am
Posts: 548
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It is confirmed.

Wilma also violated VI Action Group with her jacked up ruling as to the number of signatures necessary for a recall.

I guess she heard that she was about to be slapped by the Third Circuit. I wonder if there were any any illegal ex-parte communications between her and the defendants.

Wilma Lewis needs to be removed from bench.

The third branch of government - Brady (local) and Wilma Lewis - is corrupt. Diase-coffelt, first confirmed that.

The terrorizing of the citizens by a corrupt judiciary cannot continue in a just society. Lady Justice, thou hast stirred from slumber in the Virgin Islands of the United States. Awake now.

Posted : October 2, 2014 3:34 am
Posts: 548
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Here you have it. A judicial two step. Wilma trying to cover her tracks. Me thinks it rises to the level of a crime.


Posted : October 2, 2014 10:03 am
Posts: 548
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Lee Rohn is still trying to get Chucky back on. There is a community move afoot to get this to the Third Circuit Appeals Court in Philadelphia to have this criminal woman completely off the ballot.

Send your contributions (to keep Chucky off and to keep justice on)
Andrew Simpson, PC Trust Fund
PO box 2618
kingshill VI 00851

This is the same attorney that gave Coffelt and the voters of the VI real justice in the appellate court. Or you can call the attorney himself to make your contribution.

Posted : October 2, 2014 10:20 pm
Posts: 3554
Famed Member

And what exactly is Atty Simpson going to do? If he's only going to keep Chucky off ballot, not good enough, imo. States don't have moral turpitude requirement from what I've seen. If you think politicians are moral, well, you probably also believe in Santa Claus and Tooth Fairy.

Posted : October 2, 2014 10:34 pm
Posts: 548
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1. Keep Chucky off ballot
2. Keep Chucky out of the senate
3. Expose Wilma's judicial misconduct
4. Create a barrier to Lee Rohn's nuisance motions
5. Provide the law abiding people of the VI with the scrutiny needed to be a deterrent to a rigged court

Posted : October 2, 2014 11:36 pm
Posts: 3554
Famed Member

I think there are more pressing issues like finding money for the hospitals. I would rather give my $100 to a reputable hospital organization if we had one. Funny, nobody has bothered to establish one that I know of.

Posted : October 2, 2014 11:57 pm
Posts: 2534
Famed Member

What are you referring to as a 'reputable hospital organization'?

Posted : October 3, 2014 12:13 am
Posts: 548
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I think there are more pressing issues like finding money for the hospitals. I would rather give my $100 to a reputable hospital organization if we had one. Funny, nobody has bothered to establish one that I know of.

Contributions are voluntary. If you chose not to assist, then at least wish them well. If they win, we all win. It would be a big blow against judicial corruption and the collusion of the administration with this egregious pardon.

Indirectly, less corrupt government means that the next time the hospital takes the government to court for $millions in overdue bills, an honest judge might agree. You cannot begin to address hospital shortcomings without money.

Posted : October 3, 2014 11:52 am
Posts: 681
Honorable Member

I think there are more pressing issues like finding money for the hospitals. I would rather give my $100 to a reputable hospital organization if we had one. Funny, nobody has bothered to establish one that I know of.

Contributions are voluntary. If you chose not to assist, then at least wish them well. If they win, we all win. It would be a big blow against judicial corruption and the collusion of the administration with this egregious pardon.

Indirectly, less corrupt government means that the next time the hospital takes the government to court for $millions in overdue bills, an honest judge might agree. You cannot begin to address hospital shortcomings without money.

All very good points. And Andy is one of the VERY few honest and ethical attorneys on STX.


Posted : October 3, 2014 10:38 pm
Posts: 3554
Famed Member

I'm not concerned about his honesty and ethics, I would like to know if anybody has reported suspicions of fraud and corruption on the various federal sites that invite anybody to report abuse of federal funds.

Does this attorney have evidence that isn't in public record? Now that it's back in district court, what can Third District court do for us?

Posted : October 4, 2014 12:02 am
Posts: 548
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I'm not concerned about his honesty and ethics, I would like to know if anybody has reported suspicions of fraud and corruption on the various federal sites that invite anybody to report abuse of federal funds.

Does this attorney have evidence that isn't in public record? Now that it's back in district court, what can Third District court do for us?

They can sanction Wilma Lewis for politicizing from the bench. Purposely interfering with the process to allow Chucky to get elected and to prevent Diase.

They can remove her from the bench.

They can arrest her for criminal judicial misconduct, especially if she had ex parte conversations with the defendants.

Posted : October 4, 2014 1:16 am
Posts: 681
Honorable Member

I'm not concerned about his honesty and ethics.

You should be. The VI bar is rife with as much corruption as the judiciary, the executive branch, and the legislature.


Posted : October 4, 2014 3:44 pm
Posts: 3554
Famed Member

That's why I try to avoid them all.

Posted : October 4, 2014 5:35 pm
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