Congratulations to our new 45 President Donald Trump....................................
alana, i know you would have liked hillary-but she is a monsanto supporter
And what they paid her is amazing. Almost as amazing as what she said to them, which is not the story she tells her supporters.
that really was not necessary. you can disagree without being rude.
Honest? Ha!
He's cheated on everything, paying his bills, his wives, workers, etc.
Sorry but I'm sickened by his win and saddened for our country.You could always move to Canada with those celebrities.. lol Wait, they probably don't want you.
Just my last 2 cents on this.
The people made the choice. I just can't believe the hypocrisy from the left. They always condemn everything, unless they themselves do it. Look at the protests last night. They have a right to protest, but really? Violence, burning things, arrests? If they don't get their way, they CRY, CRY, CRY. Really? Do you see this from the right? Do you see this from independents? No. Colleges giving students the day off to mourn? What are we telling our youth? As my dad used to say, stop your crying or I'll give you something to cry about. Stop the violence, work together, come together and let's Make America Great Again! We are all americans, we need to support our leaders and when they steer us wrong, we make the choice in the end. Have a great day, can't wait to see what changes our newly elected president can bring and God Bless America!
a day off to mourn???? We havce turend into a country of wussies....
i certainly agree about the hypocrisy. nothing but.
i just really like the tone of this forum now that a few of the other posters are not posting on here. i would really hate to see this place get into a pissing match again.
its just a nice quiet board now.
sorry accidentally hit enter before spell check damn!
The most painful part may be for Clinton supporters, who get to spend the next four years nursing the wound that she won the popular vote by at least 220,000 ballots, and lost the election by less than 1% in 4 states.
Say goodbye to environmental and wildlife protections, civil liberties and equal rights protections, alternative energy and so many other things and say hello to more corporate control, pollution, pipelines, fracking, rising prices and less available and affordable healthcare, destruction of our public lands, welcome the alt right, KKK, more gun violence, misogyny and racism, divisiveness and exclusionary attitudes. America the ugly.
We didn't do much better in the VI with our election.
Same old crap, different day.
Except we got the screeching shrew back to stuff her pockets as an added insult.
You need to study history more Alana or at least watch the movie "Hillary's America". If you did, you would know that the Dems were the first, the middle and I figure the last racist, they were the slave owners, the KKK was started by the Dems. But it's typical for a democrat when they have no answer reflect, reflect, reflect, name call, name call name call. I'm all for environmental issues when you can afford it. I wonder what the environmentalist would say when asked why aren't you riding a bicycle or a horse rather than burning all those fossil fuels.
But maybe that is what it will take for the liberals to be happy, walking, biking, horseback and reading by candle light. Talking about divisiveness, did you see any right wingers rioting in the streets after the last two elections, NO you didn't because we accept what we can't change. Liberals can't accept anything that they can't change or make others accept. But when these nut jobs are asked why are you protesting?, they respond "We want a do over". What, are you kidding me? Do you think most of us wouldn't liked to have a "Do Over" 8 years ago when they rammed that piece of crap healthcare law down our throats? Typical spoiled brats.
Serious BS, Mike.
that really was not necessary. you can disagree without being rude.
Honest? Ha!
He's cheated on everything, paying his bills, his wives, workers, etc.
Sorry but I'm sickened by his win and saddened for our country.You could always move to Canada with those celebrities.. lol Wait, they probably don't want you.
We want Alana in central Florida. I think of Alana as a friend and even though we disagree on politics, I think she is a wonderful person with a huge heart that any place would LOVE to have her reside.
I might also add her as my last post on this thread: Although I voted for Trump, had there been anyone else to vote for I would have. I would have LOVED for Joe Biden to run had he, I would have voted for him because I believe old Joe is an honest man with a higher moral standard than either candidate.
Please tell me that the republicans have a good affordable healthcare plan to replace Obama's plan and why if they didn't like it, they spent millions of dollars attempting to repeal it instead of working to make it even better and more affordable?
I like you too, Mike. Politics aside.
I have never liked a candidate less than trump and the bigotry he represents.

The most painful part may be for Clinton supporters, who get to spend the next four years nursing the wound that she won the popular vote by at least 220,000 ballots, and lost the election by less than 1% in 4 states.
Clinton did NOT win the popular vote. She had that many MORE than Trump.
The media is ignoring the other candidates. If you total ALL votes cast, Clinton does not have a majority. Liberal media at its' finest.
Your view is just that Alana. And I hope that you are always entitled to it. You will make great friends in FL. I think that if I only associated with people that had my opinions life would be unbearably boring.
America is great because it is a land of all ideas. We as a people must get back to negotiating and compromise. That would put us in the middle. That is were we need to be.
Malarkey. Clinton won the popular vote against Trump.
from your favorite news source,
The most painful part may be for Clinton supporters, who get to spend the next four years nursing the wound that she won the popular vote by at least 220,000 ballots, and lost the election by less than 1% in 4 states.
Clinton did NOT win the popular vote. She had that many MORE than Trump.
The media is ignoring the other candidates. If you total ALL votes cast, Clinton does not have a majority. Liberal media at its' finest.

Malarkey. Clinton won the popular vote against Trump.
That is twisting data. If you add up all votes in the election for president, Clinton did not have 50% +1.
Malarkey. Clinton won the popular vote against Trump.
That is twisting data. If you add up all votes in the election for president, Clinton did not have 50% +1.
the popular vote is meaningless in a presidential election. The electoral college elects the president... even bringing up the popular vote shows serious lack of knowledge on the electoral process.
so if I have 49 popsicles, you have 48, and junior has 1, then I don't have more than you?
OMG I want to do business with you!
Malarkey. Clinton won the popular vote against Trump.
That is twisting data. If you add up all votes in the election for president, Clinton did not have 50% +1.
Had it been reversed with trump getting more popular votes than electoral votes, we'd have seen trump ranting and raving and Twitter meltdowns of EPIC proportions.
Had it been reversed with trump getting more popular votes than electoral votes, we'd have seen trump ranting and raving and Twitter meltdowns of EPIC proportions.
only melt downs, violence & hysteria during this cycle has been from the HRC camp, so i doubt it.
Hell them Dem's already had Riots in the bay area (omg children, go home it's past your bed time!)
Maybe in the past your generalizations would have worked, this time around it's the leftists who are the crazy violent ones.
These guys just elected an oligarch. I'm sure Trump has all of our best interest at heart.
Unfortunately, its not about Dems or Repubs - color of skin - gender. Those are distractions to keep us from understanding it's about an elite class and the rest of us.
HRC was no different than Trump - just more predictable.
Had it been reversed with trump getting more popular votes than electoral votes, we'd have seen trump ranting and raving and Twitter meltdowns of EPIC proportions.
i will admit he most likely would have asked for a recount.
bernie should have asked for a new election between him and hillary for the dirty she played him. if you can rig the dnc primaries-what else can you do or would be willing to do to win.
can not get over that or the fact that no one cares about it
Had it been reversed with trump getting more popular votes than electoral votes, we'd have seen trump ranting and raving and Twitter meltdowns of EPIC proportions.
HRC was no different than Trump - just more predictable.
exactly, this will be proven when he selects his cabinet (and it's the same old names we are always used to seeing).
At this point however, it's a HUGE plus to not be predictable, we do NOT need more of the same and almost anything else would be better (thus: trump).
Predictable is better than Trump. Unless you have lots of money, of course.
Let's all become sovereign citizens.
HRC was no different than Trump - just more predictable.
exactly, this will be proven when he selects his cabinet (and it's the same old names we are always used to seeing).
At this point however, it's a HUGE plus to not be predictable, we do NOT need more of the same and almost anything else would be better (thus: trump).
Predictable is better than Trump. Unless you have lots of money, of course.
The travesty that is about to happen economically has nothing to do with the current or future presidents.
Currencies typically last a set number of years (30~40 or so).
We've ridden this currency longer than expected, the coming currency woes could be blamed on Nixon or the Brenton Woods agreement... your choice really.
So I'm afraid money will have little to do with the coming situation, as always: preparation and planning are key to surviving a situation we know is comming.

as always: preparation and planning are key to surviving a situation we know is coming.
Planning should include a gun. Always have a gun.
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