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Congratulations to our new 45 President Donald Trump....................................

Posts: 1937
Noble Member

as always: preparation and planning are key to surviving a situation we know is coming.

Planning should include a gun. Always have a gun.

the ability to protect not only ones self, but ones family should be a primary and early concern to any responsible adult.

for most people, an easy answer is a gun. I prefer my knife and BJJ training, but bringing a knife to a gun fight is never a good idea.

When seconds count, the police are only 15 min away (or probably an hour, here).

Posted : November 10, 2016 6:43 pm
Posts: 1300
Noble Member

Many years ago Stephen Stills wrote - paranoia strikes deep, into your heart it will creep. Starts when you're always afraid .....

Valid today, too.

Predictable is better than Trump. Unless you have lots of money, of course.

The travesty that is about to happen economically has nothing to do with the current or future presidents.

Currencies typically last a set number of years (30~40 or so).

Our currency became what it is today in 1973 when it officially was unpaired with gold becoming a Fiat currency.

We've ridden this currency longer than expected, the coming currency woes could be blamed on Nixon or the Brenton Woods agreement... your choice really.

So I'm afraid money will have little to do with the coming situation, as always: preparation and planning are key to surviving a situation we know is comming.

Posted : November 10, 2016 6:53 pm
Posts: 2534
Famed Member

When seconds count, the police are only 15 min away (or probably an hour, here).

Yeah, I remember how close the police were after Hugo.

Posted : November 10, 2016 7:00 pm
Posts: 1937
Noble Member

Many years ago Stephen Stills wrote - paranoia strikes deep, into your heart it will creep. Starts when you're always afraid .....

Valid today, too.

Who's afraid? we live in paradise, little of that silliness up north will effect us here.... I was a bit concerned about a Russian conflict with HRC at the wheel, but it appears I don't have to worry about any longer.

Fear is usually present when there is a lack of understanding; it is my hobby and job to understand things... we live in the age of information, the motivation to leverage that is up to the individual.

Posted : November 10, 2016 7:00 pm
Posts: 955
Prominent Member
Topic starter

Here you go Alana. This is what the GOP is proposing for an alternate plan:


Posted : November 10, 2016 7:09 pm
Posts: 1300
Noble Member

Ummm .... you just said:

"So I'm afraid money will have little to do with the coming situation, as always: preparation and planning are key to surviving a situation we know is coming"

Many years ago Stephen Stills wrote - paranoia strikes deep, into your heart it will creep. Starts when you're always afraid .....

Valid today, too.

Who's afraid? we live in paradise, little of that silliness up north will effect us here.... I was a bit concerned about a Russian conflict with HRC at the wheel, but it appears I don't have to worry about any longer.

Fear is usually present when there is a lack of understanding; it is my hobby and job to understand things... we live in the age of information, the motivation to leverage that is up to the individual.

Posted : November 10, 2016 7:31 pm
Posts: 1937
Noble Member

Ummm .... you just said:

"So I'm afraid money will have little to do with the coming situation, as always: preparation and planning are key to surviving a situation we know is coming"

An alternate way of saying "I disagree with you"

or " no, your wrong".

It was an inaccurate wording, I agree.

I meant to infer that the opposite of what you indicated will be true, those with "money" have the "most" to lose unless they carefully store their wealth outside of the USD.

Posted : November 10, 2016 7:42 pm
Posts: 490
Reputable Member

The votes are not done being counted. As of right now it can't be said by reasonable people that she won the popular vote at this point.

Posted : November 10, 2016 8:42 pm
Posts: 798
Prominent Member

Wasn't trying to be rude, my point was that Canada doesn't want all these celebrities they definitely don't want any one of us up there because we cannot accept the person who was elected as our president. I, in no way wanted Obama, I didn't agree with his philosophy and like Trump, he really had no experience. But I didn't go out there posting what a horrible person he was, what mistakes he made in the past. I gave him a chance to prove me wrong, bring his so called hope and change, only to see he failed us as a president. He didn't bring us together, he didn't work with the republicans, never hardly met with them. He only wanted it his way. He is a narcissist and most likely Trump is as well. All one can hope is that Trump does keep his word, works with everyone, then yes we can MAGA! Hopefully they can fix Obama care and make it work for all Americans. Time will tell. Sorry you felt I was being rude, guess I didn't explain the meaning behind my statement. Always the issue with forums, twitter, Facebook, etc.

that really was not necessary. you can disagree without being rude.


Honest? Ha!
He's cheated on everything, paying his bills, his wives, workers, etc.
Sorry but I'm sickened by his win and saddened for our country.

You could always move to Canada with those celebrities.. lol Wait, they probably don't want you.

Posted : November 10, 2016 8:56 pm
Posts: 2534
Famed Member

Wasn't trying to be rude, my point was that Canada doesn't want all these celebrities

And why Canada? They can go to Mexico. Just drive across the border and BAM, you're there.

Posted : November 10, 2016 9:05 pm
Posts: 48
Eminent Member

An honest man? Clearly the concept of honesty eludes you.

Posted : November 11, 2016 2:38 am
Posts: 48
Eminent Member

Pardoned for what? Using a private server that Powell and Rice had done before her? Do you even know what that storm in a teacup was about? She was not selling secrets to the Chinese or the Russians. it never rose anywhere near the level of criminal.
At least you are one low information ventriloquists puppet who couldn't vote.

Posted : November 11, 2016 2:46 am
Posts: 48
Eminent Member

It will be huge. It will be beautiful. It will be full of hot air. He will repeal if now that the 3 branches will work together but there was not one bit of proposed legislation from him, other than "you can buy it across state lines" which has already been debunked as a solution eight years ago. Be afraid. Be very, very afraid.

Posted : November 11, 2016 2:49 am
Posts: 48
Eminent Member

Yes and if I didn't want black people in my buildings, I'd ignore discrimination laws and refuse to rent to them. All good. He's a prince

Posted : November 11, 2016 2:51 am
Posts: 48
Eminent Member

Man but that's a lot to lose in one night. Wait for the abortion battle, the rolling back of gay rights. All those white men wanted it the way it used to be, Welcome to the 50's and someone provide them with a history book.

Posted : November 11, 2016 2:56 am
Posts: 48
Eminent Member

She's not predicting, she's quoting. She, unlike his voters, didn't ignore the stuff they didn't care to hear. And no one with any intelligence predicted he'd win. There were not enough of stupid Americans for that. How ya like me now ma?

Posted : November 11, 2016 2:59 am
Posts: 465
Reputable Member

Bitter party of 1

Posted : November 11, 2016 3:01 am
Posts: 48
Eminent Member

Oh now i get why Trump supporters are so wilfully ignorant. If it's reported, it's a lie, Jesus help us, Hillary Clinton most certainly won the popular vote by 220,000. Why do you have to lie about it? Its the electoral college that matters, he got that (even in his deluded rigged system claim)

Posted : November 11, 2016 3:06 am
Posts: 490
Reputable Member

She may or may not win the popular vote.
The counting isn't over. Trump also won Arizona. Either way he won the electoral vote by a wide margin. That is the law and if Hillary had won by the Electoral college nothing would be said. So stop crying and move forward. It isn't going to change anything. Part of the reason Hillary lost is because millions of hard working Americans are sick of this kind of entitlement behavior. Americans obviously do not want to be a socialist country.

Posted : November 11, 2016 8:56 am
Posts: 688
Honorable Member


is she the one who lied about being native american

Hopefully in 4 years Elisabeth Warren will run. I don't believe Hillary will, unless she is pardoned by our president on his way out.

"Emotional support dogs for us all"

"Go Elizabeth Warren "!!!

Posted : November 11, 2016 9:07 am
Posts: 8873
Illustrious Member

thank you dave, i just dont want things to be like they were when everyone ( myself included, because i dont like to be bullied ) turns these supposedly civil conversations into a pissing match

now that certain posters are not on here it has been so civil. i absolutely love it

i appreciate the clarification

Wasn't trying to be rude, my point was that Canada doesn't want all these celebrities they definitely don't want any one of us up there because we cannot accept the person who was elected as our president. I, in no way wanted Obama, I didn't agree with his philosophy and like Trump, he really had no experience. But I didn't go out there posting what a horrible person he was, what mistakes he made in the past. I gave him a chance to prove me wrong, bring his so called hope and change, only to see he failed us as a president. He didn't bring us together, he didn't work with the republicans, never hardly met with them. He only wanted it his way. He is a narcissist and most likely Trump is as well. All one can hope is that Trump does keep his word, works with everyone, then yes we can MAGA! Hopefully they can fix Obama care and make it work for all Americans. Time will tell. Sorry you felt I was being rude, guess I didn't explain the meaning behind my statement. Always the issue with forums, twitter, Facebook, etc.

that really was not necessary. you can disagree without being rude.


Honest? Ha!
He's cheated on everything, paying his bills, his wives, workers, etc.
Sorry but I'm sickened by his win and saddened for our country.

You could always move to Canada with those celebrities.. lol Wait, they probably don't want you.

Posted : November 11, 2016 10:43 am
Posts: 2534
Famed Member

Pardoned for what? Using a private server that Powell and Rice had done before her?

FALSE: Powell had an AOL mail account, not a private server.

Posted : November 11, 2016 11:00 am
Posts: 2534
Famed Member

Oh now i get why Trump supporters are so wilfully ignorant. If it's reported, it's a lie,

But YOU posted things here that were a lie. And you knew it when you posted it.

Posted : November 11, 2016 11:03 am
Posts: 850
Prominent Member

The back and forth here has been interesting.

Trump won. I think he's a vindictive and vile human being, without a clue how to run the country, or the temperament it takes to represent us. But out of respect for the office and the process that got him there, I will give him the benefit of the doubt and hold him to his acceptance speech, in which he said he would represent all of us. I hope cooler heads prevail on some of his more outlandish and economically hurtful promises, and that he learns to listen and take into account experts' advice in areas where he is ignorant (which he proved are legion).

While I understand the sentiments that got him there, some of which make perfect sense, I personally believe his supporters are going to be sorely disappointed in the long run, if not the short, when his magic wand doesn't work the way it's supposed to. But I may be surprised. All I know is it's now all on the Republicans if they sink or swim. (And if they sink, I'll be interested in who their scapegoat will be). We've repaired presidential damage before and we can do it again.

Posted : November 11, 2016 12:12 pm
Posts: 12365
Illustrious Member


5 Ways President Trump Spells Doom for the Environment
President-elect Donald Trump is no friend to planet Earth.
By Reynard Loki / AlterNet November 11, 2016

Posted : November 11, 2016 1:26 pm
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