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December 21, 2012

Posts: 92
Trusted Member

Maybe they were flying Clams. An extinct species of winged clams.

I think I'll go with tectonic plate movements. Much more likely.

Remember when the earth was flat? Everyone said it was. You could sail right off the edge if you went too far.

Posted : November 20, 2012 4:25 pm
Posts: 298
Reputable Member

Maybe they were flying Clams. An extinct species of winged clams.

I think I'll go with tectonic plate movements. Much more likely.

Remember when the earth was flat? Everyone said it was. You could sail right off the edge if you went too far.

😀 They were just as sure in their ignorance as we are in ours presently.

Our science is better now, yes...but we don't know everything and someday, someone will laugh about our technology just as we now joke about things said and done in the past.

"Remember when they used to pump all of the oil out of the ground, not realizing it was necessary for the tectonic plate movements they claimed to know so much about?" 😮

Posted : November 20, 2012 4:31 pm
Posts: 1037
Noble Member

I think this thread sailed right off a cliff.

Posted : November 20, 2012 4:31 pm
Posts: 2473
Noble Member

Sure...however, none of the Earth's geological processes disprove the existence of fact, those processes tend to indicate intelligent design 😀

I believe that there are no absolutes. I believe that there is a tremendous force at work in the Universe, of which we humans have very limited understanding or perception. If people want to call this force "God", fine. The force does not care what it is called, and does not need to be worshipped. It goes about its business, causes entire galaxies to be created by the trillion, and does not care one whit about its creations. The gift of life is the ultimate gift the force can bestow. What happens to the life force when it has run its course is anyone's guess...maybe it gets recycled, maybe it is lost forever. We don't know.

Sure...however nothing PROVES the existence of god. How do natural processes indicate intelligent design? Intelligent design has been repeated rejected as being totally unscientific. Despite repeated attempts to get ID introduced into our public schools they have failed.

Watch the video that I linked to above. The Baloney Detection Kit. Be skeptical! Do magical stories sound like anything that you have actually witnessed in your life, I personally have never witnessed a miracle or seen evidence of one that I would accept.

Believe anything that you like, just don't be so open to new ideas that your brain falls out. Be skeptical!

Posted : November 20, 2012 4:32 pm
Posts: 298
Reputable Member

I think this thread sailed right off a cliff.

Naahh...just people searching for the truth, wherever it may be found. We're very grounded.

Posted : November 20, 2012 4:32 pm
Posts: 298
Reputable Member

Sure...however, none of the Earth's geological processes disprove the existence of fact, those processes tend to indicate intelligent design 😀

I believe that there are no absolutes. I believe that there is a tremendous force at work in the Universe, of which we humans have very limited understanding or perception. If people want to call this force "God", fine. The force does not care what it is called, and does not need to be worshipped. It goes about its business, causes entire galaxies to be created by the trillion, and does not care one whit about its creations. The gift of life is the ultimate gift the force can bestow. What happens to the life force when it has run its course is anyone's guess...maybe it gets recycled, maybe it is lost forever. We don't know.

Sure...however nothing PROVES the existence of god. How do natural processes indicate intelligent design? Intelligent design has been repeated rejected as being totally unscientific. Despite repeated attempts to get ID introduced into our public schools they have failed.

Watch the video that I linked to above. The Baloney Detection Kit. Be skeptical! Do magical stories sound like anything that you have actually witnessed in your life, I personally have never witnessed a miracle or seen evidence of one that I would accept.

Believe anything that you like, just don't be so open to new ideas that your brain falls out. Be skeptical!

Oh, I'm as much a skeptic as anybody else...however, I do believe in the existence of a force that drives the universe.

I won't go into a discussion of intelligent design with an atheist...your mind is already made up, I'm not here to change it. I'm sure you have rebuttals for everything. Not falling into that trap.

We can agree to disagree.

Posted : November 20, 2012 4:39 pm
Posts: 2473
Noble Member

Our science is better now, yes...but we don't know everything and someday, someone will laugh about our technology just as we now joke about things said and done in the past.

"Remember when they used to pump all of the oil out of the ground, not realizing it was necessary for the tectonic plate movements they claimed to know so much about?" 😮

There are a lot of things that we don't understand. That doesn't mean that we should just make up answers based on no evidence.

Science is the best tool that man has come up with to understand our world. Science has always trumped superstition. Scientific answers never purport to be absolute answers, only the best understanding that we have so far. Look at how Einstein modified Newton, a refinement of our understanding. Contrast this to religion, absolute answers from the past with no evidence to support the ideas.

You talk about taking the bible as allegory. That was not always the case. Most religious people in the past believed in the bible stories literally. It has only been since science has disproved so many of them that liberal Christians have started calling them allegorical. Fundamentalist Christians still believe that they are true stories.

Posted : November 20, 2012 4:43 pm
Posts: 1037
Noble Member

Well, if Christianity didn't spread faster than the black plague, we would know what the Mayans were on about, because the Spanish invaders wouldn't have burned the largest library in this part of the world.

Posted : November 20, 2012 4:46 pm
Posts: 2473
Noble Member

Oh, I'm as much a skeptic as anybody else...however, I do believe in the existence of a force that drives the universe.

I won't go into a discussion of intelligent design with an atheist...your mind is already made up, I'm not here to change it. I'm sure you have rebuttals for everything. Not falling into that trap.

We can agree to disagree.

Your own statements prove that you are not a skeptic.

Skeptics require evidence.

As Carl Sagan said: "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence".
Where is the evidence which supports a god? The fact that we exist is not clear evidence for a god. This is supported by the fact that there are many different god stories worldwide and many cultures which do not depend on a god story to explain their existence.

For instance Buddhists do not believe in god.

I am actually an agnostic atheist. Only 99% atheist. If there was ever any actual evidence I would change my mind. It would have to be real verifiable evidence, not coincidence, not 2000 year old hearsay. Real repeatable, verifiable evidence. The kind a SKEPTIC would demand.

Posted : November 20, 2012 4:52 pm
Posts: 93
Trusted Member

Having been to Egypt many times it was amazing to read the chapters from "Fingerprints of the Gods" by Graham Hancock to really get a totally different take on the great flood and earth's devastation caused by exchange of gravitational poles over 10,000 years ago. It would be pretty exciting to finally discover who really built the Pyramids!

Posted : November 20, 2012 6:28 pm
Posts: 929
Prominent Member

"Evolution is intelligent design - No deity required." - IslandHops 11/20/2012.

Posted : November 20, 2012 6:37 pm
Posts: 1037
Noble Member

I think this thread sailed right off a cliff.

Naahh...just people searching for the truth, wherever it may be found. We're very grounded.

Right. A thread about Mayans and 2012, turned into is god real again. Yeah, that's on topic.

Posted : November 20, 2012 6:39 pm
Posts: 2473
Noble Member

I think this thread sailed right off a cliff.

Naahh...just people searching for the truth, wherever it may be found. We're very grounded.

Right. A thread about Mayans and 2012, turned into is god real again. Yeah, that's on topic.

And then copping out by saying...

Oh, I'm as much a skeptic as anybody else...however, I do believe in the existence of a force that drives the universe.

I won't go into a discussion of intelligent design with an atheist...your mind is already made up, I'm not here to change it. I'm sure you have rebuttals for everything. Not falling into that trap.

We can agree to disagree.

Not a whole lot of searching going on! Who has their mind made up?

Posted : November 20, 2012 6:45 pm
Posts: 929
Prominent Member

I think this thread sailed right off a cliff.

A fiscal cliff? Maybe the Mayans were just frustrated Republican tea-party types who wanted to secede.

Posted : November 20, 2012 6:50 pm
Posts: 298
Reputable Member

I think this thread sailed right off a cliff.

Naahh...just people searching for the truth, wherever it may be found. We're very grounded.

Right. A thread about Mayans and 2012, turned into is god real again. Yeah, that's on topic.

And then copping out by saying...

Oh, I'm as much a skeptic as anybody else...however, I do believe in the existence of a force that drives the universe.

I won't go into a discussion of intelligent design with an atheist...your mind is already made up, I'm not here to change it. I'm sure you have rebuttals for everything. Not falling into that trap.

We can agree to disagree.

Not a whole lot of searching going on! Who has their mind made up?

Not "copping out"...I respect your opinions, and I don't feel like getting into a flame fest with you about it. You are obviously a very intelligent person who has strong opinions and is ready to back them up against all comers.

It is useless to carry on discussions about the reality or not of God. Mankind has been doing that for eons to no avail. We are not going to settle the issue on a discussion board, and I like to maintain my respect for people that I communicate with.

So, next topic, puhleeze.

Posted : November 21, 2012 1:37 pm
Posts: 57
Trusted Member

Back to 12/21/12... I just booked a Spirit flight leaving STT that day, great price but will I feel like I want the world to end with barebones service? Any encouragement from Spirit flyers, please. Thanks!

Posted : November 21, 2012 2:09 pm
Posts: 298
Reputable Member

Back to 12/21/12... I just booked a Spirit flight leaving STT that day, great price but will I feel like I want the world to end with barebones service? Any encouragement from Spirit flyers, please. Thanks! 21st 2012 😮

Posted : November 21, 2012 2:32 pm
Posts: 2473
Noble Member

Not "copping out"...I respect your opinions, and I don't feel like getting into a flame fest with you about it. You are obviously a very intelligent person who has strong opinions and is ready to back them up against all comers.

It is useless to carry on discussions about the reality or not of God. Mankind has been doing that for eons to no avail. We are not going to settle the issue on a discussion board, and I like to maintain my respect for people that I communicate with.

So, next topic, puhleeze.

Fair enough!

Mankind has been arguing this issue for a long time, but you must admit that our knowledge has improved over time. Most of us no longer believe in a flat earth. Most of us believe in a germ based theory of disease instead of evil spirits. Most of us believe that television and radio are a form of technology and not magic. Most of us no longer believe in ghosts or witches. Yet some cling to the old ways.

In the past, talking about this would get you accused of heresy and executed. There was very little open discussion in the past, just forced belief.

I just assumed you were interested in discussion on a discussion board. My bad!

Posted : November 21, 2012 6:18 pm
Posts: 551
Honorable Member

My birthday is the 20th, so I expect to wake up on the 21st with a bit of a hangover.

Posted : November 25, 2012 1:57 pm
Posts: 8871
Illustrious Member


Posted : November 25, 2012 3:55 pm
Posts: 2259
Noble Member

Wonder how many people will be flying on 12/21? Wonder if it's cheaper?

Posted : November 27, 2012 12:58 pm
Posts: 1037
Noble Member

Wonder how many people will be flying on 12/21? Wonder if it's cheaper?

Or a lot more expensive lol

Posted : November 27, 2012 2:59 pm
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