Hurricane Matthew. ...
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Hurricane Matthew. It's become a dangerous, catastrophic hurricane.

Posts: 12366
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Wow! Hurricane Matthew.
It's become a dangerous, catastrophic hurricane.

This is a bad hurricane.
945 millibars ~ It's dropped radically since yesterday.
Now a Cat 4. 150 mph winds.
Weather Channel says winds may be stronger than indicated.
They won't be surprised if if gets to a CAT 5!
Moving 9 mph
Expected to intensify as continuing to move into higher ocean temps and conditions favorable for intensification.

Pray for those in its path!
We've been incredibly lucky.

So far.

Posted : September 30, 2016 11:15 pm
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You are all in my prayers...

Posted : October 1, 2016 12:25 am
Posts: 2534
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You are all in my prayers...

??? Why ??? It's nowhere near the VI.

Posted : October 1, 2016 1:02 am
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-- moved topic --

Posted : October 1, 2016 2:38 am
Posts: 1798
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Maybe he's praying for Jamaica. I hope I it misses them just like hurricane Ivan veered away from them at the last minute, it seemed. Yes Alana we were have been most fortunate so far.

Posted : October 1, 2016 2:56 am
Posts: 1885
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Remember all those time when a disaster has struck anywhere in the world and be it the mayor, governor, president has got on TV and said, we do not need blood donations, we are good on fresh food and water, but please, I implore you, send thoughts and prayers! If I was in a disaster I would make it my life's mission to hunt down every suburban soccer mom who sent "thoughts and prayers" and leave a flaming bag of doo doo on her porch

Posted : October 1, 2016 9:15 am
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I hope it misses them, too, Islandjoan.
Things don't look good for anything that may be in the direct path of this storm.
My niece, who lives in the Cayman Islands, is a bit freaked out.
Apparently, it doesn't take much for Cayman to experience massive flooding. She said she misses cisterns and living on the hillside.

Posted : October 1, 2016 10:58 am
Posts: 1885
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That is the main reason I didn't take job in Grand Cayman. I think like 14ft about see level is highest point.

Posted : October 1, 2016 11:22 am
Posts: 2437
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That is the main reason I didn't take job in Grand Cayman. I think like 14ft about see level is highest point.

Sounds a bit like Provo, most of it is flat as a pancake except for the Blue Hills area, the airport is at 15ft. Mathew looks to be headed right towards them.

Posted : October 3, 2016 2:24 am
Posts: 1798
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Yes it looks like the Turks & Caicos are in the path now. I hope all the islands are spared but those forecasts of 15, 20 and up to 40 inches of rain for Haiti are mind blowing. I remember 11 inches on STX in May 2001 and that was just nuts. Can't even imagine 2 and 3 times that amount of rain.

Posted : October 3, 2016 3:00 am
Posts: 1798
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From Jeff Master's blog on underground (I remember this very clearly because I was fascinated by the huge Ivan and watched this bobble of the track which spared Jamaica a direct hit):

Perhaps the remarkable turn of an approaching hurricane was by Hurricane Ivan 2004, as it headed directly for the island with 145 mph Category 4 winds.

Ivan took a sudden turn 35 miles from the island, traced out an exact outline of the island's coast 35 miles offshore, then resumed its previous track.

In the Jamaica Observer, Custos of Kingston, Reverend Carmen Stewart, contended that prayer was responsible. "It has happened time and time again," Reverend Stewart said. "I know people have been praying and I don't see any other reason why it (the hurricane) would make such a drastic turn…God hears prayer." Ivan still did $760 million in damage, making it Jamaica’s second costliest hurricane on record.

Posted : October 3, 2016 1:56 pm
Posts: 2473
Noble Member

Voodoo! That will work! Kill a few chickens and reroute the hurricane.

Posted : October 3, 2016 5:19 pm
Posts: 1798
Noble Member

LOL I knew the mere mention of prayer would elicit a response from rotor!
Well it certainly was bizarre how Ivan rerouted at the last minute.

Posted : October 3, 2016 6:39 pm
Posts: 1885
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Posted : October 3, 2016 7:37 pm
Posts: 490
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We then lived 10 miles north of Gulf Shores Ala. Where Ivan made landfall, We lost18 huge oak trees. Their root balls where sticking up about 10ft. off the ground when it was over. Every one of them fell away from the house. It was a long night. There was a lot of thinking and praying going on.
Everything was mashed up. No power for luckily only 6 weeks. People were awesome. Church groups came from surrounding areas and helped tarp roofs and fed people. The beach was completely destroyed from Gulf Shores to Pensacola.
All the family owned restaurants, bars, hotels and stores were gone. The storm surge was 30ft. AIG came in bought up everything. Built a bunch of fancy stuff. The real estate market crashed. AIG went bankrupt. The government bailed them out. The local charm is gone and so are many of the locals. Kind of like St. John these days I guess.

Posted : October 3, 2016 8:29 pm
Posts: 2534
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Posted : October 4, 2016 11:01 am
Posts: 12366
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LOL I knew the mere mention of prayer would elicit a response from rotor!
Well it certainly was bizarre how Ivan rerouted at the last minute.

I don't care how it happened just grateful that it did.
Hurricane Luis did a similar thing, jogging away at the last minute, sparing us but nailing Anagada.

Seriously though, you can't predict how these monster storms will track.
I'll continue to pray for all those in their paths.
And send aid afterwards when it's needed.

Posted : October 4, 2016 1:11 pm
Posts: 8871
Illustrious Member

i sure feel bad for all those in the path and i hope it is not as bad as expected

Posted : October 4, 2016 5:22 pm
Posts: 12366
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We're going to have a hell of a lot more devastation and people to pray for before this monstrous hurricane is done. It's mind boggling.

Posted : October 5, 2016 8:20 pm
Posts: 2534
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We're going to have a hell of a lot more devastation and people to pray for before this monstrous hurricane is done. It's mind boggling.

And now FL has the prospect of a double hit if the loop prediction holds up. And IF that happens and it gets into the gulf, then...?

Posted : October 6, 2016 10:57 am
Posts: 12366
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I believe we're going to be watching Matthew and its path of destruction for quite awhile. I saw that loop prediction and immediately thought of Hurricane Lenny aka "wrong way Lenny" many years ago.
It didn't do much damage in the VI but it clobbered St. Maarten.
I will be grateful when hurricane season is OVER!

Posted : October 6, 2016 12:55 pm
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