Is it time for knife control?
Teens should also be taught how to write a check, balance an bank account, and plan meals and buy groceries. Oh and have some understanding of simple and compound interest.,31052/
The answer is not a simple one. Sadly, the United States is a culture in which gun debates are deeply embedded and ingrained, with American children witnessing thousands and thousands of discussions on gun control and regulation by the time they are grown. For countless numbers of youths, these discourses on proper policing of handguns and rifles have become simply a fact of life. Why, it seems like everytime I turn on the television I see that some crazed reformer in Washington has unleashed yet another horrific gun debate, presenting their legislative arguments to dozens of colleagues.
It’s truly tragic.
Nearly every incident is the same: some progressive madman, having convinced himself that gun debates are the solution to some problem or another—God only knows what—devises a plan to present a meticulously researched plan on gun reform to a group of innocent citizens or pro-gun advocates, often at a large party, town hall, or congressional hearing. When the time comes, he lays out his arguments as comprehensively and coherently as possible and to as many audience members as he can. God, just talking about it now makes my blood run cold.,30984/
NORFOLK, VA—According to numerous reports, local 62-year-old Earl Bailey, who owns a shotgun and several boxes of ammunition, is currently the last bastion of defense between the United States of America and the federal government’s plot of a full-scale takeover.
Bailey, a recent retiree and a proud advocate of gun rights, has been confirmed by multiple sources as being a true patriot, and is, at present, the only person capable of preventing top-secret forces within the government from striking and forcefully coercing hundreds of millions of Americans to submit to a fascist and brutal New World Order.
Since the early 1990s, sources estimated the gun owner has staved off innumerable large-scale government threats, all from the center of his 12-acre ranch.
OK, so LF the gov. does track the sales of potentially harmful items like fertilizer, and if you think they haven't thwarted actions that we don't even know about by doing so then you are dreaming. The Gov also has for a long time had limits on what guns and weapons we can own, right to bear arms does not mean you can have a rocket launcher or flame thrower or hollow points, why do you think that is? could be the level of death and destruction that these items are capable of? Also citing the constitution as the end all of our rights is silly, folks don't want a federal gun law but the constitution is a federal document, it was written by men just like the bible and it gets adjusted as they see fit. As far as being able to own guns goes I am actually for it, I think it is really an issue of access, it does not need to be easier than a drivers permit and it is a responsibility that makes it more a privilege than a right.
OK, so LF the gov. does track the sales of potentially harmful items like fertilizer, and if you think they haven't thwarted actions that we don't even know about by doing so then you are dreaming. The Gov also has for a long time had limits on what guns and weapons we can own, right to bear arms does not mean you can have a rocket launcher or flame thrower or hollow points, why do you think that is? could be the level of death and destruction that these items are capable of? Also citing the constitution as the end all of our rights is silly, folks don't want a federal gun law but the constitution is a federal document, it was written by men just like the bible and it gets adjusted as they see fit. As far as being able to own guns goes I am actually for it, I think it is really an issue of access, it does not need to be easier than a drivers permit and it is a responsibility that makes it more a privilege than a right.
BTW, hollow points, rocket launchers and flame throwers are all legal to own; you just have to pay an extra tax 😉 I have a buddy in alaska with machine guns, grenade launchers and an anti - tank rifle (he own's a destructive device licenses).. I personally think it's a bit much, but it's his money....
Defending oneself and loved ones is definately not a privilege; no tools should be withheld from that, I don't mind a little caution though, I think it works quite well as is, machine guns are a bit expensive to get your hands on, flame throwers and rocket launchers are too.
The 2nd amendment wasn't written to keep annoying dogs off your property, Just remember that 😉
& if you think the GOV. isn't the biggest purveyor of the higalian dialect.... well let me ask you this:
Ever heard of the sinking of the RMS Lusitania?
The Reichstag Fire? (ok, not our government..., but still a good example)
The Gulf of Tonkin?
Operation Northwoods?
Iran Contra?
Iraq - Iran war?
Bay of Pigs?
There's so many more lovely bits of history.... it really helps one understand why the 2nd amendment was written as it is.
Though with technology at the level that it is today it's really just about personal defence anymore.. from the confused children that think it's cool to be "gansta" etc..
With the Boston bombing .... now we will need to control the sale of nails, bolts, nuts and ball bearings. As I stated before, the crazys will get you one way or the other.

We need to have background checks before you are allowed to buy a pressure cooker! Or a knife, or a gun!
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
-Benjamin Franklin

Pressure cookers are no joke. The ones you can get in the Middle East are heavy duty and make great IEDs. We should also do background checks on all the people asking for more background checks.
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