hypocrisy seems to be lost on some
Hillary Clinton lost the election.
I think it's a sad day in our country for people to be saying such blanket statements about someone you know nothing about. Seriously, are you guys so stupid to believe all those adjectives about Trump? Seriously?
I'm from Arkansas and you wouldn't want to hear facts about Hillary. Arkansans know Hitlery and she couldn't even carry our state. She's had more collusion with Russia than Trump. Just google the list of people formerly connected to the Clinton's that have mysteriously died or were suicided. I personally know one...a dear, dear friend of mine.
Or just google the words Mena, Arkansas and Clinton's. That should keep you busy.
Actually I think Rosesisland realizes that Hillary lost the election. I think the purpose was to point out the hippocracy of the whole situation.
Swamp filling
Con man
Just because someone doesn't support Trump does not automatically make this same person a Clinton supporter. However, I promise you would gleefully find harsher words for Clinton if she would have been elected.
Nonetheless, Clinton lost the election and will never be a viable candidate ever again. She's a worn out old woman though she is younger than our current president.
There already is a Democrat who's declared for 2020 - why not use him as a comparison to Trump?
BTW - Hypocrisy is a feigning to be what one is not or to believe what one does not : behavior that contradicts what one claims to believe or feel His hypocrisy was finally revealed with the publication of his private letters.; especially : the false assumption of an appearance of virtue or religion.
Where is the hypocrisy in stating Hillary lost the election? Seems rather factual to me - and irrelevant.
hypocrisy seems to be lost on some
Hillary Clinton lost the election.
I think it's a sad day in our country for people to be saying such blanket statements about someone you know nothing about. Seriously, are you guys so stupid to believe all those adjectives about Trump? Seriously?
I'm from Arkansas and you wouldn't want to hear facts about Hillary. Arkansans know Hitlery and she couldn't even carry our state. She's had more collusion with Russia than Trump. Just google the list of people formerly connected to the Clinton's that have mysteriously died or were suicided. I personally know one...a dear, dear friend of mine.
Or just google the words Mena, Arkansas and Clinton's. That should keep you busy.
Actually I think Rosesisland realizes that Hillary lost the election. I think the purpose was to point out the hippocracy of the whole situation.
pretty sure trump has been saying that on tv since the 90's
Yes, he did. in 1990 to be exact.
Not covered by any of the MSM.
Yes, Gumbo, I do realize Hitlary lost...I thank God! How could've anyone read what I said and think I was on her side. I was at one time, long ago.
Actually, I was a card carry Democrat from McGovern until '08! When they didn't nominate Hills, I started asking why, why a virtual unknown, nobody over took her for the nomination. I quickly realized I wasn't even believing what the Dems stood for and they had slipped way too far to the left. I considered myself a moderate.
Once I started researching and getting a real picture, I saw I was one the wrong side. Did I just say side? I'm not really a Dem or Rep. Both sides are correct on many things. Both are wrong on just as many.
But, the media has influenced so many people to their false narrative it's sickening.
The following quote comes to my mind when I think about the left these days.
"Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong, good and successful. They hate America, they hate Western civilization, they hate white males, they hate rationality. The reasons that leftists give for hating the West, etc. clearly do not correspond with their real motives. They SAY they hate the West because it is warlike, imperialistic, sexist, ethnocentric and so forth, but where these same faults appear in socialist countries or in primitive cultures, the leftist finds excuses for them, or at best he GRUDGINGLY admits that they exist; whereas he ENTHUSIASTICALLY points out (and often greatly exaggerates) these faults where they appear in Western civilization. Thus it is clear that these faults are not the leftist’s real motive for hating America and the West. He hates America and the West because they are strong and successful."
Ponder on that awhile. And, give Trump a chance. I gave Obummer a chance and he disappointed me greatly. You see, I've woken up and you still believe the lies. Is name calling all you got? If it is, I'm sad for you!
No one is not giving Trump a chance (well maybe not Alana LOL). What other choice is there?
Each and every one of us has the right to free speech and assembly - not just people who agree with you. Dissenting voices are the very basis of what I was taught is most valuable to Americans. That's why Nazis can march and give speeches even though a generation of American men sacrificed their lives 60 years ago fighting the very ideas Nazis purport today.
Yes, Gumbo, I do realize Hitlary lost...I thank God! How could've anyone read what I said and think I was on her side. I was at one time, long ago.
Actually, I was a card carry Democrat from McGovern until '08! When they didn't nominate Hills, I started asking why, why a virtual unknown, nobody over took her for the nomination. I quickly realized I wasn't even believing what the Dems stood for and they had slipped way too far to the left. I considered myself a moderate.
Once I started researching and getting a real picture, I saw I was one the wrong side. Did I just say side? I'm not really a Dem or Rep. Both sides are correct on many things. Both are wrong on just as many.But, the media has influenced so many people to their false narrative it's sickening.
The following quote comes to my mind when I think about the left these days.
"Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong, good and successful. They hate America, they hate Western civilization, they hate white males, they hate rationality. The reasons that leftists give for hating the West, etc. clearly do not correspond with their real motives. They SAY they hate the West because it is warlike, imperialistic, sexist, ethnocentric and so forth, but where these same faults appear in socialist countries or in primitive cultures, the leftist finds excuses for them, or at best he GRUDGINGLY admits that they exist; whereas he ENTHUSIASTICALLY points out (and often greatly exaggerates) these faults where they appear in Western civilization. Thus it is clear that these faults are not the leftist’s real motive for hating America and the West. He hates America and the West because they are strong and successful."
Ponder on that awhile. And, give Trump a chance. I gave Obummer a chance and he disappointed me greatly. You see, I've woken up and you still believe the lies. Is name calling all you got? If it is, I'm sad for you!
You are seriously delusional and should stop day drinking.
Address the issue instead of attacking the messenger.
Yes, Gumbo, I do realize Hitlary lost...I thank God! How could've anyone read what I said and think I was on her side. I was at one time, long ago.
Actually, I was a card carry Democrat from McGovern until '08! When they didn't nominate Hills, I started asking why, why a virtual unknown, nobody over took her for the nomination. I quickly realized I wasn't even believing what the Dems stood for and they had slipped way too far to the left. I considered myself a moderate.
Once I started researching and getting a real picture, I saw I was one the wrong side. Did I just say side? I'm not really a Dem or Rep. Both sides are correct on many things. Both are wrong on just as many.But, the media has influenced so many people to their false narrative it's sickening.
The following quote comes to my mind when I think about the left these days.
"Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong, good and successful. They hate America, they hate Western civilization, they hate white males, they hate rationality. The reasons that leftists give for hating the West, etc. clearly do not correspond with their real motives. They SAY they hate the West because it is warlike, imperialistic, sexist, ethnocentric and so forth, but where these same faults appear in socialist countries or in primitive cultures, the leftist finds excuses for them, or at best he GRUDGINGLY admits that they exist; whereas he ENTHUSIASTICALLY points out (and often greatly exaggerates) these faults where they appear in Western civilization. Thus it is clear that these faults are not the leftist’s real motive for hating America and the West. He hates America and the West because they are strong and successful."
Ponder on that awhile. And, give Trump a chance. I gave Obummer a chance and he disappointed me greatly. You see, I've woken up and you still believe the lies. Is name calling all you got? If it is, I'm sad for you!
I like you, have a little Arkansas Clinton experience. The fact that they weren't both in prison by the time Bill ran for President still baffles me.

One of the many hypocritical things about the left is how they view hate groups. The horrible KKK, a white supremacist group, should be banned from all public demonstrations. However, the Nation of Islam, a black supremacist group, and their leader Louis Farrakhan have twice been invited by the USVI Senate to publicly speak at events in Frederiksted.
Both are listed by the Southern Poverty Law Center as hate groups. Where was the outrage when Farrakhan came to speak here. I guess hate is ok as long as you hate the right people. (pun intended).

I like you, have a little Arkansas Clinton experience. The fact that they weren't both in prison by the time Bill ran for President still baffles me.
When Hillary ran against Trump there was only one clear choice. Gary Johnson.
Gary Johnson would have been fine. I've always been a supporter of both Pauls as well. I think Rand would be a great President.
I was outraged and disgusted
I'm not a fan of Farrakhan.
Never was, never will be.
BTW, the protesters against the disgusting Nazi display which ended a peaceful protester's life and many injuries in Charlottesville did have a permit.
However, it seems to me that many do not understand exactly who and what trump is, even when he has shown his character or rather, lack thereof, throughout his history.
Where is the outrage with his daily and constant Bullshit LIES?
Even republicans are running for cover and they best run faster.
"When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time."
Maya Angelou
First Amendment protects free speech and freedom to assemble.
These speeches and assemblies should not threaten the safety and peace of a community and its citizens though. Very difficult issue to sort through.
Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam are dangerous hate mongers and should be treated no differently than any other hate group when they threaten a community's peace and safety. Otherwise, no different than Nazis KKK and the like - tolerate.
It is untenable the VI Legislature brought Farrakhan to speak at Emancipation Day.
One of the many hypocritical things about the left is how they view hate groups. The horrible KKK, a white supremacist group, should be banned from all public demonstrations. However, the Nation of Islam, a black supremacist group, and their leader Louis Farrakhan have twice been invited by the USVI Senate to publicly speak at events in Frederiksted.
Both are listed by the Southern Poverty Law Center as hate groups. Where was the outrage when Farrakhan came to speak here. I guess hate is ok as long as you hate the right people. (pun intended).

Gary Johnson would have been fine. I've always been a supporter of both Pauls as well. I think Rand would be a great President.
Rand would be my choice for our next President. I like his Healthcare plans.
Paul laid out his vision for healing the health care system.
“The bottom line is if we want to fix health care, we have to have sufficient confidence in what made us a great country,” he said. “What made us a great country was basically we largely left you alone. The federal government didn’t get involved in your business.”
True dat. I quickly removed this but you caught me. Sorry rosieisland.
Western Civilization was a required college course. I remember reading Karl Marx and Voltaire.
You are seriously delusional and should stop day drinking.
Address the issue instead of attacking the messenger.
He's lying again today about that whole General Pershing BS.
GOOD GRIEF, people!
How long are you willing to excuse abhorrent behavior and DAILY LIES.
(I own the biggest winery there, etc, stuff it's unnecessary to LIE about )
It's constant, unequivocal BS.
He's losing it.
Hillary Clinton may have lost the election even tho she got 3 MILLION more votes but America lost with this particular Trumplemeantweetingthinskin presidency.
Western Civilization was a required college course. I remember reading Karl Marx and Voltaire.
Pretty amazing how long "higher education" has been completely compromised and obnoxiously proud of its information gatekeeping role.
We went from protests in the 60's at Berkeley for freedom of speech to recent protests at Berkeley to stop freedom of speech... I guess the pendulum always has to swing back the other way, eh?
But subverting college education is just,,,, disgusting and far more damaging to the future generations; very sad.
I recommend to anyone who asks that college is skipped unless absolutely required for a job (which is less and less common these days).
I only wasted 2 years worth of my life in college before I wised up.
Hillary Clinton may have lost the election even tho she got 3 MILLION more votes but America lost with this particular Trumplemeantweetingthinskin presidency.
You must have went to college, eh?
You do realize that the popular vote has very little to do with how presidents are elected, and it's always been like this...
Did you know that "senators" do NOT represent the people, they represent the state they are from?
Congress represents the people (and this is why some states have far more congressional representatives, that's as close as your going to get to "popular" vote).
This government works better than any other, even with it's massive flaws... at least learn how it functions before you criticize it.
we are a REPUBLIC, NOT a democrazy.
Obviously that's the problem.
However, every single one of you still legitimizing this presidency have refused to admit that you backed the wrong horse and continue not to address these issues plaguing this administration.
So fine, let's support white supremacy, the KKK, fascism, Nazi's.
Collusion, Russian interference in an election, nepotism, constant LYING and more.
You continue to excuse and accept every single unacceptable and abhorrent behavior. Why is that?
Stock market dropped 200 points today.
Trumplemeantweetingthinskin's presidency is failing because he is not a leader. He's unstable, even while vacationing every weekend and of course, now that he's on his 17 day trip. More vacationing than any president in 8 months, costing more than any president in recent history in 4 years.
You think Trump is unstable? Do you actually believe everything you wrote in your post?
Too bad the USSC disagrees, see Nazi/Skokie, WBC, etc
While many/most of these groups are repugnant it's a real slippery slope to start infringing on constitutional Rights.
First Amendment protects free speech and freedom to assemble.
These speeches and assemblies should not threaten the safety and peace of a community and its citizens though. Very difficult issue to sort through.
Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam are dangerous hate mongers and should be treated no differently than any other hate group when they threaten a community's peace and safety. Otherwise, no different than Nazis KKK and the like - tolerate.
It is untenable the VI Legislature brought Farrakhan to speak at Emancipation Day.
One of the many hypocritical things about the left is how they view hate groups. The horrible KKK, a white supremacist group, should be banned from all public demonstrations. However, the Nation of Islam, a black supremacist group, and their leader Louis Farrakhan have twice been invited by the USVI Senate to publicly speak at events in Frederiksted.
Both are listed by the Southern Poverty Law Center as hate groups. Where was the outrage when Farrakhan came to speak here. I guess hate is ok as long as you hate the right people. (pun intended).
You think Trump is unstable? Do you actually believe everything you wrote in your post?
Unfortunately, she does
I am wondering why y'all don't, especially when you choose not to direct your observations on an obviously inept and unfit president who is unequivocally unqualified, DEPLORABLE, pathological lying parasite.
What I see is deflection instead of confronting his obvious flaws.
Or snippy attacks directed at me, instead of staying on the subject matter.
I'm not telling you to "get a job" or calling you a "hypocrite," nor making fun of you nor anyone else who happens to disagree with my position and beliefs on this particular subject.
Nor will I be deterred from speaking my beliefs because of any ridicule that may come my way even if I'm surprised, often exasperated at the ignorance and blind belief that I see from a core base of his supporters.
Nor will it affect my interaction with any of you on the relocation forum that we choose to help or give our opinions on.
Yeah! He's as honest as the day is long.
Trump points to ahistorical nonsense following deadly terrorism
08/17/17 03:58 PM
Seriously, you don't think he an unhinged pathological LIAR?
Trump claims with a straight face he needs ‘facts’ before speaking!
(Insert upchuck emogi for the pathological LIAR)
I was outraged and disgusted
I'm not a fan of Farrakhan.
Never was, never will be.BTW, the protesters against the disgusting Nazi display which ended a peaceful protester's life and many injuries in Charlottesville did have a permit.
However, it seems to me that many do not understand exactly who and what trump is, even when he has shown his character or rather, lack thereof, throughout his history.
Where is the outrage with his daily and constant Bullshit LIES?Even republicans are running for cover and they best run faster.
"When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time."
Maya AngelouUnfit
Donald Trump wrong that Charlottesville counter-protesters didn't have a permit.
So glad he took the time to check "the facts."
Stock market dropped 200 points today.
And how did this affect your stocks, Alana? Did you buy or sell?
You do realize that a one day drop means nothing, right?
Why not show us how much the market has gone UP since Trump was elected?
But no, just focus on the negative...
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