Trip advisor review of sandy point
This is such a sad review on trip advisor. I hate that the tourist were scared off.
“Take a taxi everywhere. DO NOT WALK FROM THE PORT TO THE BEACH.”
4 of 5 stars Reviewed August 21, 2013 NEW
First off: This is not a safe island to take your family to. Always keep your head on a swivel; and take a taxi everywhere.
My wife and I walked from the cruise ship port to Sandy Point....bad idea. The neighborhoods you walk through on the way are VERY sketchy. Several locals, all on some sort of drug, absolutely hate tourists. We joined up with another family walking to the beach, to have strength in numbers. Several 30-some year old locals would circle us with bicycles and skid their brakes to intimidate us the entire walk. And locals in cars would speed by us and veer into us on purpose. Bottom line, if you want to see this beach, take a taxi. There is a swimming pool, shower, and bathroom at the so called "Sandy Point Resort". The resort consists of a broken gate, gatehouse, swimming pool, outdoor overhang, showers, and picnic tables right at the entrance of the National Park.
We were there last week (August 2013), and the beach area, once it enters the National Park area, is closed off due to turtle nesting season. There are areas right before the Park area that is not closed. The water is clear as can be and beautiful.
I feared for our safety on this island, even at populated beaches (where policemen guarded the parking areas). Due to the locals being so aggressive and menacing, I will never return to this island, or waste my precious vacation days on this island. It's sad, because I'm sure there are other places that are nice.
Visited August 2013
Several 30-some year old locals would circle us with bicycles and skid their brakes to intimidate us the entire walk. And locals in cars would speed by us and veer into us on purpose.
This is sad to have such a review be posted. However, I have a hard time believing the bit above. I run and bike that road several times a week (past the fish market, down to the pool) and have never encountered this kind of behavior. Some cat calling and whistling, but that happens everywhere.
And the Frederiksted pool is not a "resort" as these people stated--it is a public pool. Why would they think it is a resort?
Most of the tourists that visit Frederiksted that I talk to, whether on a cruise or not, have positive things to say, rather than negative.
yeah, I'm in Fsted all the time, that review is total crap
The thing I dislike about Trip Advisor is that you cannot call anyone on their reviews.
stxem, I feel much better now knowing you have never encountered such a thing.
I was so upset by what they said.
I'm in the tourism business so I really care about our tourist.
We used that park several times when we lived on STX. The snorkeling is wonderful and there is plenty of shade. All I ever saw there were family groups grilling and enjoying the beach. It is definitely a local place - I'm surprised cruisers even found it. I never felt uncomfortable and was never harassed in any way.
It is definitely NOT a resort. lol.
In confused.... Isnt sandy point where the turtles nest and there's a bunch of low income housing on the road before the park ranger house?? If so I wouldn't walk there either.
In confused.... Isnt sandy point where the turtles nest and there's a bunch of low income housing on the road before the park ranger house?? If so I wouldn't walk there either.
wow, just because people don't make a lot of money you won't walk near them?
that kind of attitude is pretty shitty.
Sandy point is a park, turtles nest there part of the year (and it is closed for that part) and there is one small area that is low income near the road to sandy point, but also several hotels and respectable businesses on the way as well.
I've been going there quite a bit since I got here, it has excellent beaches & great shade tree's right near teh water; it's a very popular place for locals but they are always very polite and even look out for the beach.
I've gone down there many times (and I look like a tourist) with no issues and never an uncomfortable feeling, but then I'm not elitist so maybe that helps.
It just depends on your outlook. Being a charter captain as well as someone that a long family history & growing up here in the VI, I was often appalled at the lack of statesider's/white people's attitude's about being around lots of black people. I was often appalled when I visited the states. Being considered white cheese here in the VI, I have managed to survive all my life here. If people that visit have no idea about colors, classes and cultures, any unwillingness to absorb the lifestyle, then they seriously need to stay in their own back yard.
I swear this board is the worst. After this post I am taking a break from it. LF I simply asked where it was - when I did my PMV we got stuck (lose battery cable) on the road to sandy point. As we got out some crack head comes RUNNING out of the housing area and started begging us for money. When I said I had none he THREW his beer can at our car hitting it and two more guys started walking over. Luckily my BF got the cable back on and we left. It was SCARY. I am not a gun brandishing "merican" like you are so when I have three crackheads coming towards my 5"3 self with a broken down car I feel unsafe. I'm sure this is where you'll tell me that I over reacted right? SMH.
I was simply asking the location to see if it was the same place we had our incident. I have NO problem with "black people" at all! I am the LEAST racist person ever. i dont care what color u are, I would be just as scared and clearly by this trip advisor review I am not the only one that didnt feel safe in this area. Actually if ANYTHING it's the white people I meet here that I don't like. They seem entitled and more "my way is better ". I find 99.9 of West Indians on island awesome.
So you can take your attitude and basically calling me racist and a snob and put it..... You CLEARLY don't know me one bit. I just can't believe the balls of some people. I don't call you an arrogant a-hole after many of your posts. No wonder why people who try to be positive and light hearted end up leaving this board. Bullies. Unbelievable. Ill come back when I need a dose of downers for now I will go hang with my POSITIVE friends....most of which are West Indian.
These tourists did not go down the road to Sandy Point. There is a "back door", if you will. If you drive past Cottages and Sandcastles, that road dead ends at a public park - the resort referred to in the OP. That park abuts Sandy Point and there are signs on the end of the beach identifying the protected area.
I did send the article to the dept. of tourism to find out about more police presence on cruise ship days.
They forwarded this article and my email to the Commissioners on STX and STT. That's a start.
I don't know if this tourist is exaggerating but I still think something happened, why would he make this up?
I had guest that had been driving thru that area and were harassed.
Me personally, I have never had a problem in that area. I always make sure I say good afternoon or wave going by.
I have been snorkeling right across from the projects before you get to the hotels. All I saw was trash on the bottom of the ocean and a couple of small fish. For good snorkeling down there, you have to go in front of Cottages or Sand Castle.
In confused.... Isnt sandy point where the turtles nest and there's a bunch of low income housing on the road before the park ranger house?? If so I wouldn't walk there either.
wow, just because people don't make a lot of money you won't walk near them?
that kind of attitude is pretty shitty.
Sandy point is a park, turtles nest there part of the year (and it is closed for that part) and there is one small area that is low income near the road to sandy point, but also several hotels and respectable businesses on the way as well.
I've been going there quite a bit since I got here, it has excellent beaches & great shade tree's right near teh water; it's a very popular place for locals but they are always very polite and even look out for the beach.
I've gone down there many times (and I look like a tourist) with no issues and never an uncomfortable feeling, but then I'm not elitist so maybe that helps.
Maybe they liked your looks. But just because you have had positive experiences doesn't mean everyone does or should. I'm not familiar with St. Croix. But There are places in St. Thomas that I wouldn't walk in the day time much less at night and that is Back Street and Hospital ground areas. But back in the early 70's I had no problems in those areas and frequently went there and played pool and visited with locals.
But times change, situations change and people change. I don't know why you got soooo offended over what AandA posted, I didn't get that from their post at all. I was much more offended by YOUR post.
What do you expect from a town who proudly refers to themselves as "burn city"!

What do you expect from a town who proudly refers to themselves as "burn city"!
I've never heard that...
What do you expect from a town who proudly refers to themselves as "burn city"!
I've never heard that...
Me neither...the nickname I know Frederiksted as, and what most Frederiksted folk call the town, is "Freedom City"
The labor riots, better known as the Fireburn of 1878, occurred in Frederiksted town.
The labor riots, better known as the Fireburn of 1878, occurred in Frederiksted town.
Yes, I am aware of that. However, in 10 years of living in Frederiksted, I've never heard anyone refer to the town as "burn city". The nickname "Freedom City", much more commonly used, refers to the emancipation of slave announcement in Frederiksted in 1848.
It was a pleasant walk in that area for us. I cannot wait for sandy point to open. It is a shame they had such a bad experience. However locals hate tourist and veer into them with their cars seems like trolling. From reading the review they felt like a baby seal surrounded by great whites who are all on drugs. I had a decent dressed guy ask me for money was the worst I experienced in that location, which I left my wallet in the car with the doors unlocked (I know already). A teenager road one of those baby motorcycles by us a few times but I felt he was showing off. Walked by a whole group of male teenagers a few on bikes and I think they were as uncomfortable as we were as everyone went quiet. I wonder if they walked to sandy point on the weekend as that place is crowded. I never felt I was going to be robbed or unsafe, but also we had nothing to rob unless they went to my car lol. Overall I say the person who wrote that review probably never travels.
Low income housing is everywhere impossible avoid. My advice to anyone is to behave as an alpha(confidence) in locations that may seem threatening. Humans like all animals pick up on fear and confidence.
I am sure that the original poster was giving an accurate account of what happened. That area could be one of the most beautiful beaches in the world, instead because of junk and trash it often looks more like an ocean slum. I have asked before, why don't the people in those projects have any pride in their island?
I have not tried to walk that area for several years, because my wife and I were threatened by angry young men who seemed to be waiting for a chance to frighten people walking by. Wake up folks, that is a problem area. Where are the police?
Pride in our surroundings is something that seems to have fallen by the waysides as one can see with the constant and overwhelming barrage of trash lining our roadsides. This was not always the case, here. On many islands, other than the VI, you do not see trash and junk, lining the roads and properties even in the poorest of neighborhoods. You see clean and well tended yards, trash free roads.
Why the VI has become a trash haven and continues to have such high crime rates for its relatively small population size, is quite
beyond my comprehension.
Tourism is supposed to be our life's blood, then why do we and our Gov. allow our islands to continue to be be in such shabby shape?
There are many other cleaner, safer and cheaper destinations to choose from and continuing down this path will only guarantee
that tourists will eventually choose those other destinations.
This area in Sandy Point obviously needs some rehabilitation. It should be brought to the attention of your STX administrator,
and possibly your police chief and tourism board. Is it a Gov. owned property? Does it have any connections to the National Park?
Who is responsible for the maintenance? Public Works? Waste Management Authority? Call your Senators and get them to work for
their salaries. Would the cruise ship line like to make a donation to improve the area, if they are recommending it? Maybe a concerted effort between all these entities can help with the prodding of private citizens that would like to see things made better in that area.
Complaining on this board won't change a thing, unless and until, all or any of you make the effort.
"The squeaky wheel gets the grease."
Good Luck!
I did talk to a police officer that works in Fsted about police presence during cruise ship days.
He said their are more officers on cruise ship days, he said they patrol down town, all the way down to sprat hall and Fsted pool area.
I guess they can't be everywhere all the time.
Stxer Although we can go back in forth how accurate the review really is I will at least agree they felt it was accurate. I think we have a major problem if people veer their cars towards tourist to scare them.
I agree Alana actions speak louder than complaining on the forums.
I was just in that area buying a gun and some drugs and when I was walking between the second and third Gaza spray painted tree, I felt a little uneasy myself.
Maybe it's like government lot in Csted and the cops don't like to go there at night, because it gets dangerous.
Alana 33, As I stated above I emailed the dept of tourism about this both on STX & STT. Only the dept. of tourism from STT emailed me back letting me know she forwarded my concerns to the commissioners on STX &STT. Haven't heard back from anybody.
I have spoken to a police officer in Fsted about this also. He said they have extra officers on duty on cruise ship days.
I'm not complaining on the forum, I'm putting it out there so others can respond to the tourism dept or the police. I can't do it alone. Maybe some of you will take the time to contact the dept of tourism about your concerns. It may help.
Last year I did complain to the dept. of tourism about the trash at Columbus landing. They did respond but we still have problems with trash.
Forget the parks service. The taxi's bring the tourist down to Columbus landing only to see trash and a small sign. We are tired of picking up the trash all the time in this area. We have made several complaints, they have some groups come down but it's only a few times a year. That is not enough.
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