I'm gonna need a room-mate!

My room-mate will be moving onto her new boat on July first, so I will have an extra bedroom in my apartment available for $750/mo, which includes all, except phone and wireless DSL, which is something I pay extra for. I spend a week to ten days at a time at the apartment, then fly to STX and spend a week to ten days there. Sometimes I have to go to America for work, and I am gone anywhere from 3 to 10 days at a time for that. My place is at the end of a dead-end road, right above Limetree Beach (you can walk to the beach if you want, but I'm lazy, so I drive), otherwise known as Bluebeard's Beach Club. I know that for a room-mate situation, this one would give you the most privacy.....oh, BTW, I have an $11,000 home theater system that you would be able to annoy the neighbors with in my absence (I do a good job of that when I am there!) I am a 40 year old alcoholic that has been in AA for over 3 years, so I don't drink, but you are welcome to, as I have my own vices (cigarettes, for one). As long as you don't complain about what I do, I won't complain about what you do (unless you were to damage my home theater! She's my Baby! Well, so is my Harley, so don't hurt her, either! haha!) My e-mail is marty_fredericks@yahoo.com, gimme a shout and lemme know if this might interest you.
marty are you the guy with all the tats, i think i may have met you at promises,i was staying with jonny(rock)

I think you probably met Clayton at Promises. He has lots of tats...kinda heavy? I have three tats, but only one on my forearm visible if I have a shirt on. check out some pics of me at www.flickr.com/arjeje
ah the guy i met shaves his head,rides a harley and is covered, he works for serenity

That sounds like Johnny...skinny guy? From California? Brought up with Hell's Angels? I guess I could just ask Michael (the owner of Serenity) who that is! Haha!

Just putting a bump up on this...I currently have two possibilities...one isn't 100% committed to moving here yet, the other can't come till August 15th. Isn't there anyone out there that needs a place for only $750, walkable to the beach, where the roomie is gone half the time??

It's beginning to look like I'm paying $1,500 for the month of July....
Hi Marty,
I just moved here two days ago. I am looking for an apartment,but I have a 13 year old daughter. What I would like to ask you is this... I am shipping my bike from Canada. It is a Kawasaki Vulcan 900 and everyone I tell that to says "DON'T do it"
What size is your harley and how do you find the roads?

My Harley is a '76 Sportster, XL1000 and my Honda is a Rebel 250. I have no idea why someone would tell you NOT to bring it here....in MHO I think the bike is the only way to go. Sure beats sitting in traffic. Put a set of saddle bags on 'er so you can carry rain gear (you'll probably only use it for ten minutes per week, if you drive your bike every day), or just carry your rainsuit in a backpack....or get wet. But the rain is such an insignificant factor. We drive on the left, so that takes some getting used to, but, as on my Honda, a 72 MPG for of transportation sure beats an SUV that only gets 15...especially with prices over $4.50/gal. I vote for bringing it....or just buying one when you get here. For the first couple of months, be very wary of other drivers and the way we do things here...biut it came very quickly to me and I am always comfortable on the road...even after a long dry spell then it rains and the roads turn to ice....ya just have to use our head. Do you have much bike experience? I mean, the scooter rental people rent to people that haven't been on 2 wheels since they we ten and they still do OK. Bring it.
Since you're looking for an apartment, could you and your daughter share a room? I'm only on STT every other week or ten daysFOR a week or ten days...interested in looking at it?

Am I a leper, or what?!? C'mon, folks! SOMEONE has got to need a pace to live where the roomie is gone half the time! What a deal! Walk to the beach! End of a dead-end road! A/C in your bedroom! DSL and phone included! $12K Home Theater in living room! Bring a toothbrush and you're home!

Just a follow up to this one...I have someone staying in the extra bedroom until the tenth of July, so, if you or someone you know, needs a room-mate situation-type of place...available 7-10-08...
(And it's only $750! Did I mention that I spend every other week or ten days on STX???)

i have pretty severe allergies... do you smoke in your house or have any animals in the house?

Yeah, I smoke inside, sorry!
....and there are wild cats just outside that hang around all the time (probably cuz I feed them when I have leftovers!)

well thanks anyway!

Does it help that all the windows and doors are open 24/7 except for your room, which is air conditioned?
Geez are you having a difficult time? I think you're offering a fabulous rental.
Could you please answer me why people who want to move here think they can get a 1 BD for 300 a month? Someone should really try to educate these folks who want to move here.

I know! It's ridiculous! I got an e-mail from a potential room-mate who is going to be a PhysEd teacher starting in August....and he said he didn't think he'd be able to swing $750/mo...Check the Trader and you'll find that sure, there ARE some cheap places...like in Contant...but would you really wanna live there? I know I wouldn't. I prefer the peace, quiet and safety that is afforded by paying slightly higher rents...my last pace, which was a tiny one bedroom in Wintbeg, I only paid $775/mo when I moved in about 8 years ago...last year, when I moved out, I was only up to $825/mo, but by then it included cable and ALL the channels, included the pool and jacuzzi and huge BBQ grill usage! And I never ONCE locked my door there! When I moved out, she asked for the key and I ws like, ".....uhhh...key? Did I ever get one?" haha!
STT is definitely not a cheap place to move to....but it's also one that I am not wiling to move away from....

well here's the low-down... my roommate is going to get her masters at univ of vi and i am always up for a change of scenery. so we are planning to move in late dec (after i graduate). we are looking to stay in a one bedroom for about 6 months just to be sure we don't overextend ourselves and also to make sure this is a good move. we're ok with being in close quarters for a short period of time. we are planning to work in a bar or restaurant at first (since that's what we've been doing for the past 8 years) and i'm going to see what is out there in the world of photography (my major).There's one big obstacle, my roommate has bad allergies. No animals or smoking inside. Outside is ok, but not inside. This makes finding a house to room in difficult. I think your room would be great (if you'd let 2 of us share it) but i don't think she'd be able to take the smoke (not her so much as her lungs). But i'll ask her about it since you said it's always open.

Sure I don't mind you two sharing a room...plus, I spend a week to ten days on STT, then a week to ten days on STX, then back to STT, then to STX, then to America or Puerto Rico for a week or so, then back to STX, then STT, etc., etc., etc., so I'm barely there half the time. If the smoke was too bothersome, she could just close the bedroom door and crank up the A/C when I'm there...just a thought....(you two would get the big room with the view, the doorwall onto the balcony and the A/C...I have the small one)

well... you've peaked our attention... the room with the view did it lol. what do you do for a living? (if you don't mind me asking) Also, I am def bringing my bike, a '94 Vulcan 500, can i ride it pretty much everyday? If so, we'll bring just one car. Would you be able to wait until late dec for us to come? We need this time to pack away some $$ and for me to finish one last class.

I sell medical equipment and supplies to the hosp[ital and doctors here in the islands. DEFINITELY bring the bike!!! You can ride every day...I didn't even own a car for about 8 years...just bikes...get wet sometimes, but, hey, that's what a rainsuit in the backpack is for! And, at $4.59/gallon, your Kaw is gonna get LOADS better gas mileage than any car! I get 72 MPG on my little 250 Rebel (bought it for the wife, kept it in the divorce)....but my Harley only gets about 10 or 11... 🙁
as far as waiting, hec k, I might have to, as no one has seriously looked at it yet...I have someone staying for 10 days starting the 30th, but that's as far as I've gotten....
http://www.flickr.com/photos/arjeje and look for "Rain in the VI 02". That pic was taken right outside your doorwall, looking due West...if I had looked to the left, you'd see the ocean and Limetree Beach, where Bluebeard's Beach Club is, but I was trying to get a pic of the cloud...

here's a couple questions... we're very excited now... is the room furnished? if not, it's ok. we're looking to work in a resort or bar/restaurant. are there some close by?

Yes...and yes....butcha gotta remember...the island is only 3 miles by 12 miles, so everything is close...but there are places within ten minutes that you could work in...

very true... now, what size is the room and bed? what's the bathroom situation? and i have a toy poodle. he's well behaved, quiet and potty trained. is that ok? he's pretty awesome and i can't live without him 🙂

Sorry, the landlord won't accept ANY dogs...I even introduced him to my pooch, who is trained like a human, I swear he understands English, and he still said no (the ex-wife has him now.) If it were up to me, I'd say yes, as I LOVE animals...but I don't own the place...
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