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Joined: February 11, 2008 12:40 am
Topics: 3 / Replies: 4
Re: Looking to settle in STT, Looking for advice

We just recently moved her and I am so glad that we have a back up generator. We actually turned one house down because it didn't have a back up gener...

14 years ago
Re: STX without a PMV

Hi, we just moved here (2 weeks ago) with our 2 1/4 year old son and so far so good. We checked out this week the local Montessori school and really...

14 years ago
Re: move with new born baby

thanks that list is very helpful. I also found a montessory school, which sounds good. Do they have Baby's r us on the island or similar stores?

17 years ago
Re: move with new born baby

thanks a lot for the info. It is good to know that the daycare is out of the question

17 years ago
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