Honorable Member
Joined: August 3, 2006 1:31 pm
Last seen: March 6, 2025 10:23 am
Topics: 1 / Replies: 527
RE: Anyone Else Currently Building in St. John?

Not rock, just the opposite. When excavations began we discovered higher and more expansive water table than pre-construction testing showed. Needed...

4 months ago
RE: Anyone Else Currently Building in St. John?

I can't help you with specific contractor recommendation other than to say the $600/sq.ft. starting figure sounds about right given the current econom...

4 months ago
RE: Shipping Container of Building Supplies to St. John

When we shipped our building materials & household good (4 containers full) from the US to the Caribbean we listed the "Country of Origin" as the ...

5 months ago
RE: Please help

To add to what jaldeborgh posted: Before making any commitment you and others in your group should do some basic research on each island and "no, th...

1 year ago
RE: Insurance on Wood Frame Homes in the VI

"Self Insured" means having no insurance. Some self insurers do put "would be premiums" into some type of savings or investment account, others simpl...

2 years ago
RE: Housing Replacement cost per sq ft

There's no set number, only a range. The replacement cost/sq.ft. will depend on the type of finishes you have in the house. The cost to replace a st...

2 years ago
RE: Thermal Pool Cover for Sale

That post is from 2012 so the cover is probably been sold by now. According to the original the price was $25.

2 years ago
RE: Household items advice

Completely agree with Ca.Dreamers! Follow the old adage, bring as much as you can, as soon as you can. You may not be able to fine what you need in ...

2 years ago
2 years ago
RE: New job relocation for son

He should ask his employer if the housing that is provided includes internet service as well as electricity and water. If not he will money for depos...

3 years ago
RE: New build recs

I have to agree with Gator’s Mom. When building our Caribbean “dream” home we were behind schedule and over budget less than a week after breaking gr...

3 years ago
RE: pharmacy tech looking to move the st croix/st thomas

Also, many employers tend hire people who are already living on one of the islands and don't take inquiries from people who haven't made the move yet ...

3 years ago
RE: Leasing a car in St. Thomas?

You should be able to find a decent car for $10k to $12k. It probably will be several years old but should be quite serviceable. You might find a be...

3 years ago
RE: Moving to Saint Croix with young family? help

daveb722's figures are good estimates but when trying to decide if you can "live comfortably" on a certain salary you should use them only as a starti...

3 years ago
RE: Moving to Saint Croix with young family? help

Yes, check out school options as the public school system might not fit your needs. Many people decide to send their kids to private schools and that...

3 years ago
RE: Leasing a car in St. Thomas?

OP only has a $10,000 budget for a car which means he/she wouldn’t be able to get a car in really good condition that would “sell for a premium” when...

3 years ago
RE: Furniture

We purchased all the furniture for our Caribbean house from Furnitureland South in North Carolina (near Greensboro). They have over 1 million square ...

3 years ago
RE: wanting to move from ga to usvi

You received a number of helpful replies on the thread you started July 7 asking the same question. Have you looked at that thread?

4 years ago
RE: Wanting to move from GA to USVI

It’s extremely difficult, if not impossible, to get a “serving job” without actually being on island. You see, employers learned long ago that the va...

4 years ago
RE: Buying vs Building

Beachfront property is always going to be expensive - after all there’s only a finite amount on any given island and short of a volcanic eruption that...

4 years ago
RE: Buying vs Building

Regardless of whether you build in the near future or wait until the extraordinary high lumbering materials prices (hopefully) return to more normal p...

4 years ago
RE: Ship vehicles to STT in container?

There’s nothing to prevent you from shipping two vehicles in one container provided they “fit”.

4 years ago
RE: green flash

I've seen the green flash on scores of time and even managed to get a photo on one occasion;

4 years ago
RE: Shipping via US Mail vs. shipping company

What shipping method works best really depends on how much “stuff” you plan to ship. We routinely send small boxes of personal goods from Texas to ST...

4 years ago
RE: Building In St John

I wish you good luck with your project but, having built an island home, I thought you should be aware that your term “modest home” will apply only to...

4 years ago
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