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Joined: January 1, 2011 1:41 am
Topics: 2 / Replies: 9
Re: whats the story with this house?

I refused to give you my information so that if I happen to purchase a home that is listed by your company I won't have to deal with your bad attitude...

13 years ago
Re: whats the story with this house?

with my firm in NY, buyers sign an 'exclusive buyers agent' contract. sellers sign an 'exclusive listing agent' contract if the buyers agent...

13 years ago
Re: whats the story with this house?

The other reason I didn't ask KIM is because she NEVER CALLED ME BACK - called her 4 times. Sent 3 emails. Nothing.

13 years ago
Re: whats the story with this house?

it is 32 carlton i was looking for community feedback rather than realtor garble. what is this area like?

13 years ago
Re: House Hunters International on STX

so did you guys have to move all of your furniture out for this?

13 years ago
Re: Victim of an vehicle accident other party no insurance

i think you need to sue the driver and the police department for negligence. anywhere else these unlicensed / uninsured drivers would have their vehi...

14 years ago
Re: Dish Network / HD channels

skysthelimit - are all of the stb's / dvrs on the dish network site available with you there?

14 years ago
Re: Dish Network / HD channels

Jumbie thanks for the input - Skysthelimit - can you send me the full and most recent list? Thanks

14 years ago
Re: Dish Network / HD channels

Jumbie - Thanks. I could care less about Fox News! Can you tell me what the recent additions were? Also - is it possible to get the NY loc...

14 years ago
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