BMV St Croix experience - email address?
Does anyone know the email address of the person running the BMV? Not the general public one. Want to compliment the ladies and also discuss the terrible attitude of the guy at the inspection station. He shouldn't be employed imo, but I guess that's more the norm here. Thanks. I have her Name: Barbara Jackson-McIntosh
Can't you call BMV and speak with her, directly?
@Alana33 Possibly but they posted a notice that the St. Croix lines aren't working (for at least the past 30 days). Hearing he is well known for his attitude, so i'm thinking nothing will be done. Was just frustrating as I was pleasant said hello, excuse me and he just totally ignored me and avoided any eye contact while filling out someone's inspection paperwork. Then when he did answer, he was not even remotely friendly or helpful. Guess I expected better, even just a little, but this guy shouldn't be in the position he is in if dealing with people. I reached out to the government house, we'll see if I get anywhere. Thanks.
I recently received an email from one of their support staff. Their email addresses appear to be
If I had to washer a guess as to her address, it would be or possibly a more generic based on her title.
Good luck, and please let me know if you're successful (I have a bit of mixed feedback myself)
The rude guys at the inspection lane has been that way for years and isn't going anywhere. Remember part of the advantage of being a government employee is you can be rude or be unqualified and not lose your job.
Posted by: @stxsailorRemember part of the advantage of being a government employee is you can be rude or be unqualified and not lose your job.

Maybe this thread will be part of the training scheduled on Tuesday:
Director Barbara Jackson-McIntosh informs the motoring public that the Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) offices in each district will be closed on Tuesday, July 14. The bureau’s employees will be engaged in mandatory training that will enhance and transform the way the BMV conducts business.
For more information, contact the BMV at 713-4268 on St. Croix, 774-4268 on St. Thomas, 776-6262 on St. John or via email at
"Enhance and transform"
How exciting.
They've already enhanced and transformed. They "enhanced" the way they do business via email and "transformed" into ignoring emails as well as phone calls.
@stxsailor I have to disagree, i got my first reply - never and 2nd email reply - 3 weeks later, better than I expected LOL
Actually the director replied within an hour. I talked to her about seating there and she stated it's supposed to be there, guess she doesn't visit st. croix often
my first car went through within a few days, I've been waiting over a month for my next one.
@stxsailor did you drop off your paperwork in the drop box? When I finally decided to check on my first vehicle, i inquired about the 2nd that was just brought to the island the previous week and they got it ready. Unfortunately I didnt have my vehicle there for the inspection piece, so I will go back this week. Otherwise, I could have had both ready in the same hour. Honestly I think they just sit there and do it when you get there.
The drop off box took a few days the email is the one I've been waiting a month for.
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