Cane Bay Beach Bar Robbery
An article in the Avis today stated that 3 men robbed a Cane Bay restaurant and bar Sunday around 7:00 PM. The article was a bit sketchy and did not mention which bar. Does anyone have any details?
All I know is it was Spratnet and it was only 5 minutes after I left. Scary stuff.
it was Calvins....Spratnet.......he refuses to get a phone.........and yes he was robbed....the nice thing is the police are actually patrolling randomly of the guys has been identified ........but nothing will be done........just like last year ....the caught the kids and let them go...........
This is the 3rd time Calvin has been robbed.
snapper --
Were charges made and dismissed or did the police let them go?
Just curious.
Is everyone aware of the breakins going on out east--nights as well as daytime--almost 1 a day for the last several weeks.
Unbelieveable the VIPD can't seem to catch them--they are hauling off the entire contents of some houses.
Yes, I'm well aware. They recently hit my neighbor's house and wiped him out in the middle of the day, and to top that off, we have a peeping tom in the neighborhood, who has been seen twice so far, but they still can't catch him.
yes 2 men were picked up and 1 was positively identified but.... he was released with no charges.......not enough evidence you the girl who made the id in front of the guy .(no mirror like on the TV) .....the girl is freaked out....oh well just like last year......its who you know .....welcome to the north shore........
I live on the North Shore so I'm very concerned about the recent robberies as well as the ones last year.
One comment. The police do not decide whether or not to charge suspects. That duty falls to the prosecutors office (I don't know what it's called here, in KY it was the County Attorney). So, if the police arrest and then release, they've been instructed from above.
Whoa. I haven't heard anything about the East End robberies. Any more details? (i.e., Neighborhood(s)? Have they hit houses with dogs?)
The St. Croix Attorney General's Office seems to take whatever cases they can get, even if they might dismiss later. They do rely on the police to generate a police report that will support probable cause for arrest. There are other early-stage considerations that, if not handled properly, will foreclose a successful prosecution. So if they decide not to press charges, its not necessarily that they aren't interested, but it might be evident that its not going to work from a very early stage.
As far as the home Burglaries, they are taking a lot of time in the homes. They took time to charge a generator before they took it, they drilled the bolts out of a safe to remove it and they are unhooking and taking the appliances, and the cars that are in the driveway. I know they have hit the Southgate and Teague Bay areas, but I'm sure there are more.
Yikes! Thank goodness for the army of the night (i.e., puppies) guarding our place. Where's the peeping Tom??
p.s. Is it proper to capitalize Tom in this context and, if so, should you also capitalize Peeping?
The Peeping Tom, or peeping tom (but never Peeping tom or peeping Tom), is in Southgate 🙂
Don't you guys have neighborhood watches?
These robberies are occurring in mid afternoon as well as night. South Shore around to N Grapetree, Teague Bay
and Cotton Valley.
Yes, there is a neighbor hood watch--they actually saw one in progress and called the Police.
I would guess at this point at least 20 big screen TV's (one a 52" plasma) have been taken. These TV's have to be going somewhere and someone has to know where but the VIPD can't seems to find out anything.......
Any info on how the burglars are getting into these homes? Many east end homes don't have burglar bars on the windows, but most have doors that lock and many have security systems.
I guess east enders should keep their cameras handy and be ready to get some footage if they think they see a burglary in progress. It may take some serious evidence to get the police and prosecutor to charge these guys when they finally get caught.
There was a crackhead burglar breaking into Schooner Bay condos last winter, over and over, day and night, for several weeks. The tenants finally hid in the bushes one night and caught the guy breaking into a unit and smacked him around a bit to keep him subdued until the police finally came to arrest him. The police wouldn't do a stake-out even though the guy kept breaking into the same 8-10 condos repeatedly. This guy was skinny enough to slip through the burglar bars on the galleries, then would break through jalousie windows or sometimes he pushed an A/C unit in and crawled in that way. Pretty desperate guy to get something to sell to buy his drugs.
The east end burglars sound a bit more systematic if they're hauling off large items and lots of stuff from a single property all at once.
last winter my son caught some folks in the process of breaking into our home--he followed the guys, had their license # and description etc--but the police said they likely were just looking at the house--(doing some renovations)...of course, we had to replace the slider door hardware, part of door jamb, etc, where they forced themselves just look around??? No followup by police--this was east end stx.
This is exactly why we decided not to live on STX after a 6 month PMV. The crime rate is gotten so out of hand and noone is doing anything about it. Even the condo we were renting in a gated community with security had cars taken about 5 times. And these condos were suppose to be some of the safest on the island.

They'll probably come back to the same places after they replace all those big screen televisions. Might be that the thieves are pals with somebody working where those sets are being purchased.
Go to, you might want to move back to STX.
Are the theives getting in through unlocked doors or window?
i'll take crime on st croix any day of the week over some of the places i've lived denver,omaha,minneapolis
I know one time the got in by lifting the slider up and off the track, and another house they got in through the louver windows. I'm guessing they are easy to break if they are wood, and that's all there is between the burglar and what he wants. We put in one of those pins on our sliders that secures the two sliding doors together so it can't be moved or lifted.
For extra security in the USVI, I have two words. "BIG DOG"!
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