Anyone meet him when he was in STX last week? Anyone heard from him lately?
did he show up? i thought he was supposed to be here by now? i am waiting to eat at lobster reef with him running it
Yeah, he's here. Saw him late night at Eat at Cane Bay. He sure loves talking shop! 😀
Chris, how about a progress update?
Well I have been without a computer since I arrived on the 12Th. I have been working off of my iphone and the little bitty key board it has, has created all kinds of silly problems,especially with my log in on this web site. So in a nut shell chockman has been replaced by AbovetheCliff. It has been a trip getting back to the board but I am back.
I am in Chicago right now attending the Eric Clapton Crossroads festival. I will return early next week.
Noah all is well and somehow still on schedule with the biz. The electrical was completed last week and Barbra started working on the Mural,refreshing it. There are new iron security gates going up in a few places. We will start the installation of the hood and fire suppression system next week as well as the gas valve and gas lines.
When I said we would be open by August 1st, I meant we would be open August 1st. Still playing that one by ear as most of you know but I have left very few, if any holes to fill at all . I expect the games to start around the second to third week of July. I have literally left no rocks unturned about the set up of this Business. If they have a problem,I have a solution ready to go. Bring on what they will. As the saying goes, The Devil is in the details.
Settling into the island lifestyle is not all that difficult for me. On the other hand spending lots of money and standing around and twiddling my thumbs will drive you nuts. All equipment will be delivered next week, so I will have a lot of cleaning and set up to fill my time. I will still be in and out of the place dealing with all the logistics and such. Just drop in if the gate is open, I may be there or I may be in town. If the gate is open, someone is down there working on the place. If the big blue Harley is there,I'M there.
Sounds like things are as good as can be for the moment! We land in less than a week. Can't wait to stop by!
Sounds like maybe a board get-together is in order. I believe there was one last summer, but I missed it. At least two of us will be arriving within days of each other, and several others are showing up around the same time. Not to mention those of you who have been there for much longer. 🙂
you changed your name chock LOL stil working on first week of september i have a line on the pac north west salmon $1.00 lb
We'll be down for T-day and staying on the north shore. Don't disappoint me chockman/abovethecliff! You're on the schedule for at least one dinner.
No holes unfilled, i hope so. If so it will be a record! Having owned two restaurants in U.S. no hole is covered with the health inspectors. Good luck!
Just read Hurricanes and Hangovers, laughed my ass-off. so true! recommend to all. if you have not been on island you will not believe. Miss Mermaid got it all so well.

No holes unfilled, i hope so. If so it will be a record! Having owned two restaurants in U.S. no hole is covered with the health inspectors. Good luck!
Just read Hurricanes and Hangovers, laughed my ass-off. so true! recommend to all. if you have not been on island you will not believe. Miss Mermaid got it all so well.
And be sure to read: Don't Stop The Carnival by Herman Wouk if you really want a glimpse into life on de islands, mon.. Also: Life in the Left Lane. Sorry. Local author's name escapes me... Terminal CRS at work...
And be sure to read: Don't Stop The Carnival by Herman Wouk if you really want a glimpse into life on de islands, mon.. Also: Life in the Left Lane. Sorry. Local author's name escapes me... Terminal CRS at work...
Emy Thomas. You can find the book in most local book stores. A great story. (tu)
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