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Disney Cruise to return to STX

Posts: 1842
Noble Member

Your last paragraph of your post today should be more than strongly suspect, it is "the problem"!

Posted : December 13, 2007 2:03 pm
Posts: 2707
Famed Member

i don't know, i'm just a worker bee down here in restaurants and i've done well enough as a waiter/bartender to buy a house on st.croix and manage to almost pay off a 30 year mortgage in 8, keep an apt on st.thomas with decent vehicles at both places and neil you started this whole thread with fredricksdead as i recall i think that could be considered negative propoganda.

Posted : December 13, 2007 9:25 pm
Posts: 3904
Famed Member

I don't really understand the need to slam. There are plenty of places in the Caribbean I don't like but other people sure do. I wouldn't dream of insulting someone's home. It's one thing to state what some problems might be but the snotty cracks aren't helpful & just make the slammer look kind of foolish for getting all het up over a place they wouldn't be caught dead in. If you don't like it, don't go there.

Frankly, I don't recall much negative stuff being said about Fredricksted and certainly a lot less than the badmouthing that occasionally goes on about STT. Tourism has certainly provided a wonderful living for me & many others, including bahn heahs for sure. Living in Christiansted doesn't make one superior to a resident of Fredricksted & definitely shows real insecurity to think so. Is that the Caribbean version of Beverly Hills 90210?

Posted : December 13, 2007 10:10 pm
Posts: 23
Eminent Member

trade: when you referred to c'sted as the caribbean version of 90210, I am not sure what you meant. If you mean that there is a higher class of people in c'sted over frederiksdead, then yes, I agree with you (crime, rape, robbery, home invassions, etc.) But there are many, many beautiful and georgous carribean islands in the carribean seas, so I am speaking only of STX.

Believe me...every chance I get, I go to STT and party with my friends. We always have a GREAT time over the pond. Looking forward to wings at Hooter's!!

I do not mean to insult peoples homes in f'dead. If I did I am sorry. I have seen many beautiful homes in f'dead, but if you picked that same home up and moved it to c'sted, your house would be worth 4-500K (at least) more. I have many friends who moved to the big island and lived in f'dead, like me. Either they didn't do research and didn't know any better, or they could not afford a safer place.

Please don't bore me with questions like...then why don't you just move to STT? The answer is I love C'sted. The people, the beaches (I am a sucker for the Divi and Shoy's), the places to go, the food and drink (bars).

If I bump into any of you out...I'll get the first round!!

I just hope that this answers the STT or STX question...wrong post? Sorry, I just got roped in.

By the way...please see my post on page 1, December 11th. No one has answered my question about what I heard (a new dock for cruise ships at the Molasses Dock). Is it for real, or what? (Just trying to get back to the original post).


Posted : December 13, 2007 11:23 pm
Posts: 1842
Noble Member

The Virgin Islands Port Authority Capital Projects has work in progress for the Molasses Pier (Ramp design & Permitting). They have a web site. This is an industrial point/port of entry.


Posted : December 13, 2007 11:51 pm
Posts: 1866
Noble Member

"If you mean that there is a higher class of people in c'sted over frederiksdead, then yes, I agree with you..."

I don't know Trade but I am certain that is not what s/he meant. It's scary to hear that you, julie_barstow, are of that opinion. Yikes!

Posted : December 13, 2007 11:58 pm
Posts: 23
Eminent Member

Lizard...thank you for the quick answer but, that site did not come back to anyting :(.

Maybe my friends at the dock were wrong (kinda doubt it), but you know how the gov't works here...right doesn't know what the left is doing...but thx anyways...I'll get the first round and the last...

C u at the boat parade!!!

Posted : December 14, 2007 12:18 am
Posts: 1842
Noble Member

Try this,

Posted : December 14, 2007 12:28 am
Posts: 23
Eminent Member

wow...thx Lizard...great website, but doesn't tell what's up and coming, only what is...any news on the new dock???

Maybe, you will buy the last

Posted : December 14, 2007 1:14 am
Posts: 1842
Noble Member

on that site they have a name and phone numbers who to contact , hit the bid and advertising! You can ask them questions about new and proposed projects.

Posted : December 14, 2007 2:44 am
Posts: 3904
Famed Member

I suspect it's pointless, Dntw8up. :S However, I'll give it one more try. A person's HOME is not just their physical building. It's the area. If you want to talk property values, take your Christiansted place & move it to St. Bart's & you'll see some real property value. My point is, it's childish to make fun of where people love to live a la Fredricksdead. It's also rude. And as somebody who survived the 60's I won't be caught dead in Hooters. 😛
However, I wouldn't slam people who just LOVE Hooters. To each his own.

Posted : December 14, 2007 8:12 am
Posts: 2707
Famed Member

umm julie actually cane bay has the best class of people we look down on you from our beautifull splendid isolation and shake our heads at you poor people who live elsewhere on the island and think "those poor souls"

Posted : December 14, 2007 1:20 pm
Posts: 2552
Famed Member

This Fsted vs Csted vs North shore vs East end, is starting to remind me of an old Star Trek show. The one where the two guys they find are trying to kill each other. One of them is white on the right side and black on the left side. The other is black on the right side and white on the left side.
Captain Kirk asked them why they are fighting since they are both from the same planet and look alike. They both look at him like he is stupid, and one says " but he is white on the right and I'm white on the left, can't you see the difference?"

Posted : December 14, 2007 2:34 pm
Posts: 72
Trusted Member

Terry is right. And that Star Trek episode is a great analogy for this conversation. The most remarkable thing I found about such issues when I first visited STX was this stunning discovery; the poorer people lived on the nicest part of the island.!! Because scrub and cactus were never my idea of a Caribbean Paradise I'm still perplexed. Many others (especially first time visitors) have told me the same thing.

But, I believe it when I'm told this backward state of affairs will all change when all of the new upmarket development starts in the the lush, tropical West. All over the Caribbean you find the poor and rich living very closely. Shacks next door to mansions. Doubt STX will be any different. Csted is and always will be beautiful, but Fsted will again have its day and I don't think that day is far away.

Posted : December 14, 2007 6:01 pm
Posts: 23
Eminent Member

Please don't make this thread a personal vendetta about me...I only say what I see, know and experienced.

trw...cane bay is nice, however my friends were robbed at gunpoint there. They called the cops who NEVER showed up!! I party there from time to time but would never buy a home there. Two kinds of home invasions on STX, those in f'dead and those in cane bay. Beside...it is way to far of a drive to Christiansted!!!

terry...you are making this post an "us vs them" post. You could not be more wrong. It is more of a "safe or when will I be mugged" post.

independent man...well, I can certainly see why you are independent! I have always said, "I'll buy the first round". In you're case, well, I am sure that you have more than one restraining order against you.

I have never said that the beaches of f'dead were not pretty. I go to sandy point (with alot of security) every now and again. But I prefer Shoys, Jack and Isaacs and my favorite...Divi. At Divi the beach is georgous and they have a full beach bar!!! You can't find that at to many places.

p.s. please don't bore me with describing the beach bars in f'dead. They are fun, but way to rocky to drink AND swim.

Posted : December 15, 2007 12:29 am
Posts: 254
Reputable Member

Christiancrap is the place I hate the most. There is no good reason to be there. Property value there is not good at all. In less you are making it to be the whole east end, Divi is not even close to Christiancrap. You could probably get to frederiksted just as fast. Gated communities is were property value is. Like Ford Estate or Prosperity NB. That is one east one west neither in town. The only reason I don't like Christiancrap is traffic and nothing but tourist stuff. I feel safe all over the island even the projects. No problem man.

Posted : December 15, 2007 5:06 am
Posts: 1428
Noble Member

Julie - are you blissfully unaware of the approximately 20 homes in the east end that have been invaded and completely emptied of their contents in the past few months? That has never occurred in any other part of the island to the best of my knowledge. Jacks & Isaacs is also somewhere that people need to be aware not to leave anything in their cars and to leave the cars unlocked or they will almost certainly be broken into before they return from the beach. The east end is not perfect by any means.

Your inexplicable and unprovoked speculations that Independent Man has multiple restraining orders against him I find bizarre, at best. If this is your standard way of interacting with people who live anywhere other than the east end, then I totally understand why you might not feel safe or welcome in Frederiksted. Is your eagerness to buy the first round because that's the only way you can get people to have a drink with you? Nobody wants to drink with a troll.

In many of your posts, you start sentences with, "please don't bore me with..." anything the other posters might have to say on a topic. Maybe you should take your own advice and not bore everyone here with your relentlessly negative posts. If you are so bored on St. Croix, by all means find another place to haunt and stir your cauldron. Your statement that it's too far a drive to go from Christiansted to Frederiksted is hilarious. You clearly have wrapped yourself within a cocoon of small proportions if a 30-40 minute drive is too much to contemplate. You must not get out much. That may be for the best.

Overall, the island is as safe as other places I have lived around the world. You do need to take precautions (as anywhere) to avoid becoming a crime victim, especially in known areas of particular types of crime. East enders who bury their heads in the sand at Shoys and believe that as long as they don't venture west of Christiansted they are living in a zone where crime never occurs are seriously deluded.

Or maybe you're a Troll who appeared for the first time on this website just a few days ago and your very opening post and every one of the 14 posts you have made since your appearance has been nothing but nasty comments about Frederiksted. You have provided nothing of value to any of these discussions and perhaps you should go read the instructions to new posters about the purpose of the website and the standards of behaviour expected within posts before you post further.


Posted : December 15, 2007 1:19 pm
Posts: 2552
Famed Member

If you take your examples to the extreme,

One person form Fsed, might say it is a safe place to visit or live if you stay away from ---- street as it is dangerous, I had a friend that was robbed there.

Another person might say to stay away from the USVI because they had a friend robbed there.

Everywhere can be dangerous, you must be aware of your surroundings and stay away from certain areas.

Posted : December 15, 2007 1:52 pm
Posts: 53
Trusted Member

Terry -

Certainly some places are more dangerous than others whether you are aware of your surroundings or not.

Posted : December 15, 2007 3:13 pm
Posts: 2552
Famed Member

That is true, but no place is completely safe.

Posted : December 15, 2007 4:07 pm
Posts: 2707
Famed Member

julie living in cane bay does not mean the bars, i know you're a bar type of person by your previous posts, so please don't confuse living in cane bay with getting drunk at a bar in cane bay, people get robbed all over the island.

Posted : December 15, 2007 4:12 pm
Posts: 23
Eminent Member

Wow alexandra...I do take back what I said about indepedant man. You actually sat back and counted how may postings I put on the board? I think I'll put the restraining order against you!!

You must not know to many people here. I know many locals who haven't been to f'dead in years because they say it's to far!! I thought that that was silly when I heard it. But living here for awhile, I can understand.

I do like to go out and party, In fact I am about to head to town right now. That was very mean you calling me a troll but, I'd bet that if I would let them your (husband, boyfriend, signicant other) would be buying the shots for me and my friends all night long ;)*

Posted : December 15, 2007 9:27 pm
Posts: 541
Honorable Member

My oh my.

Someone apparently doesn't know Alexandra...

Posted : December 15, 2007 10:02 pm
Posts: 81
Trusted Member

this is getting good

Posted : December 15, 2007 10:04 pm
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