Employment Attorney
Hi, Can anyone recommend an employment attorney? Thanks. JD
PM me.
Natalie Nelson Tang-How, Esq.
Natalie Nelson Tang-How, Esq.
The OP is on STT.
Let me take a shot in the dark. An employer screwed over the OP. Shocking. It's the same story. Then they all complain they can't get good help.
I hope it's Caribbean Auto Mart and he sues the crap out of them. They've pulled some real BS with people the last few years and they're one of idiots that complain about how difficult it is for them to find real talent.
Message Removed. Review Board Rules.
I assume the op had a private sector job. Actions and attititudes by many employers here make many workers avoid the private sector if at all possible or go to the States for better treatment and opportunities.
Most posters in this forum try to warn potential relocators, but there's always a positive story that keeps the dream alive. Survival here depends on having multiple back up plans.
WOW. Nearly 240 views and almost no replies like this subject is taboo or something.
No replies because maybe those who are contributing to the forum aren't personally knowledgeable about who might be best to handle labor law in St Thomas. There are many attorneys who practice labor law on STT but I only ever had dealings with one (who was excellent) but he's no longer practicing. It's that simple and nothing whatsoever to do with "taboos". Nothing like drifting off topic and making assumptions when all the OP did was ask a simple question.

Maybe 240 people should have replied "sorry, I don't know one"
Sorry, I don't know of any.
Natalie Nelson in stx
Natalie Nelson in stx
And the OP is still on STT.
It was a private sector job. I came here 7/31 and stayed at a friends place while they were in the states. I interviewed 8/1 and was hired. It was my only lead and if I wasn't hired I was staying the month and back home. I was assured I would have work so I did the apartment/car spent 10k plus to stay here and now no work. The separation was due to something trivial that caused my boss to have a meltdown in front of other employees and getting in my face and lots of swearing.
Being an "at will" employee does not give employers the freedom to behave that way and I don't believe for a minute he can't be held accountable.
The fact that this forum is to warn people of this potential made me think more of you would know an attorney in this area.
Have you gone to the Labor Board as a first step?
Have you gone to the Labor Board as a first step?
Where are they located? I'll try that first but I don't want to compromise my case by doing that until I speak to an attorney.
Their number is 340-776-3700. There's nothing to compromise by going to them first. If they're unable to resolve the issue, then you have the option of consulting with legal counsel for further advice. They're the first step so save your money until and if you need it.
You could try calling the VI Bar Association for a referral.
This is the only number I could find for them. 340-778-7497
Or contact the attorney MissJustice recommended, Natalie Nelson Tang-How, Esq., for a referral. Even if she's in stx, she probably knows who to recommend in stt.
Good luck.
What line if work are you in?
Maybe someone on the board knows someone that's hiring if in need of a new job.
I've dealt in the past with the Labor Board on both sides of the fence (employee and employer). Their services are free and I found them most helpful.
Thank you everyone for your assistance. I'm trying to focus most of my attention on finding employment otherwise I have to leave. I waited years to finally make the move and I'm heartbroken to say the least. I'll contact the DOL at the appropriate time. It's a small island and news travels fast. I'd rather find a job first as not to burn any bridges.
What type of job are you looking for?
Just tell Labor you need them to help you find a job. You don't have to mention your previous situation. Just tell them you need job search assistance.
The easiest way to find Labor is to head west on the Waterfront. Several blocks past Windward Passage Hotel, at the corner with the red double decker buses (Percy's Bus Stop), make the right heading to the big GERs building. Go into the gated parking lot (I think you have to pay) and walk east across the parking lot into another parking lot which belongs to Labor. The entry is around the building.
Adriane Dudley should be able to help. At Labor ask for Tito Morales. He likes that sort of thing.
Thanks for your input, Ronnie. We've missed you!
Update. I went through my folder and found a signed agreement that I can not leave the company until 5/30/15. Also I had to sign a confidentiality agreement. This may mean that I'm not and "at will" employee.

Did you have a probationary period?
Did you have a probationary period?
Nothing verbal or in writing. If I refused to sign then no job.
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