harmful plants and animals on STX for dogs?
I have searched the dogs topic......and could not find the messages I thought I read a while back....so sorry if I am redundant, but can anyone tell me about the dangerous plants and wildlife to dogs on St Croix? I thought I read the lizards can make them sick....and what about the Manchaniol tree? anything else? hoping to bring my Labradoodle down in the fall, after I get settled next month! Thanks for all the help......kids would be so sad to leave their friend in California!
Plants: The philodendron, usually a house plant, is toxic and puppies are attracted to them. Dogs generally avoid toxic plants, and they learn quickly to avoid the thorny ones like casha and cactus. Sand burrs are common at the beach and hurt dog paws when encountered. Usually dogs learn to avoid them, as do humans. Pick off the burrs so you don't bring them home and introduce them to your yard!
Animals: Dogs can get into trouble chasing the frogs and toads. The cuban tree frog is quite toxic, and the cane toad can be deadly. ( SEE HERE ) Some say that anoles can be mildly toxic to cats, but there is plenty of evidence otherwise. Dogs are uninterested in them. Dogs learn to avoid biting insects like centipedes and so on.
Occasionally lab-type dogs can suffer skin irritation from, among many other things, guinea grass and stinging nettle.
These are the biggies, off the top of my head. Hopefully others will be able to offer more.
thank you Sunnycaribe,
you always seem to offer such great answers to everyones messages here!
Beware of landscapers who spray weed killer without reminding you that if your pets eat the sprayed weeds/grass afterwards, they'll get very sick. It happened to our cat. I later told the landscaper that they should tell their customers, and they said, "Oh, everybody knows that!" Maybe not. In New Jersey, they put up little flags after spraying, to warn anybody with pets or kids, or anybody foraging for dandelion salad.
Being a Labradoodle, probably has high retrieving drive. I'd avoid throwing sticks anywhere there are manchineel. Plus, the dog may pick up an apple on its own and bring it to you all proud. Cane toad, VERY sad if your dog gets one. They walk in circles and die. Some people unaware may put rodent poison where your dog could get it. Sometimes they can get cysts between their toes from stepping on stickers or casha thorns. Mongoose may get some bites in if your dog gets a hold of them. Heartworm is probably your biggest threat, to be honest. Make sure your dogs are tested and on preventive regimen before you take them, if possible. If you take your dog beach combing, or wading along the shoreline, LOTS of things in the water can hurtt them. Stingray, sea urchins, even old hooks from lost fishing line cut loose by a frustrated fisherman with tangled line. If your dog roams loose in the hills, it may encounter an illegal deer snare, just about the right height for a dog like yours. Not trying to sound all negative, but "Paradise" is sometimes, well, challenging to say the least, especially if you are not used to it.
Thanks everyone for input....luckily, my dog is never left to roam...always with me......I will definitely keep him away from the Manchaneel tree and it s apples.....as for the cane frog,..will do my best.......the weedkilller may be the hardest so far.......my Labradoodle is a family boy that hangs with us all the time...however, would like to take him to the beach....will be very diligent on where he goes......hope he is able to live out his long life on the island happily with no problems.......
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