high school
Actually, I would talk rudely to people are are rude to me. I have no qualms about putting people in their place. I teat others as I am treated. Perhaps you are surprised by a new member not being intimidated by some vocal loudmouth regulars who are so used to getting their way thinking their clique is cool and powerful. I don't play that childish game.
No, you certainly don't have any qualms. We are all VERY aware of your superiority at this time...you just bust up with the answer to every problem that has ever plagued any place in the world. I think you might have gotten further by sharing observations rather than having the market cornered on solutions...people who live there are trying to explain how it is and you just simply refuse to accept it. Calm down - you won't change the VI overnight anymore than anyone else has.
If Japan was so great, I certainly think you should return there to practice your craft.
BTW - very, very few people on this board are totally anonymous unless they deliberately choose to keep it that way. Teresa's real name, uniquely enough, is Teresa....non anonymity there. Linda J is Linda J. I'd betcha Cathy's name is Cathy. If you've been on a small island, you know there are few secrets, especially amongst people who relocate and sort of hang together.
No one thinks their clique is cool and powerful - on the other hand, no one likes a party crasher either.

After reading all this, which seemed to start out as a simple question about schools, all I can come up with is a quote from another giant among men, Gomer Pyle: "Gaawwwllleee! (spelling mine).
I believe we should all be grateful and give thanks to the wisdom and spiritual guidance provided by such a remarkable being. HE must be the second coming. Though religious matters were not given very high marks in one of the posts, I can only surmise HE is far beyond the constraints of ordinary religion(s) and we should be honored and feel, if I may use that word, "blessed" by so many of HIS teachings, in this, and other posts. Because of my GP sized capacity for understanding, I know much of what HE wrote has fallen on deaf eyes but, nevertheless, I can appreciate that HE has come and life, or whatever HE would choose to refer to it as, will never be the same. I only hope the students under HIS tutelage, present GP's included, will quickly grasp HIS greatness and bow down before HIM, as only true servants should do.
And, as Mr. James from the infamous Bartyls and James ads so humbly states, "Thanks for your support".
BTW, Novanut is NOT my real name, although I do have a 63 convertible in the driveway :]
Posted by: sensei (IP Logged)
Date: Today, 11:30AM
"Never underestimate a stupid person's need to vomit useless crap out of their tiny mind when they have the security of anonymity. "
Interesting statement from someone who chooses not to post using even part of his own name, don't you think?
One has to wonder just how long you people will have to keep your group therapy public instead of actually getting back on topic. Safety in numbers, herd mentality, that sort of thing run amok........
Well, get us back on track, sensei......tell us about Japan, and we'll tell you where you're confused on the differences between the VI schools and the Japanese schools.....maybe everyone will learn something....but if I promise to learn, you gotta promise too.....
Joanne is Joanne, too....just so you can find those who hide behind anonimity and those who boldly post under their own name.....oh, and Alexandra and Alexander are one and the same....a little slight confusion on that one from time to time....
Hey BeckyR,
Senstupid is a mix of Ego, Ferrous Cranus, Jerk, maybe Big Dog, and Enfant Provocateur? I can't decide. He can't be past 30 years old, because he makes to many basic psychology mistakes. He rattles on much like a 14 year old boy. Although at times he could be a she in the way he/she seems so emotionally disturbed by what we say. Of course that just makes me into Therapist trying to figure it out. Oh well. Maybe he/she is just a disgruntled former VI resident and has no means to seek revenge so they spew on this board. At least we can rule out genius. LOL.
Board Rules - Not my rules.
Posts containing the following are Not Allowed: profanities, insults, arguments, comments not appropriate for minors, off topic discussions intended to negatively affect the operation of the board and flow of discussions, spam, junk mail and illegal content (including but not limited to pyramid schemes & chain letters). Do not make false representations or create multiple user names. Material protected by copyright may not be posted without the expressed permission of the copyright owner. When paraphrasing other works, cite the original source whenever possible. Quotes from and links to other web sites must not violate the rules of this web site or those of the quoted/linked web site. You may not copy and re-transmit messages on this message board; this includes but is not limited to copying messages in whole or in part and posting them on another site, message board or publication.
Another good rule: Don't feed wild animals.

Perhaps we could request HE be put on the money. "Hail Caesar! Hail Sensi!"
JJ (just joking)
Sadly, forums like this will, forever, be plagued by the likes of this being. Wait. Perhaps we can request to have this being placed on HIS own forum!
The End.
Not too long ago I was advising a student who had failed calculus multiple times. This student professed that his poor grades in that subject were because the mathematics faculty (most with PhDs) "did not grasp his genius". When I pointed out that, based on grades, it appeared that most of the instructors of his other subjects suffered from a similar failure to grasp, and that perhaps we could find a way to help him understand what was actually being taught, he exited vowing to find three faculty who would attest to his "genius" (that word again). I have not seen him since but I think we may have found him here.
Bringing this back on topic per Sensei's request, the islands are not for everyone. I love St. Croix and have a number of friends who either live there or visit there, but I know myself well enough to know that I could never live there (maybe snowbird, but not FT). I think we can all agree that improvements could be made in many areas, but I once had a very wise boss who said, "Even if it doesn't work the way you think it should, you need to watch how it's done for a while - maybe, just maybe it works anyway. If not, you've acquired credibility by that time and THEN people are willing to listen to your ideas." It's worked for me in every job I've ever had, but I've seen plenty of know-it-alls lose their jobs (some of them even my bosses) because you can't lead by telling someone that everything they know is wrong - they won't follow.
Could I quietly suggest that ignoring irritations often helps them to heal . Maybe we should take a one day "time out" and see if we are healthier in the morning.
Most trolls do go away when ignored.
"Most trolls do go away when ignored."
Then why are you and your support group here constantly running your mouth to each other in a group hug looking for validations against this outsider who dares to not allow your childish provincial natures to go unchallenged? I'm just pointing out how you people are not special. Your temper tantrums do nothing to change this fact.

"how you people are not special. Your temper tantrums do nothing to change this fact."
As I told my kiddos: "TEMPER TANTRUMS WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!" Then I whacked them on the butt and sent them off to their rooms. Do you think HE needs a good whacking? Or maybe just some sort of forum exclusion via Islander????
Inquiring minds want to know...
Come to think of it, HE could just return as 'sushi' or some other animal. So why not just do like someone earlier suggests and just 'ignore' HIM...
Gosh, I like this forum!
Greetings Family
I only joined less than a month ago and I have learned so much.
I would also like to add a huge thanks for those of you who have contributed to this forum.
I was just enjoying reading the information shared from the various experiences of those who live there and the desired transplants, aspiring to get there, but...
I must say, I laughed a bit.. (at this long, drawn out non-entertaining thread...then it seemed like it became a soap opera.
Bring the positive and share the love...and PEACEFULLY move on 🙂
"""""GROUP HUG"""""
Excuse me sensei. I have not been involved with all of this banter that you are engaged in. I answered you on another thread about LHD cars and asked you not to call us stupid. I finished it with a thank you. Now, if you feel I have bothered you otherwise, I see you have some other alternative. Personally, I beg you not to move here. From the way you have been writing about yourself and how you expect things to be done, you are not going to make it. Save yourself the time and money and find somewhere else to spew your filth. I usually admonish others here for scaring away potential movers, but in your case, I will agree.
Take care.
Good to 'hear' from you. I laughed so hard my sides ache. Thanks for the posts. I know it is better to not feed the troll, but it has been so much fun. Sorry Ron, I will back off a bit, I think the troll has hurt feelings...
I just hope it's not too late. During the LA Riots of '92 one of the greatest philosophers of all time said something like, "can't we all just get along"-R. King.
In the hopes of things becoming just a we bit better on the forum, please all stand and as I start please follow:
kumbaya my lord, kumbaya
kumbaya my lord, kumbaya
kumbaya my lord, kumbaya
oh lord, kumbaya
someone's singing lord, kumbaya
someone's singing lord, kumbaya
someone's singing lord, kumbaya
oh lord, kumbayah
someone's laughing, lord, kumbaya
someone's laughing, lord, kumbaya
someone's laughing, lord, kumbaya
oh lord, kumbaya
someone's crying, lord, kumbaya
someone's crying, lord, kumbaya
someone's crying, lord, kumbaya
oh lord, kumbaya
someone's praying, lord, kumbaya
someone's praying, lord, kumbaya
someone's praying, lord, kumbaya
oh lord, kumbaya
someone's sleeping, lord, kumbaya
someone's sleeping, lord, kumbaya
someone's sleeping, lord, kumbaya
oh lord, kumbaya
oh lord, kumbaya

I checked my voluminous rap album inventory and unfortunately I can not find that inspirational ditty on any of the releases from Rodney's Alta-Pazz Recording Company rap label.
Ronnie I have to agree. I have not been on line for a year "thank you STX" Can barely type from memory and trying to remember the keyboard. My goodness... though it is great to 'read' everyone. I'd love to meet Mr Sensei, Whatever! Lets meet on the boardwalk one morning as I walk to work - that would be fun. We could have a philosophical discussion about Richard or Dennis or Pualie or Mrs Judith. Or the guy with one leg . Or coconut man or whoever. If on STX you have to be there to understand there. Oh by the way, my degree is in education but I don't flaunt it. Any VI'er will know the respect that I have earned when I say that the kids on the boardwalk all call me Mommy.
Oh, You can find me any day at Cane Bay and my name is Eve. But watch out!!! My kids will chew you up and spit you out with the verbiage you have displayed. They are just as clannish as you have distinguished us as.
Come to the island and play with us.... I feel the need to suck my gums, chew you up and spit you out! By the way, It will take you hours to...whew and hours crap ... and whew... hours to get throuth wapa with the attitude you display here.
It'll be out on their soon to be released TRIBUTE ALBUM
Eve - the guy with one leg is "George". I find him inspirational in that he gets around all over the island on his crutches while others sit inside and never go anywhere at all. It's not unusual to see him in Christiansted, Sunny Isle, Fredriksted and points in-between all on the same day. Not bad for an island where some west-enders never visit Christiansted and vice versa.
All the above names are inspirational to me in their own ways. Thanks for the name and I have seen him and many others that get out and get around.
I leave for home in three hours yeahhhhhhh!!!!!!! I'll be back!!!!!!
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