How to caculate WAP...
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How to caculate WAPA from the meter?

Posts: 2294
Noble Member
Topic starter

So I thought I would see if I can figure out what our wapa would be. I'm HORRIBLE at math - creative brain lol. Disclaimer: newbie thought process ahead - read/laugh at your own risk!

I have a GE with 5 dials all pointing to different numbers. I HOPE I'm wrong about the $ I got HAHAHAH.

So the meter when we moved in was


So if I did the math right I used 786 KW? X .53 = 416? I've never tried to figure this out before so I may be way off base.

Now do I just count the spaces the dials have moved forward? That would be 283 so $150?

Anyone know if this is the right way to read this? I'm not shocked at the price because I know all about the cost of electric but a bit surprised its its $400. No AC, we do laundry (both electric) once a week, led TV and 1 60w lamp on average of 4 hrs a night. No microwave and haven't used the oven, not even plugged in. The water pump does seem to run a lot. I do charge cell phones laptop and iPad daily for an hour or so. We've been really aware and trying to conserve.

Here's pics, maybe someone can shed some light on the situation, charged at .53 LOL!
Move in day


Posted : February 12, 2013 1:29 am
Posts: 582
Honorable Member

OK hubby just looked at your photos When you started you were 45946 and now 46069 so 123 kwh x .53 = $65.19 plus the base rate of $30 (give or take) so so far your bill " should" be by his calculations around $95 +/-

Let us know if we are right 🙂


Posted : February 12, 2013 1:52 am
Posts: 2294
Noble Member
Topic starter

Thanks! I'll take the $95 LOL! I think we still have a week for this months billing cycle unless they pro rate it in order to send all the bills out at once. Haven't gotten anything yet anyways. Interested to see what it will look like. We haven't even needed the fans yet so im sure it will go up a bot but under $200 is what I'm shooting for!

Thanks Piaa via hubby for the math! 🙂

Posted : February 12, 2013 4:01 am
Posts: 160
Estimable Member

This link may come in handy:-)
I sure know it was a mystery to me, the first time I wanted to read one of those.....

Posted : February 12, 2013 11:30 am
Posts: 36
Eminent Member

This is very helpfu! Thank you! I want to calculate mine for a few months to make sure I am not being charged wrong amounts! 🙂

Posted : February 12, 2013 12:08 pm
Posts: 320
Reputable Member

Your initial meter reading was 45947 and the final reading was 46070, for a difference of 123 kilowatts. Based on my most recent WAPA bill with a due date of 2/4/2013, the current rate per kilowatt is .508917. For residential customers there is a base monthly service fee, or Customer Charge, of $6.22, regardless of how much electricity you use. Therefore, to calculate your bill you would multiply 123 kilowatts by the current rate of .508917 per kilowatt, which results in a usage charge of $62.60 for the period. You would then add the $6.22 Customer Charge to this for a total due of $68.82.

When reading your meter you do not round off the numbers. The meter is read from left to right. The individual dial to the right must do one full revolution for the dial to its immediate left to move one increment. So if a dial looks like it is on the "7" but the dial to its immediate right is on the "8", then the dial on the left is still a "6" and will not become a "7" until the dial to its immediate right reaches "0" (or "10").

Your electric bill lists all the individual rates per kilowatt as well as the Customer Charge. You can add up the individual rates to determine the current price per kilowatt. The individual current charges are the Base Rate of .093387, Line Loss Surcharge of .002196,, Pilot Surcharge of .000686, and the Fuel Charge (or LEAC) of .412648. Or you can take the Amount Due on your bill, subtract the Customer Charge, and then divide the remaining amount by the kilowatts used (which is also listed on your bill) to determine the current price per kilowatt. For example, on my bill the amount due is $422.52. If I subtract the Customer Charge of $6.22 and then divide the remaining amount of $416.30 by the number of kilowatts I used during this billing cycle of 818, the result is .5089, or a little less than 51 cents per kilowatt.

Posted : February 12, 2013 12:46 pm
Posts: 6523
Illustrious Member

No AC, we do laundry (both electric) once a week...
No microwave and haven't used the oven, not even plugged in.
The water pump does seem to run a lot. /quote]

If you have space to put up a clothes line and air dry this will obviously save you a LOT of money. Electric dryers are very expensive to run - gas dryers are a lot less expensive to run.

Your stove is electric? That too is very expensive to operate and way more so than a gas stove.

If the water pump runs a lot, check for any plumbing leaks - or the pump may need priming. Is the pump connected to your meter (it would be if you're in a single family home but not usually if you're in an apartment).

Posted : February 12, 2013 2:53 pm
Posts: 2938
Famed Member

Why bother trying to read it...WAPA is going to screw you one way or the other.

Posted : February 13, 2013 12:11 pm
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