Just curious-gas STT $?
It's $4.09/ gal on St. Croix. Wondering what the St. T price is today...thx and ouch.

Just my opinion, but the VI is and has been getting ripped off big time especially on STX for several years. No reason in the world why gas should be $4.09 on STX with a refinery on the island. Hovensa stopped refining gas 2 weeks ago so cost was what it was 2 wks ago yet they keep raising prices to the independent gas station owners who mark it up to their liking. No refinery within hundreds of miles of our hometown in Ohio and gas today was $3.69/gallon for unleaded regular. Glad to be moving back to Ohio this May.
$4.24 to $4.50.
It was all just a matter of time. Yikes!
East Ender
I wonder what price Boynes is at this time.
Are they included in your pricing?
Which one is Boynes? I took someone to the airport and was just looking at prices as I drove. The new place on the waterfront had people in line on the street to get in at $4.23. The place in Bovoni was $4.50. I just noticed that the old Texaco/Total across the street is closed.
It isn't just us though - while we're higher than some places on the continent, we're still less than others. Gas prices are going up everywhere, unfortunately.
East Ender
Concerning Boynes location, I copy & pasted Pamela's answer from another thread concerning gas prices on Stt.
Pamela, I hope you don't mind.
October 23, 2011 07:07AM. Registered: 7 years ago
Posts: 904
Out past the airport. Keep going north and you will see a sign for First Truck and Car Rental. Turn right there then start looking on the right hand side of the road.
(It's in the Lindberg Bay area.)
Not at all. Got gas at RaceTrack in Sugar Estates yesterday for $4.27.
Sorry, Pamela, but there is one problem with your directions that I just noticed when I reread it.
You will be driving west like if you were driving toward UVI then turn north when you see the sign.
No big deal 🙂
It's a couple blocks up on the right, You will see the white sign with black numbers that shows the gas prices.
I live on an island - my east-west-north- south skills are not what they were in the states 🙂
I live on an island - my east-west-north- south skills are not what they were in the states 🙂
Mine too. I have to think about it a couple times.
Maybe buy a compass. lol.
Jumbie - I was thinking exactly the same thing yesterday! Since Hovensa stopped production 2 weeks ago, the gas that they sell from now until June (?) should be sold at the price they were selling it 2 weeks ago - it should NOT keep going up based on the current market! They ARE ripping us off!!!
Just curious, how long did you live here and are you moving back to the states due to the current LAME ASS goverment and their inaction/tiefing of taxpayer's $$, etc etc?
The station owners are the ones ripping off the customers, not so much hovensa. I don't know of another place in the states where there is such a markup by the gas station owner on the actual price they pay for the fuel.

Jumbie - I was thinking exactly the same thing yesterday! Since Hovensa stopped production 2 weeks ago, the gas that they sell from now until June (?) should be sold at the price they were selling it 2 weeks ago - it should NOT keep going up based on the current market! They ARE ripping us off!!!
Just curious, how long did you live here and are you moving back to the states due to the current LAME ASS goverment and their inaction/tiefing of taxpayer's $$, etc etc?
My wife has lived here since Sept 2005 and myself since Jan 2007. Moving back for a number of reasons. 1: Our 5 kids & 10 grandkids are there and can't afford to visit us here anymore. 2. The LAME ASS CORRUPT gov't, 3. The ever growing cost of living here combined with the major riip off on gasoline costs and outrageous electric costs. 4. My wife is retiring.
Our house is under contract as of last Wednesday and hope to be free & clear of everything by May 8th when we fly to the states. Will come back on vacation in winter of 2013 and "rent" vs own anything.
To beachy: It is both the station owners AND Hovensa ripping us off. The papers still have weekly articles stating that Hovensa has raised the rack rate. Seems to me that since Hovensa stopped producing a few weeks ago, the rack rate should stay the same.
To Jumbie: good for you! You are very fortunate to have your house under contract! Oh and yes I forgot it is the LAME ASS CORRUPT government! How on earth could I forget the CORRUPT part?!?
Today, Boynes price is $4.289/premium a gallon. In and out, then the line started.
Texaco by airport intersection $4.54 regular.
Its a good chance the jobber- transporter is gouging the hell out of you. That's what is happening here in Valdez Alaska were paying 4.56 for cheap unleaded.Most refineries prices fluctuate with the cost of crude, then add transportation cost, and of course the gas stations make there's also. Been in this business over 40 years, with Hovensa shutting down most of the gasoline and diesel will probably be coming from Puerto Rico. Does any one know why Hovensa is keeping there tank farm open?
Good question.
Don't forget to factor in local taxes when comparing prices. $4.70 @ gallon in SoCal. I believe the feds completely under estimated the impact of Hovensa's closure on national supply and subsequent inflation. Bad politics any way you slice it.
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