Mill Harbor -- St. Croix
Anyone know why there are so many Mill Harbor units for sale? The pricing is approaching my tolerance point.
There are lots of units for sale everywhere:
Carden Beach 8
Club Stx 10
Coakley Bay 17
Colony Cove 8
Mill Harbor 14
Pelican Cove 9
Sama & Sweet Lime 14
Schooner Bay 8
St C 14
Reef 9
Villa Madeleine 7
Sign of the times. I believe many are due to the economic times on the mainland.
That's true, there are a lot of condos everywhere for sale. i prefer many of the other ones over Mill Harbor. Something about that stagnant pond creeps me out, lol
The pond is not stagnant. There is a fountain in the middle of the lagoon and there is a small water fall that prevents that. Mill Harbour got a bad rap a few years back due to lack of security. That has all been fixed now. It's gated with a security guard. It does have a strange layout for the kitchen though. Also like Colony Cove it is close to government Housing.
Anyone know why there are so many Mill Harbor units for sale? The pricing is approaching my tolerance point.
You will not gain much equity with these units but if they are approaching the price where you can rent them out for the same cost as your mortgage and condo fees it might be a good deal then. You know the saying about how your neighbors can affect your equity? Well all of those condos are very very close to govt housing. Its has a very shapy feel on the outside, old and dated. No one likes that pond. It seems like most of the units are rental units, so there's not a great sense of community. On top of all that the condo fees are really high for an older run down condo community.
These are the worst out of the lot on condo row. I would want to live in any of the condos on condo row, they all seem a little shabby and in a dangerous neighborhood, so I may not be the best judge. But like I said if you can break even on the rent to mortgage it might be a decent investment.
Betty when is the last time you were on the property. It must have been a long time ago. You need to come visit me next week and look around the New Mill Harbour
I was there about a month ago... We have friends that stay there for work and like that restaurant. As good as that fresh pizza sauce alway smells that place gives me the hibbie gibbies, like norma's does in the rainforest. I just want to clean it. 😉
Like I said the main problem with condo row is the neighborhood. Look at Questa Verde. Its also old and could use a face lift but its in a safer location, usually with no ocean views and usually sells for more. Totally totally not trying to knock someone's home. This guys asking for opinions and I'm just givin it. The ultimate will be his point of view, hopefully when he/she see it in person.
there are a few other posts about mill harbor condos. you can do a search and then visit and make your own judgement. i lived there for a year. condo fees too high and when it rains heavy the water is salty. kitchen way too small and cramped.

Maybe a lot has changed in the last year and half since I've been gone, or maybe I'm just a laid back person who accepts people for where they are in life. I hadn't found any place on St. Croix that I wouldn't go. I may not hang out in the projects at night or if there was a lot of upheaval going on, but if you interact with enough people on the island you are going to meet people that don' t live in the nicest areas. That doesn't make them any less of a person because of their financial situation. I guess we all live where we can afford. I like to get to know the people that are "real'. Don't get me wrong - I lived out east and on the south shore, but I accept all people. (Except those guys that made it on the camera in Yearasta's post - lol) Most of those people that live in govt housing have jobs that service you - either as a govt worker or at WAPA or somewhere you go.
That's like saying you don't go downtown Cstd because there's bad elements and you don't like to be around them. Have you walked the boardwalk over to the Sea Plane? Not the nicest area - but doesn't stop me from going to the plane. Or on Watergut where Corin parks her food catering truck at lunch. I love Corin and her food!
It's sad that people choose to isolate from the majority of those that live here.
I'm a little confused we're talking about buying real estate and making a sound financial investment not about making friends. One of the biggest financial investment most people make. I don't think anyone on this board is a snob in any way. You can't be and make it on this island. We all have to work together to get anything done. But when it comes to buying real estate you want to know you will get the best return on your money, or why buy?? Much easier to rent the cheapest place you can find in any neighborhood and just put more into savings. I don't believe everyone should buy, although I believe you should either buy or put a even larger amount in savings.

Perhaps I didn't word it as well as I should have. Not everyone who wants to move here can afford to live somewhere that isn't near a undesirable element (such as govt. housing). We shouldn't discourage them from living here - that's what PMV's provide for - your chance to see what the parts of the island are like, what you can/will tolerate and to realize(as best you can in a few days) that paradise isn't necessarily paradise. As we've seen from Yearasta's post about Security Camera's you can't guarantee living in a "desirable" neighborhood provides any more security. Just the world we live in.
While we all are looking to get the most for our money now and later, I didn't get from the man's post that he was looking to buy for investment only (your reference to renting it out). He's new to the board - registered just a few days ago. We have to remember that we are viewed as the "experts" to those that come here looking for answers. What we say can sway someone one way or the other. And while Mill Harbor (like the others on condo row) are near govt housing, that doesn't make them a poor choice.
I love St. Croix. I have since I made my first visit here in 1987. I lived on St. Croix for 2 1/2 years. The only reason I left was major medical issues that I chose to resolve stateside rather than on-island. I'm much better now and will be back on-island in August for my "get things in place for my move back" visit. It can be a hard place to live. Lots of adjustments. But it is also one of the most wonderful places to live. I was always impressed by the people here. Yeah, ok - the beaches caught my attention too!
Betty, I hope I can meet you when I get there. I'll be on-island August 22-25. I look forward to getting back with old friends and making new ones.
One love,
I agree that everyone can not afford to live where they want to. I'm still waiting to be able to afford my beach house. 🙂 You're not going to get as much equity from a condo as you will a house. And you will get even less from Mill Harbor unless you get a large unit with a fantastic view. Most of them do not have that. And that neighborhood absolutely scares away many buyers. Your neighborhood (location) and curb appeal as we all know now is a huge part of your resale.
I'll give you an example. Ask a realtor thats been here 20 years or longer when's f'sted going to turn around? Every time I ask I get a response to that along the lines of I don't know but people having been saying it's going get better as long as I've been here. I won't buy out there because your equity is less.
I'm not scaring someone away from living somewhere but telling them that's not the best investment for the money. He/she could always rent there if they wanted to try it out. I'm not willing to risk that kind of money on that large of a gamble that a whole neighborhood will turn around. I think people who risk their money are nutty, I work too hard for it. Some people do, but I'm not going to recommend it to anyone. There is also absolutely no need to buy. Some people rent their whole lives and have a lot less headaches. 🙂
Betty do you realize that all those folks that were looking to make a huge profit in real estate is one of the easons we are in this " recession" now? But I guess if your only reason for buying was making money you would be on St. Thomas or St John.
The only reason to buy is to make money. Otherwise why do you buy? You would just rent and throw your money away. Never said buying a house was a get rich poinze scam. It is still, for most the largest chunk of their retirement fund, thats why its is important to choose well and build good equity even if there is a recession. Not that you can always tell what will be.
Nothing I'm saying is radical or even the slightest bit new. I'm kinda thinkin ya'll are just arguing to argue.
Well some people buy thinking of a future sale to make money. Some people buy to retire and don't think about resale. Some people buy and plan on staying and raising a family and pick a place that they love and want to be. Not all people buy with thoughts of making money on the place that they live. Usually if you buy and live some place long term the value of your home will go up. Some people have family homes that stay in families for generations and they never consider selling. I don't thing anyone is just arguing with you to argue they just don't think the same way as you.

I believe that anyone buying anything in St Croix for any kind of investment return is fooling themselves. Like I said in another thread, I have had to up my rent many times to account for the horrible utility costs and then I get routinely broken into which costs more money for my and consequently my renters. I feel like I have lost so many of my return guests because they have found other places closer to home which are easier to get to, cheaper, and more tourist friendly. Flights from the states got ridiculous, why would anyone spend that much money to come to the VI to spend way more money when they can have a cheap vacation in some place like Mexico or even the Keys or Jamaica? I think the VI has got to heal itself of so many ills before guests will come that investment property is a bad investment. Buy it if you know you will want to spend time there yourself, not for profit.
How long have you had your second home on STX and how many times has it been broken into?
Mexico isn't the safest place to visit right now. I'm told that in the SoCal area, the naval base has restricted travel into Mexico by off duty sailors to only people who have family there.
What about Jamaica; tourists and encouraged to not leave the resort property. The Keys are wall to wall people.
Can't speak to Mexico or Jamaica but have to disagree about the keys being a comparable option to the caribbean. I visited the keys after several visits to Carib thinking that it would be similar and less expensive travel wise and was highly disappointed. In my opinion it was not at all comparable to the islands except maybe in temperature and possibly laid back nature. No mountains, no BEACHES to speak of except at one state park, no snorkel without a boat ride, and although there was no shortage of water views that was pretty much all the view was. No views to other islands, or mountainside and I could be wrong cause it's been a while but I also don't remember seeing the beautiful blues in the water that I love so much in the islands. It reminded me more of an east coast fishing town than of the caribbean.
i lived in the keys for 3 years in marathon and i loved it. i thought the water colors in the keys were prettier there. the water here is a deeper blue. the reef is further off the coast. your right about the beaches, there are not many. not all areas of the keys are wall to wall. marathon is more residential than key west. key largo is too close to miami. the population of the keys is about the same as here maybe a bit more. key west gets many more tourists than the other parts of the keys. i would move back if i could. but next time i would go to key west.
Mill Harbour Condominium is a wonderful, affordable and now upgraded place to live in St Croix. Mill Harbour has been under new management for a few years now. It has made a huge difference in it's overall image. It is clean, secure, well maintained and upgraded. It's cozy private beachfront is now under going a complete restoration and conservation from the storms of 2010. The Lagoon is getting back it's eco-balance with the waterfall and fountain. The lobster and fish will soon return in the clear waters of the Lagoon. The Mill Harbour community itself has undergone amazing changes over the last few years. Mill Harbour offers monthly pot luck dinners in the new picnic area and weekly shuffleboard games call "The Cocktail Shuffle". The MH community has come together to make sure it stays at it's best.
This year the well known Charles "Bud" Hawes 1969 painting was completely restored and conserved. The huge canvas hangs behind the bar at Smuggler's Cove restaurant. Smuggler's Cove hosts and was Vote #1 in Texas Hold'em the VI 2010! There is also a wide variety of entertainment weekly.
Mill Harbour Condominium is worth taking another look at to see all the positive changes.
have the condo fees dropped at all?
As of today's date...3 bedroom...Insurance Amt: 509; Insurance Remarks: Monthly; Condo Fee Amt: 501; Condo Fee Remarks: Monthly;
and ...2 bedroom...Insurance Amt: 410; (paid monthly) Condo Fee Amt: 400; Condo Fee Remarks: Monthly
So, it looks like about a grand a month for insurance and condo fees...ouch. Does anyone know if the sewage problem along condo row has been fixed?
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