When you respond to someone outside your house yelling "Inside?" instead of ringing the door bell or knocking. When you never expect anything to ...
I believe that anyone buying anything in St Croix for any kind of investment return is fooling themselves. Like I said in another thread, I have had ...
Just finished installing my security systems - I have gone from loving the peace and solitude of my beautiful home in STX, to being afraid to be there...
I was loving the article until the part where WAPA has to approve the equipment and our electric costs would not change. I have never gotten over how...
This one by Milgies grocery on southshore is my favorite. Even though this says "error" go ahead and click it to see the photo of the Slo Cow Mon si...
Proudly, STX!8-)
Being a resident of the great state of Illinois, I have great experience in what a really BAD governor is and Gov deJongh is someone we should all be ...
Hey everyone - this is my first post on the boards My property manager sent me the link to this board and thought I would enjoy it. My husband and I...