65 lbs, Brown, Pudgie, Collared and Chipped
Hopefully our next door neighbor hasn't penned him up too....
Message Me if seen!
Well, I don't know where to begin; this is all so overwhelming and sad..
Brownie Went missing yesterday afternoon, and most unlike him- didn't come home for dinner- this was very unusual. Carolyn tried calling him and looking for him, all to no avail.
She loked and called high and low- No Brownie. Today she get's home from work and walks all the way up our street and hears a dog crying and carrying on in or on 91 Estate La Grange- She calls his name and the dog cries-
Some months ago, this same "resident" or "neighbor" if you would choose to use that name, had trapped one of our dogs- Shadow- and had him penned up in an Animal Shelter Cage- the police were called and our dog was later returned to us- the female "resident" threatened to shoot Carolyn, but we decided to let the law handle this- they said that there was nothing they could do- that we had no right to go on their property- even to retrieve our pets...
Tonight she called the police- not once, but three times- THEY TOOK more than THREE HOURS to respond.. By that time Carolyn heard whimpering, yelping, growling, the more yelping and silence-
Around 6:50 pm I had called this "resident"- I said Moses- do you have our little brown dog penned up, up at your house- he responded "no mon, just my dog is penned up" I described Brownie to him, he didn;t comment.
When the Police finally arrived there was no sign of a dog- just an empty dog trap (did they get this one from the Animal Shelter too?) and Carolyn fell apart- the Police said they could do nothing...That we had "issues before"
Carolyn and another person sat in he truck listening to all this and waiting and called the Police three times. Poor Brownie, I can only imagine what fate befell him...
This is NOT the first or second time that this has happened around our neighborhood- all around 91 Estate La Grange- Jana Lee got two dogs poisoned to death with rat poison- going back a few years- our dog "Lucky" went missing, our Dog "Amber" was poisoned and died- Shadow has been poisoned twice- but we saved him both time, once over the Christmas Holidays.
Please post this to EVERY Animal Welfare Site that you find.. and pray that maybe, just maybe, Brownie somehow survived and will limp home tonight. This is not the end of this, I am going to go on 93.5 tomorrow and call in, I am going to call the St Croix Animal Welfare Center and to the St Croix Police Chief....Carolyn KNEW it was Brownie up there and we have another witness who heard it....
Dog poisoning is far too common on the islands. I've had more than one dog die to poisoning. Strychnine is a nasty way to die.
The way animals are treated here is disgusting. I can't believe there is a cock fighting stadium.
You can tell a lot about a people, by the way they treat their animals- Ghandi
I'm saddened by this. Perhaps your neighbor needs a ride out to the 11 mile bouy one night.
So sorry DaChief....I hope that wasn't him and he does come home.
I'm saddened by this. Perhaps your neighbor needs a ride out to the 11 mile bouy one night.
That ain't right.
I am so sorry for your loss of your beloved pet.
It is hard to believe that some people can be so cruel. It seems that our VI laws and the depts. that enforce the laws encourage wrong-doing and protect offenders more often than not by not doing the jobs they are mandated. It is especially insidious when an animal wearing a collar that is tagged and chipped can be kidnapped and killed by so called "neighbors." They could have easily called the Humane Society to pick up the dog or turned it in themselves. It really is appalling and disgusting. They should face punishment.
I went to great expense to fence in a portion of my property so that my dogs could NEVER be off my property unless they were with me on a leash. There are too many people out there ready to run over an animal, stone them, use them for bait dogs, abuse, mistreat and yes, KILL them.
It is a sad commentary on life in the Virgin Islands when people can have impunity to get away with this type of aberrant and abhorrent behavior.
My heart bleeds for you and Carolyn and Brownie comes home soon and safe. We just moved back here and somehow our beloved Standard poodle got out and I almost went ballistic! We searched high and low in Hermon Hill, but he showed back up, exhausted and a little wet.
When one of your other dogs went missing several months ago under similar circumstances, the suggestion was made that you fence in your property so the dogs couldn't roam or be coaxed from it. You said your property was very large and one poster then suggested you fence in just a portion of it so that the dogs could be outside but be safely contained and out of harm's way (i.e. not prey to your neighbor). My heart aches for your dog and I hope he does come home safe and sound. But at the same time you really do need to do something constructive to keep your pets safe. I'm sure there are some STX people on this forum who'd offer their help in constructing something suitable as nobody likes to hear these stories and particularly not a repetitive one such as this. You may not be able to stop your neighbor but you CAN protect your animals from him.
If you own your own property, the best way to protect your animals from going missing and apparently, in your case, your neighbors, is to fence your property or at least a portion of it. Yes, it's expensive but it beats losing a beloved pet and offers one peace of mind.
I went into debt to do so on mine but it was the best money I ever spent.
My dogs cannot wander onto someone else's property nor can another animal who may be vicious towards my animals, wander onto mine.
If you rent, approach your landlord to see if they would be willing to allow you to fence an area in to protect your animals from straying.
It's the only way to be sure.
a fence wouldn't keep my dog in. At great effort we fenced off a sizable portion of our property. Dog manages to escape. She wanders her normal 20 minute route and ends up back on the front porch.
I too had a great escape artist at one time!
Nothing could keep Sassy contained if she was of the mind to leave the premises. Nothing!
While she is no longer with us, due to old age and not being killed while wandering, there are electronic fences that other friends have recommended. All I am saying is that the best means of keeping my pets safe for me and not roaming, whatsoever, has been to have a fenced area. While Sassy is missed, it is a relief not to have the constant worry about where she is, especially during storms that would scare the wits out of her. Luckily, she did not teach her brothers and sisters all the tricks she used and all is well with the fenced area, my dogs are as safe as I can manage and I have great peace of mind.
I like the Idea of the ride to the 11 mile buoy.
If it was up to me it would be a nightly trip.
Plenty of Garbage to dispose of so little time.
dogs roam. they are pack animals and by nature crave the championship of other dogs. A "pack of dogs" will lay claim to a territory. Rarely do they leave their claimed territory alone or without some sort of enticement. I had neighbour who would feed my dog garbage (bad meat. spoiled leftovers). That neighbor's yard became part of the dogs' territory.
As a rule I don't give any dog treats. I've tried to train my dog not to accept food from anyone but me. I have not met with success. The 6" fence doesn't keep her contained. She escapes, finds her dog friends and does a scout of the "territory". This is her nature. I worry, of course. I try to mix-up her schedule by taking her for walks at her normal "roaming times" (sunrise and sunset). It doesn't work. As she gets older her hearing is failing. I worry for her.
Chief, I am so sorry, so very very sorry for your loss. I can't imagine Carolyn's anguish and desperation. Horribly heartbreaking. I hope you find justice.
My "pack" lays claim to my property and that is so much safer for all of us.
Good Luck!
Yes, they were both "enticed"- both times- that's they only way they'll go that far, sure they chased cars and such but always returned home. We are looking into a fence, but it is very expensive- we have a sizable piece of property....We are heart broken....
Brownie "stumbled" upon us about five years or so ago, he was a neighborhood stray, was beaten up all over the neighborhood, but our three dogs took a liking to him and welcomed him...He was obviously an abused dog. He was scarred up and beaten and avoided all human contact, it took us some months, but finally we gained his trust, got him to the vet, spayed, shots, you name it- Brownie became a part of our family...
On occasion, he would become very insecure and would go to the other three and later four dogs and start kissing them, in what I considered a thank you...he was very sweet but somewhat standoffish. I loved that dog greatly and called him my "little senepol doggie" because he resembled a senepol calf...
Yes, these "neighbors" have been killing and hurting dogs for years without fail, and all the police say- it's a domestic issue- like somehow we are part of the cause...We have found pieces of deer hoofs and everything in this vicinity- they obviously have deer traps around too- used to see alot of deer there- not now though....SHadow didn;t eat for days after we got him back- his stomach all bloated- and they beat him into submission- if you yelled or chastised him he would pee, this went on for months after... It's my opnion that we are dealing with premeditated animal cruelty here, or so it would seem.
Now why would someone not want any animals (like deer) not on or around their property- makes one wonder...Again, the VIPD really let us down, taking over three hours to get there..When a dog's life depended on it. Carolyn heard him harm the dog, then heard him shoveling...No, I think it very unlikely that Brownie is with us, but somehow hope that something can be done...This is very heartbreaking...
Thanks for your kind thoughts, words and prayers- please pray that some justice is found for our little "Brownie Doodle"...
Your story breaks my heart DaChief!:X:X:X
I can't imagine what you guys are going through. A missing or lost dog is bad enough. But to know who's doing this and hearing the horror and cries for help? I simply can't imagine what I would do.
Please protect the rest of your pack at any cost!
Here are some ideas. http://www.gundogsupply.com/dog-fence.html
Thank You!
I think I would take the police issue to a higher level. Hope you got the names of the officers who refused to help. It is the law.
I get that dogs roam and dogs get loose. That's why if you don't have a fenced in yard, you walk them on a leash if needed. If you don't and just let your dogs go, you are the one putting them in a dangerous situation. You are the one to blame. That's harsh and I'm not sorry to say it. Pet ownership is a serious responsibility.
I am so so sorry - my heart breaks for you.
I think I would take the police issue to a higher level. Hope you got the names of the officers who refused to help. It is the law.
Frankly, I'm surprised VIPD showed up at all. With the deer trapping evidence, you may want to have a little chit chat with another "agency". Press for a search warrant.
I take grave exception to your comment. While your point is an understandable one, I feel that it is totally unwarranted albeit somewhat callous. We don't live on a main street or even a widely populated area, with more than an acre of land, it's a joy to let rescued dogs roam. These dogs and other dogs have been routinely baited and coaxed up the road with food, leftovers- sometimes laced with rat poison.
It's more than 750 feet to the yard in question.
To be more direct, I would say that overall, the lack of respect and well being for ALL animals is widespread in our territory- look at the many horses, goats, sheep, cows, iguanas, dogs, cats and other animals which are routinely abused by neglect, strangulation, starvation and wanton violence such as being chased and mowed down by vehicles- no, I dare say that if it was your pets that have been poisoned or killed, you would scream bloody murder...(no pun intended). The type of disregard for animals shows plainly for the ills of our society and is rampant here in our territory.
This is a widespread problem in the Caribbean, no where else have I seen so many animals abandoned on the side of road...Get me right- while you have a case in point, some of us do not live in populated areas and your point about leashes and over 2 acres of fencing is a moot one.
Do pardon my being harsh with you- but there is a collective fault here- starting with us tolerating individuals who callously, wantonly and maliciously kill a defensless animal, these individuals never complained to ANY of there neighbors, never complain about dogs, never call any of their neighbors to complain- just harm them- THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE.
I take grave exception to your comment. While your point is an understandable one, I feel that it is totally unwarranted albeit somewhat callous. We don't live on a main street or even a widely populated area, with more than an acre of land, it's a joy to let rescued dogs roam. These dogs and other dogs have been routinely baited and coaxed up the road with food, leftovers- sometimes laced with rat poison.
It's more than 750 feet to the yard in question.
Then you can likewise take exception to my comments. The comments related to your inaction in providing a safe fenced in area for your dogs are neither unwarranted nor somewhat callous given that only a few months ago when exactly the same thing happened to one of your other dogs, you were encouraged to provide same in order to protect them. You know your neighbor's horrible, cruel proclivities. you already went through one dreadful ordeal and yet you did nothing to further protect your pets. It may be "a joy to let rescued dogs roam" but that hasn't worked out too well for you, has it? They wouldn't have been able to be coaxed and baited up the road if they'd been safely contained.
Instead of arguing that you either can't or won't provide a safe haven for your dogs (you mentioned they chase cars and seem to think that's just fun and OK) maybe you should think about opening your ears and accepting suggestions from people who've successfully dealt with containing their pets.
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