Mooring Enforcer Goes Down !!!
Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
Um... "couldn't happen"???
It didn't "happen" - he DID it!
Caught IN the boat, WITH the drugs.
May be a nice guy, but he's also a criminal!
Hopefully you were being facetious....
He sure was!! A guy totally full of himself!! Can't wait to hear what his defense will be.

Wasn't getting paid enough I'm sure.
Wasn't getting paid enough I'm sure.
:S What do you mean?
Um... "couldn't happen"???
It didn't "happen" - he DID it!
Caught IN the boat, WITH the drugs.
May be a nice guy, but he's also a criminal!
Hopefully you were being facetious....
I'm pretty sure that was sarcasim 😉
this is the same guy that was caught cutting boats free while armed with a weapon isn't it?
So how many of the folks that worked with him do you think were complicit in his extraneous activities?

sorry: I mean his reason or one of them will likely be lack of salary from his enforcement position. That seems to be the average response when law enforcement officials get caught dealing or transporting drugs. Our former police chief was dismissed for allowing his nephew who was also a cop to deal. That was the reason they both gave. Not enough pay for the job they do.
So how many of the folks that worked with him do you think were complicit in his extraneous activities?
That's a good question for the feds. I bet more than 20 DPNR and VIPD. Think about it. They need coverage for land and sea. Even if not directly involved somebody had to suspect something didn't add up. The feds must have one or two inside guys.
I also suspect that DPNR had an "alternative motive" for undertaking the "mooring incident' in the first place. Remember that were illegally entering the cabins of boats and conducting unauthorized searches. Then asking for ID and photographing all the "witnesses" with threat of arrest for obstruction of justice? Then returned to cut mooring lines...
I betcha DPNR was looking for a lost shipment of cocaine. And when they didn't find the goods, the DPNR/Gang-bangers-with-badges needed to show who's boss.
It's just a simple law of human nature. When someone "appears over react", that's a hint there is more to the story.
I bet the ATF guys are happy. Justice is the sweetest revenge.
FRom D.O.J. report, "....Colombian and Venezuelan DTOs are able to successfully air-drop cocaine in the eastern Caribbean because of the vast area and multiple islands in the vicinity of the Virgin Islands. Local traffickers, who typically retrieve these shipments and transport them in boats to the British Virgin Islands, are often able to complete their activities before interdiction forces—which are limited in number11—can pinpoint the air-drop location and respond.12 Once the shipments arrive in the British Virgin Islands, most of the cocaine is further transported to the USVI or Puerto Rico, with a portion remaining on the islands for local distribution."
I like that he was arreasted at the Red Hook dock. I hope it was the main commerical dock (and not the NP) and someone filmed it for you tube.

There is some kind of business going on "After Hours" for true.
Think about this: as much/often as the governor gets into his appointed employees positions/jobs, do you really believe that this governor did not know what was going on?
Remember former police commissioner Henry White's comment upon leaving? Something to the effect "the governor has restrictions on what can & can not be done"?
The moral to the story is....rigged elections produce rigged results in our community.
Please, get behind the move to acquire new voting machines. Although it is law that we use a certain type of machine, there is a move to keep 75% of the old ones in service.
That's my story & I'm sticking to it.
He sure was!! A guy totally full of himself!! Can't wait to hear what his defense will be.
Come on IJ. The VI govt is full of corrupt people only looking out for themselves. You never heard the phrase, "couldn't happen to a nicer guy"........ I hope they lock him up and throw away the keys.
The only question that remains ls ..... this type of action by a high official does not go unnoticed and he most likely had help from the inside ..... above and below him ?
Related articles:
"His annual salary for 2012 was $73,600"
It sounds like he was doing all the running around by himself that day, acting as a go-between for two PR buyers and a STJ seller.
Think about this: as much/often as the governor gets into his appointed employees positions/jobs, do you really believe that this governor did not know what was going on?
About as much as I believe that the President didn't know what was going on with all of the latest corruption and abhorrent behavior in the administration. Whether the top dog (Gov or Pres) knew or not it happens on their watch and "The buck stops here". No one in politics is trying to end corruption because they all benefit too much.
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